Satya: 69 books

Book cover of Aiutare con la luce e l'amore
by Satya
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 14, 2015

Gli Angeli, con i messaggi qui contenuti, donati attraverso i channeling, ci aiutano ad apprendere le conoscenze necessarie per creare il ‘trampolino’ dal quale il cuore s’innalza e l’Anima si eleva. Così il cuore canterà libero le canzoni dell’Amore. L’Anima volerà incontro...
Book cover of Ionic Liquid-Based Surfactant Science

Ionic Liquid-Based Surfactant Science

Formulation, Characterization, and Applications

by Bidyut K. Paul, Satya P. Moulik
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2015

This volume will be summarized on the basis of the topics of Ionic Liquids in the form of chapters and sections. It would be emphasized on the synthesis of ILs of different types, and stabilization of amphiphilic self-assemblies in conventional and newly developed ILs to reveal formulation, physicochemical...
Book cover of Il Manifesto del Terrapiattismo
by Satya
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 24, 2019

Il Manifesto del Terrapiattismo descrive, nei suoi punti cardine, le nozioni alla base del movimento, affrontando con rigore scientifico la bidimensionalità terrestre e il grande inganno cui miliardi di persone sono soggette quotidianamente. Il testo chiave per chiunque voglia addentrarsi nella teoria terrapiattista.    
Book cover of 5G: Le Verità Nascoste
by Satya
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 30, 2019

Il 5G, tecnologia che promette di rivoluzionare il mondo delle telecomunicazioni e di proiettarci nel mondo dell’Internet of Things, comporta gravi rischi per la salute umana e l’ambiente. 5G: le verit**à nascoste discute i principali studi scientifici condotti da prestigiosi istituti che attestano...
Book cover of The Dialectic of God: the Theosophical Views of Tagore and Gandhi
by Satya Sinha
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2015

This is the first book which compares the philosophical views of Tagore and Gandhi, who were the most important thinkers of Modern India. They have not conceived God in traditional way but rather in humanistic way which relates to present day thinking mind. Neither have left any systematic presentation...
Book cover of Fundamentals of the Interrogation Techniques
by Satya Pratap Singh
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2008

Quality interrogation is an essential ingredient of any investigation. Unfortunately it also happens to be the most neglected aspect of any investigating process owing to certain extraneous considerations. Firstly the Interrogator himself is a tearing hurry to claim the kudos for the speedy results....
Book cover of Clinical Radiology of Head and Neck Tumors
by Ravikanti Satya Prasad, Shobana Sekhar, Umanath Nayak
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2017

This book is a quick reference guide to the radiology of head & neck tumors for busy clinicians. With the wide range of imaging modalities currently available and frequent upgrades in technology and image resolution, selecting the best modality for individual cases is not always easy.  Balancing...
Book cover of Sanarse y ayudar a sanar
by Satya
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 3, 2015

La enfermedad psico-física-emocional es una expresión de disonancias presentes en el cuerpo, en el corazón y en el Alma. Los Ángeles, con los mensajes aquí contenidos, donados a través de la canalización, nos ayudan a aceptar con serenidad cada disonancia, a reconocer sus causas, a comprender...
Book cover of Ayudar con la Luz y el Amor
by Satya
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 3, 2015

Los Ángeles, con los mensajes aquí contenidos, donados a través de la canalización, nos ayudan a aprender los conocimientos necesarios para crear ese ‘trampolín’ desde donde el corazón se engrandece y el Alma se eleva. Así, el corazón cantará libre las canciones del Amor. El Alma volará...
Book cover of Estoy a tu lado
by Satya
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 3, 2015

Los Ángeles, con los mensajes aquí contenidos, donados a través de la canalización nos llevan a comprender con el corazón el significado de la vida, por qué nos pasan y vivimos ciertas cosas, el sentido de las dificultades y los sufrimientos. Nos ayudan a expresar el nuestro ‘Poder de Ser’,...
Book cover of सफलता आपकी सोंच में है ।

सफलता आपकी सोंच में है ।

सफलता आपकी सोंच में है

by Satya narayan
Language: Hindi
Release Date: September 28, 2016

यह पुस्तक आपके सम्पूर्ण जीवन को पूरी तरह बदल कर रख देगी । क्यों की यह किताब यून लोंगो के लिए लिखी गयी है । जो हार कर भी जितने का जज्बा रखते है 
Book cover of Hit Refresh

Hit Refresh

Wie Microsoft sich neu erfunden hat und die Zukunft verändert

by Greg Shaw, Satya Nadella, Jill Tracie Nichols
Language: German
Release Date: December 6, 2017

Lange bevor es iPad oder Kindle gab, hatte Microsoft bereits ein Tablet und einen E-Reader entwickelt. Nur: Es hatte die Produkte nie genutzt und war gegen neue Innovatoren wie Apple, Google und Amazon ins Hintertreffen geraten. Um diesen Rückstand wieder aufzuholen, musste Microsoft nicht nur eine...
Book cover of Baum-Yoga
by Fred Hageneder, Satya Singh
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2017

Dieses Buch zeigt in wenigen skizzierenden Strichen das Wesen des Yoga auf und wo sich keltisches und indisches Wissen treffen. Es handelt von der großen Bedeutung der Bäume für das menschliche Wachstum und enthält im Hauptteil zwölf Monografien einzelner – mit Ausnahme des Pipal durchweg europäischer...
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