William E : 630 books

Book cover of Memory as Life, Life as Memory

Memory as Life, Life as Memory

The Mystery of Memory

by William E. Marsh
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2016

This book is about memory, the power of memory, the weight of memory, the presence of memory. Its about how memory works, and its about how memory moves and shapes us, profoundly and deeply, every moment of every day. Most of all, however, its about how memory points us to some questions that, try...
Book cover of 報導的技藝:《華爾街日報》首席主筆教你寫出兼具縱深與情感,引發高關注度的優質報導
by 威廉‧布隆代爾(William E. Blundell)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 5, 2017

不是你不夠努力,而是沒人告訴你,報導應該這樣寫! 由《華爾街日報》內部培訓手冊改編而成 ◆「自媒體」時代,內容才是王道!所有紀實寫作者都需要的撰稿聖經 ◆1988年出版至今,長踞AMAZON新聞類教科書暢銷排行榜前五名 紀實寫作者的必備寶典,歷久彌新的採訪、寫作、修潤心法 書中收錄大量精彩範例,循序漸進教你精煉「報導」這項繁複技藝 讓你的故事緊緊抓牢眾人的心,讀者不再棄你而去 「讀者確實需要特定的資訊,但除此之外,讀者還有更深沉、更廣泛的需求需要獲得滿足,否則他們一下子就溜走了,放棄閱讀向來比任何事情都來得容易。……一切準則背後的終極準則:拜託,寫精彩一點!我想聽故事!」 ——威廉.布隆代爾 要說出「有吸引力的好故事」不代表必須追逐聳動暴力腥羶色,也不意味只能從可愛動物影片和行車記錄器裡剪輯影像。本書將寫作者會碰到的所有疑難一網打盡,從素材的收集方式、系統化歸檔的竅門、「主題陳述」寫作方法,到經營故事裡的對立元素、活用採訪技巧、雕琢用字遣詞等,作者都傾囊相授,手把手地帶你克服險阻,寫出深入人心、傳頌千里的好報導。 如果你有以下的疑問…… ▍想做出一篇好專題,但腦中念頭紛雜、手邊資料零散,怎樣才能改善寫稿時的混亂狀態? →先泛讀、再精讀所有素材,並標注索引。編寫索引能為故事元素勾勒出井然有序的圖像,避免在寫作過程中痛苦地浪費時間。 ▍構想很宏大,但真正開始寫稿才發現自己力有未逮,為了增加篇幅,只好加入無關痛癢的事實、數字和廢話? →用因果關係來檢視故事的構想,鎖定故事範圍,並且仔細考慮「時間」、「距離」、「涉入對象」三要素。 ▍有好幾組對象想採訪,卻不知道怎麼讓採訪井然有序? →優先尋找事件中的三種人——「智者」、「文人」、「師傅」!這些人能幫你深入故事的最底層,提供故事所需的細節、軼事和當事人。 ▍報導裡一提到數字,讀者就會放棄閱讀,該怎麼辦? →一個段落裡絕對不能堆砌太多數字!並且切記儘量改寫數字,讓數字變得更有畫面感,例如把「成長百分之九十八」改寫成「幾乎翻了一倍」。 ▍眾家媒體競相報導同一主題時,怎樣才能寫出新意? →先分析這個主題的發展狀況,接著使用「局部定位法」、「預測法」或「觀點切換法」,來擴張主題、為故事加料,或改變故事性質。 作者強調,記者是「說故事的人」,也需要像小說家一樣打磨文字技巧、培養敏銳的觀察力;撰稿是環環相扣的流程,始於記者腦中的一絲念頭,終於最後修潤而成的報導。 不論是寫產業分析,還是人物專訪;不論是寫幾千字的短篇報導,或是數萬字的長篇專題,這本書都能給新手和老手許多可靠實用的建議。最終,你將能從作品中得到苦盡甘來的滿足,真正獲得身為記者的樂趣和成就! 在書中,作者提到,寫作的巧思是可以學習的; 想要寫出一篇結構嚴謹的報導,有一套法則可循—— 「漸進式讀者參與法則」(Laws...
Book cover of Guatemala Amphibians and Reptiles of the Rainforests of Southern El Peten
by William E. Duellman
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Early in 1960 an unusual opportunity arose to carry on biological field work in the midst of virgin rainforest in southern El Petén, Guatemala. At that time the Ohio Oil Company of Guatemala had an air strip and camp at Chinajá, from which place the company was constructing a road northward through the forest. 
Book cover of Theory for Religious Studies
by William E. Deal, Timothy K. Beal
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2004

