Fb Editions imprint: 194 books

by Mary Grant Bruce
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2018

Norah, Jim and Wally have to grow up, but that is always the order of things. Growing up brings its own attractions, to say nothing of its own romances. One of the best books in the Billabong series, Billabong's Daughter delves a lot more into the emotions of Jim, Norah and Wally than previous...
by Xavier Eyma
Language: French
Release Date: June 8, 2018

Le 4 janvier 1717, la frégate française la Valeur courait à toutes voiles sur la Martinique, portant à son bord le marquis de la Varenne que le conseil de marine venait de nommer gouverneur général des îles. Vers le soir, le capitaine, afin d’éviter les atterrissages pendant la nuit, fit...
by Eugène Müntz
Language: French
Release Date: June 8, 2018

Eugène Müntz, né le 11 juin 1845 à Soultz-sous-Forêts et mort le 30 octobre 1902 à Paris, est un historien de l'art français, spécialiste de la Renaissance italienne.

Shakespearean Playhouses (Ilustrated)

A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration

by Joseph Quincy Adams
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2018

THE method of dramatic representation in the time of Shakespeare has long received close study. Among those who have more recently devoted their energies to the subject may be mentioned W.J. Lawrence, T.S. Graves, G.F. Reynolds, V.E. Albright, A.H. Thorndike, and B. Neuendorff, each of whom has embodied...
by William Loftus Hare
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2018

In July of 1904 the eighty-seven mortal years of George Frederick Watts came to an end. He had outlived all the contemporaries and acquaintances of his youth; few, even among the now living, knew him in his middle age; while to those of the present generation, who knew little of the man though much...
by Louis Couperus
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 18, 2018

Lezer, ik meen, dat ik u zoo ongeveer het interessantste verteld heb van mijn Spaansche indrukken. Zeker, ik zoû u nòg meer kunnen vertellen, ik zoû silhouetjes van Spaansche steden als Cadiz in het Zuiden, als Zaragoza in het Noorden voor u kunnen doen rijzen; ik zoû u nòg meer van het Prado...
by Mary Grant Bruce
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2018

It is 1915. Jim Linton and Wally Meadows, half a world away from Australia and Billabong, are serving in the British Army. During their initiation into the horrors of trench warfare in France, they experience the enemy’s deadly new weapon: poison gas. They both spend their convalescence in the green...
by Mary Grant Bruce
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2018

The first quarter of the book is taken up with station life. But two topics overshadow everyone’s thoughts: the drought, and the war in Europe. Wally and Jim are desperate to go as well. A fortuitous inheritance and the decision is made that they will all go–Jim and Wally, so they can sign up there, and Norah so she’s not left on her own.
by William John Locke
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2018

A young man with only a modest amount of money doesn't know what to do, so he consults an oracular friend at a café who advises that he ride a bicycle through rural France and stop at the inn a friend runs. He becomes quite friendly with the innkeeper and his family, and when it turns out they need...
by Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2018

Having often been requested by different magistrates, to investigate cases of sharping, I have often been struck, while doing so, with the obstacles and embarrassments which a judge's own honesty must oppose to his elucidation of matters of sharping and cheating at play. How is it possible...
by Gustave Coquiot
Language: French
Release Date: May 5, 2018

LE XVIIIe siècle ressemble étrangement, par ses filous, au siècle que nous avons le malheur d’entamer. C’est pourquoi le XVIIIe siècle nous est si cher! A vrai dire, je crois même que de notre temps les voleurs pullulent et purulent plus excessivement; mais enfin, rendons grâce à un siècle...
by Camillo Antona-Traversi
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 9, 2018

Intitolando al chiaro nome di Lei questa mia commedia, io pago un debito antico e per me sacro. Chè di tutte le cose belle e buone che sono sulla terra, l'amicizia — intesa e praticata come la intendevano e praticavano gli antichi romani — è la più alta, la più gentile, la più sacra!...
by Adolphe Badin
Language: French
Release Date: November 12, 2018

En remontant le cours du Nil, dans la Nubie inférieure, à soixante lieues Sud-Ouest de la première cataracte, à douze lieues Nord de la dernière, le voyageur, attristé par l’aspect pauvre et désolé du pays, s’arrête tout à coup, frappé d’étonnement et d’admiration, en apercevant...
by Michel Zévaco
Language: French
Release Date: July 19, 2018

Lumineuse et claire, cet après-midi d’octobre 1744 semblait une fête du ciel, avec ses vols d’oiseaux au long des haies, ses légers nuages blancs voguant dans l’immensité bleuâtre, son joli poudroiement de rayons d’or dans l’air pur où se balançaient des parfums et des frissons d’automne. Sur...
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