Sean Black: 53 books

Book cover of Gelida è la morte: Serie di Byron Tibor 3
by Sean Black, Steven Savile
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 17, 2019

Dopo anni di impeccabile servizio militare per il governo degli Stati Uniti, Byron Tibor è stato vittima di un crollo nervoso. Inserito in uno speciale programma di riabilitazione per i reduci di guerra, Tibor è stato curato attraverso l'installazione di impianti cerebrali sviluppati dalla DARPA,...
Book cover of Aislamiento
by Sean Black
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 14, 2019

UNA MISIÓN MORTAL Aún durante la Víspera de Navidad en la ciudad de Nueva York, para el militar retirado convertido en guardaespaldas, Ryan Lock, el trabajo continúa como siempre. Su misión: proteger al director de una de las compañías biotecnológicas más grandes del mundo de la amenaza...
Book cover of "B" is for Bad Girls
by Rebecca Cantrell, Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2019

From New York Times bestseller Rebecca Cantrell and Sean Black: the sequel to "A" is for Actress and another fast-paced, funny novel that's perfect for fans of Janet Evanovich. Maloney Investigation's newest private detective, Sofia Salgado, is back on the case that turns into her...
Book cover of "E" is for Exposed
by Rebecca Cantrell, Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2019

Sofia Salgado's latest case at Maloney Investigations has some pretty tempting ingredients: blackmail, male strippers, and whipped cream. When a friend of Sofia's mom finds herself the victim of blackmail, stuffy Aidan has to go undercover as an exotic dancer, much to Sofia's delight. Can...
Book cover of Ryan Lock - The First Seven Novels

Ryan Lock - The First Seven Novels

Ryan Lock Novels 1 - 7: Lockdown; Deadlock; Gridlock; The Devil's Bounty; The Innocent; Fire Point; The Edge of Alone

by Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2018

Massive saving for Canadian and American readers only. SEVEN Ryan Lock novels in a single e-book bundle. A series that's perfect for fans of Lee Child, Robert Crais, Harlan Coben, Gregg Hurwitz and James Patterson's Alex Cross series. The first SEVEN novels in the bestselling Ryan Lock series...
Book cover of Post: El Soldado (Byron Tibor 1)
by Sean Black
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 22, 2018

Exhausto por años de combate, y perseguido por los fantasmas de su pasado, nada podrá impedir que Byron Tibor regrese a casa junto a la mujer que ama. Pero ¿es Byron quien aparenta ser y por qué el gobierno de los Estados Unidos está determinado a detenerlo? Desde las colinas sangrientas...
Book cover of Post – A Thriller
by Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2018

Nominated for the 2015 International Thriller Writers Award. Exhausted by years of combat, and haunted by the ghosts of his past, nothing is going to stop Byron Tibor returning home to the woman he loves. But is Byron who he appears to be, and why is the American government determined to stop...
Book cover of The Deep Lonely

The Deep Lonely

A Ty Johnson Story

by Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2018

Tyrone “Ty” Johnson has made the transition from the US Marine Corps to a successful career as a highly paid private security specialist. But not all of his former comrades have been so lucky. When the news of an armed siege at a local emergency room flashes on screen, Ty recognizes the...
Book cover of Second Chance
by Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2018

Don't miss the new Ryan Lock thriller, Red Tiger, on sale now. Winner of the 2018 International Thriller Writers Award. Over the years, former military bodyguard Ryan Lock has made more than his fair share of enemies. It was only a matter of time before one of them came looking for payback...
Book cover of Non piangere: Serie di Ryan Lock vol. 5
by Sean Black
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 18, 2018

Lo sportivo Malik Shaw, vecchia gloria del basket e allenatore di una squadra universitaria, scompare senza lasciare traccia nella notte in cui la sua famiglia è coinvolta in un tragico incidente. Tutto lascia pensare che l’atleta stia fuggendo dalle sue responsabilità e dall’inevitabile declino...
Book cover of L'Impasse mexicaine: Une mission de Ryan Lock
by Sean Black
Language: French
Release Date: December 5, 2018

"Êtes-vous prêt à tout pour la justice?" « C'est une véritable chasse à l'homme, avec de la tension et de l'action à revendre… Les lecteurs qui aiment le frisson et les revirements de situation servis par un rythme soutenu se délecteront de ce récit sur la vie et la mort....
Book cover of Blood Country

Blood Country

A Byron Tibor Conspiracy Thriller

by Sean Black
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2017

Perfect for fans of Lee Child, James Patterson, Robert Crais or Gregg Hurwitz. After years as a government trouble-shooter, working in the most dangerous places in the world, Byron Tibor suffered a breakdown. Enrolled in a special DARPA experiment known as the ‘guilt-free soldier’ program, Byron’s...
Book cover of Sotto Sequestro - Serie di Ryan Lock 1
by Sean Black
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 14, 2019

Un thriller esplosivo, una corsa contro il tempo che rappresenta il primo capitolo della serie con Ryan Lock come protagonista. Per tutti gli appassionati di Lee Child, Harlan Coben, Robert Crais e della serie di James Patterson con Alex Cross. A New York è la vigilia di Natale e per l’ex-soldato,...
Book cover of La macchina perfetta - Serie di Byron Tibor vol. 1
by Sean Black
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 14, 2019

Tormentato dai fantasmi del proprio passato e distrutto dall’esperienza della guerra, il reduce Byron Tibor vuole soltanto tornare a casa, dalla donna che ama. Ma il governo americano sembra determinato ad impedirglielo, facendo emergere il lato oscuro di un soldato che forse non è l’uomo che...
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