In this handy volume, two professors of religious studies provide the student of religious studies - whether the motivated undergraduate, graduate student, or professor - with a brief review of theorists' work from the perspective of religious studies. For example, in 5-10 pages, the reader will get...
Book cover of Reconceptualizing American Literary/Cultural Studies

Reconceptualizing American Literary/Cultural Studies

Rhetoric, History, and Politics in the Humanities

by William E. Cain
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of The Merry-Go-Round of Sexual Abuse

The Merry-Go-Round of Sexual Abuse

Identifying and Treating Survivors

by Letitia C Pallone, William E Prendergast
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2016

The Merry-Go-Round of Sexual Abuse is a valuable guide to identifying, treating, and breaking the cycle of sexual abuse. Based on 30 years of professional experience in treating offenders and survivors of sexual assault and sexual molestation, Dr. Prendergast provides step-by-step guidelines and specialized...
Book cover of The Christmas Carol Reader
by William E Studwell, Frank Hoffmann, B Lee Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

Like that Biblical, astronomical star of Bethlehem, The Christmas Carol Reader guides readers on their quest for information about Christmas songs. Studwell gathers a composite picture of the world's most important and famous carols and includes an ample selection of lesser-known Christmas songs....
Book cover of College Fight Songs

College Fight Songs

An Annotated Anthology

by William E Studwell, Bruce R Schueneman
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2013

Go, team, go! Rah, rah, rah! Boomalacka, boomalacka! Sis-boom-bah! Get your pennants and varsity colors and head for the stadium because College Fight Songs will make you an expert on the musical history of university athletic themes and anthems before the second-half kickoff. Here, in one anthology,...
Book cover of British Immigration to the United States, 1776–1914, Volume 4
by William E van Vugt
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

This four-volume reset edition collects immigrants' letters, immigration guides, newspaper articles, county history biographies, and promotional and advisory pamphlets published by immigrants and travellers, land and railroad companies.
Book cover of Eisenhower And Manstein: Operational Leadership Lessons Of The Past For Today's Commanders
by Major William E. Herbert IV
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

The United States Military, the ultimate Instrument of national resolve, is centered on servicemen and women. Without effective leadership these men and women are ill equipped to succeed in combat and are unjustly put in harm’s way. The commander at the operational level is the link between national...
Book cover of Deviance and Deviants

Deviance and Deviants

A Sociological Approach

by William E. Thompson, Jennifer C. Gibbs
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2016

This comprehensive and engaging textbook provides a fresh and sociologically-grounded examination of how deviance is constructed and defined and what it means to be classed a deviant. Covers an array of deviances, including sexual, physical, mental, and criminal, as well as deviances often overlooked...
Book cover of Growing Couple Intimacy

Growing Couple Intimacy

Improving Love, Sex, and Relationships

by William E. Krill
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Is the intimacy in your relationship as rich as it could be? Expand your understanding of the power of intimacy in couples. Learn new and stimulating ways to interact with your partner to enhance bonding. Explore the possibilities of pushing the limits of six kinds of intimacy. Advance your relationship...
Book cover of The Middle Atlantic League, 1925-1952
by William E. Akin
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2015

The small and midsized cities of western Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia reached their peaks of population and prosperity in the second quarter of the 20th century. The baseball teams from these towns formed the Middle Atlantic League, the strongest circuit in the low minors and the one with...
Book cover of The Common Law in Colonial America

The Common Law in Colonial America

Volume I: The Chesapeake and New England 1607-1660

by William E. Nelson
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2008

Drawing on groundbreaking and overwhelmingly extensive research into local court records, The Common Law in Colonial America proposes a "new beginning" in the study of colonial legal history, as it charts the course of the common law in Early America, to reveal how the models of law that emerged differed...
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