Theodor: 786 books

Book cover of Kleines Brevier für Reisende und Sommerfrischler
by Theodor Fontane
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2018

Ein wahres Trost- und Erbauungsbuch für alle Reisenden. Aus Fontanes Briefen und seinen unterhaltsamen Reiseschilderungen hat der Fontane-Experte Gotthard Erler die schönsten Äußerungen zum Thema Lust und Last des Reisens ausgewählt. Was den großstadtgestreßten Schriftsteller erboste, was ihm...
Book cover of Journey to Horseshoe Bend
by Strehlow, Theodor
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Journey to Horseshoe Bend was first published in 1969 and has been out of print for almost forty years. An Australian literary classic, it was written by TGH (Ted) Strehlow, author of the monumental Songs of Central Australia. It describes the final days of his father, Pastor Carl Strehlow, head of...
Book cover of The History Of Rome (Volumes 1-5)
by Theodor Mommsen
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of Critical Models

Critical Models

Interventions and Catchwords

by Theodor W. Adorno
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2005

Critical Models combines into a single volume two of Adorno's most important postwar works — Interventions: Nine Critical Models (1963) and Catchwords: Critical Models II (1969). Written after his return to Germany in 1949, the articles, essays, and radio talks included in this volume speak to the...
Book cover of Correspondence 1925-1935
by Theodor W. Adorno, Alban Berg
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Adorno was twenty-one years old when he traveled to Vienna in March 1925 to study musical composition with Alban Berg. Twenty years later, Adorno wrote: "how much of my writing will remain is beyond my knowledge or my control, but there is one claim I wish to stake: that I understand the language...
Book cover of Jenseits des Tweed
by Theodor Fontane
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Jenseit des Tweed handelt von einer Reise nach Schottland, die Fontane mit seinem Freund, dem Schriftsteller Bernhard von Lepel, im Sommer 1858 unternahm. Dabei schildert Fontane den Verlauf der Reise chronologisch. Von London reisen sie in die schottische Hauptstadt Edinburgh. Die ersten 13 Kapitel...
Book cover of Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg, Dritter Teil Havelland
by Theodor Fontane
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Auch diese neue Auflage des dritten Bandes der Wanderungen hat eine Umgestaltung erfahren. Wie bei Band I und II ist alles dem Spezialtitel Nicht-Entsprechende fortgelassen und durch ausschließlich Havelländisches oder doch dem Flußgebiet der Havel Angehöriges ersetzt worden. Auf diese Weise kamen...
Book cover of Da sitzt das Scheusal wieder

Da sitzt das Scheusal wieder

Die besten Theaterkritiken

by Theodor Fontane
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2018

Die kurzweiligsten und angriffslustigsten Theaterkritiken Fontanes. Lachen entwaffne die Kritik, meint Fontane, unfreiwillig Komisches aber rufe den Theaterkritiker auf den Plan. Mit Fontane sitzen wir auf Parkettplatz 23 im Königlichen Schauspielhaus Berlin. Ob Klassiker oder Kassenschlager, ob...
Book cover of Wie man in Berlin so lebt

Wie man in Berlin so lebt

Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen aus der Hauptstadt

by Theodor Fontane, Hans-Werner Klünner
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2018

Fontanes begehrtes Berlin-Bummel-Buch. Gotthard Erler, exzellenter Kenner des Fontaneschen Werks, hat die schönsten und verblüffendsten Äußerungen zu einem vergnüglichen Stadtreise-Buch zusammengestellt. Jeder Alteingesessene wird an ihm seine helle Freude haben, und den Neu-Berlinern hilft es,...
Book cover of Minima Moralia
by Theodor Adorno
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

A reflection on everyday existence in the ‘sphere of consumption of late Capitalism’, this work is Adorno’s literary and philosophical masterpiece. Built from aphorisms and reflections, he shifts in register from personal experience to the most general theoretical problems.
Book cover of Beethoven


The Philosophy of Music

by Theodor W. Adorno
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2015

Beethoven is a classic study of the composer's music, written by one of the most important thinkers of our time. Throughout his life, Adorno wrote extensive notes, essay fragments and aides-memoires on the subject of Beethoven's music. This book brings together all of Beethoven's music in relation...
Book cover of Correspondence 1943-1955
by Theodor W. Adorno, Thomas Mann
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2014

In December 1945 Thomas Mann wrote a famous letter to Adorno in which he formulated the principle of montage adopted in his novel Doctor Faustus. The writer expressly invited the philosopher to consider, with me, how such a work and I mean Leverkhns work could more or less be practically realized....
Book cover of The History Of Rome, Book I
by Theodor Mommsen
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of The History Of Rome, Book III
by Theodor Mommsen
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

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