Torres: 690 books

Book cover of قصة نوح
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Arabic
Release Date: August 3, 2018

لقد صدر الحكم بنهاية الجنس البشري بسبب ارتكابهم للخطيئة التي لا تُعد ولا تُحصَى. لكن، كان هناك شخص واحد منهم يُسِر الله. إنه من خلال هذا الخادم استمر العالم في إظهار جوهر عدالة ورحمة الخالق. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of The Story Of Cain And Abel
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2018

This is a reflexive tale about duality. It is necessary to position ourselves in relation to free will, our choices and their consequences. Only in this way will we be able to achieve full success and happiness. Come to be inspired and become a better human being reading this graphic novel inspired by the biblical tale. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of Wartość Rzeczy
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Polish
Release Date: April 6, 2019

Satyra o codziennym życiu. Refleksja na temat wartości i osobistych relacji między jednostkami. Jak żyć w obecnej rzeczywistości? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of Our Lady Of The Snows
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2019

In difficult decisions, the virgin Mary enlightens her faithful. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of 禁断のフルーツ
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Japanese
Release Date: June 25, 2018

パラダイスの男性の歴史。 権利と間違い。判断と赦しについての反省。私たちの日常生活では、何度も何度も同じような状況に直面しませんか? この文脈では物語の道徳を理解することが重要であり、私たちは再び始めることを決めました。常にチャンスがもう1つあります。 PUBLISHER:...
Book cover of Il valore delle cose
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 10, 2018

Satira sulla vita quotidiana. Una riflessione sui valori e sulle relazioni personali fra le persone. Come bisogna comportarsi quando ci si trova di fronte alla realtà? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of 伊甸禁果
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 8, 2018

发生在伊甸园的故事,是非和对错,决断与宽恕。人生在世,有多少时候我们面对的不是类似的局面呢?重要的是从中吸取教训,改过自新。浪子回头金不换。 PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of قيمة الاشياء
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Arabic
Release Date: June 20, 2018

الهجاء على الحياة اليومية. وانعكاسها على القيمة والعلاقات الشخصية بين الأفراد. كيف تتصرف أمام الواقع الراهن؟ PUBLISHE: TEKTIME
Book cover of カインとアベルの物語
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Japanese
Release Date: June 25, 2018

これは二重性についての再帰的な物語です。 自由意志、選択肢、結果に関連して自分自身を位置づける必要があります。 このようにして、私たちは完全な成功と幸福を達成することができます。 インスピレーションを得て、聖書の話に触発されたこのグラフィック小説を読んで、より良い人間になりましょう。 PUBLISHER:...
Book cover of Scalare la Montagna
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 23, 2018

Un sogno sulle soglie della disperazione porta un giovane a rischiare un appalto.Semplicemente, la montagna sacra era la sua ultima speranza di successo. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Book cover of Conflictive Situation
by aldivan teixeira torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2018

A family full of vices, misery and despair. What can a young person do in this situation? well, there is a point in life that we have to make firm decisions, although the consequences are disastrous. It is better to remedy the evil than to create more and more conflicts. Although it is not the best...
Book cover of Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo
by Mary Shelley, Francisco Torres Oliver
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 21, 2015

En el verano de 1816, Lord Byron invita al poeta Percy Bysshe Shelley y a su joven esposa, Mary, a su casa de Suiza. Los días son lluviosos y el anfitrión propone que cada uno escriba un relato de fantasmas. Así surgirá Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, publicada en 1818 y considerada la primera...
Book cover of Situație Conflictuală
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Romanian
Release Date: July 21, 2018

O familie plină de vicii, nefericire și disperare. Ce poate face un tânăr în această situație? Ei bine, vine o vreme în viață când trebuie să luăm decizii radicale, chiar dacă ne-ar aduce consecințe dezastruoase. O familie plină de vicii, nefericire și disperare. Ce poate face un...
Book cover of Valoarea Lucrurilor
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Romanian
Release Date: July 20, 2018

O satiră a vieții de zi cu zi. O analiză a valorilor și a relațiile interpersonale. Cum să te comporți în realitatea actuală? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
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