Sapiens Editorial: 192 books

Book cover of Summary Of "Heal Your Body: The Mental Causes For Physical Illness And The Metaphysical Way To Overcome Them - By Louise Hay", Written By Sapiens Editorial
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2018

ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK "Heal Your Body" defines new ways of treating certain diseases. Its author, Louise L. Hay, discusses the use of metaphysics and personal acceptance to allow us to transform despair and resentment into self-acceptance and self-love. It is a path that channels the energy...
Book cover of El Quinto Acuerdo: Una Guia Practica Para La Maestria Personal (The Fifth Agreement) - Resumen Del Libro De Don Miguel Ruiz
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2017

RESUMEN DE "EL QUINTO ACUERDO: UNA GUIA PRACTICA PARA LA MAESTRIA PERSONAL - DE DON MIGUEL RUIZ" ¿Sientes que no eres suficientemente bueno para nada? ¿Vives desconforme contigo mismo y con los demás? Aplica el Quinto Acuerdo en tu vida y lograrás la armonía y la felicidad. Es...
Book cover of Summary Of "The Alchemist - By Paulo Coelho", Written By Sapiens Editorial
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2018

ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK It is a novel woven around a deeply human story, which exposes the transformative power of dreams, the importance of listening to your heart, and understanding messages that are not transmitted through words. It follows the adventures of Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd,...
Book cover of Summary Of "Being Mortal: Medicine And What Matters At The End - By Atul Gawande", Written By Sapiens Editorial
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2018

ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK One of the most difficult issues to address is death. The mere idea of dying causes different reactions in people, that can basically be categorized in two ways: those who see it as being reborn into a better life, and those who are terrified by the inevitability of the fact...
Book cover of Full Summary Of "Money: Master The Game – Based On The Book By Tony Robbins" Written By Sapiens Editorial
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2018

ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK If you are preoccupied by your future and therefore would like to learn how to better manage your economy, then this is the book for you, as it will teach you the best advice of the great masters who dominate the financial world. Economic freedom is within your reach through...
Book cover of Summary Of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not! - By Robert Kiyosaki", Written By Sapiens Editorial
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2018

ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK The house in which our childhood develops is our primary source of learning. In it, we learn things that we are taught intentionally, but it also engraves a particular way of living into our being, the life model our parents develop. These lessons, influenced by examples and...
Book cover of Full Summary Of "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House - By Michael Wolff" Written By Sapiens Editorial
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2018

ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK Donald Trump won the presidency after the 2016 elections even though nobody, not even the experts, believed that he would achieve it when he made his candidacy public. If you are one of those who wonder how he did it and how an unlikely president came to power, this book will...
Book cover of La Semana Laboral De 4 Horas: No Hace Falta Trabajar Más (The 4 Hour Workweek), De Timothy Ferriss
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 27, 2017

RESUMEN DE "LA SEMANA LABORAL DE 4 HORAS: NO HACE FALTA TRABAJAR MAS - DE TIMOTHY FERRISS" ¿Trabajas sin descanso y no disfrutas de la vida? ¿Sientes que eres esclavo de tus ocupaciones? Conoce las estrategias para ganar mucho dinero trabajando menos tiempo. Este libro desarrolla...
Book cover of Tráguese Ese Sapo: 21 Estrategias Para Tomar Decisiones Rápidas Y Mejorar La Eficiencia Personal - Resumen Del Libro De Brian Tracy
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 16, 2017

RESUMEN DE "TRAGUESE ESE SAPO: 21 ESTRATEGIAS PARA TOMAR DECISIONES RAPIDAS Y MEJORAR LA EFICACIA PERSONAL - DE BRIAN TRACY" ¿Estás abrumado por tus tareas? ¿Tienes tantas cosas por hacer que no sabes por dónde empezar? ¿No logras organizarte? Adopta las 21 estrategias para mejorar...
Book cover of Inteligencia Emocional: Por Que Es Mas Importante Que El Cociente Intelectual (Emotional Intelligence) - Resumen Del Libro De Daniel Goleman
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2016

RESUMEN DE "INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL: POR QUE ES MAS IMPORTANTE QUE EL COCIENTE INTELECTUAL - DE DANIEL GOLEMAN” ¿Quieres ser un empleado modelo? ¿Aspiras a convertirte en un líder carismático? ¿Necesitas mejorar tus vínculos con tu pareja y familia? Conoce cómo fortalecer tu inteligencia...
Book cover of El Poder de los Introvertidos (Quiet: The Power of Introverts), Resumen del libro de de Susan Cain
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2016

RESUMEN DE "EL PODER DE LOS INTROVERTIDOS: EN UN MUNDO INCAPAZ DE CALLARSE - DE SUSAN CAIN" ¿Eres introvertido y te sientes mal por eso? ¿No logras integrarte a grupos sociales? ¿Tu carácter reservado te hace sentir diferente? Desarrolla la fortaleza que se esconde en tu personalidad. Esta...
Book cover of Los 5 Lenguajes Del Amor (The 5 Love Languages) - Resumen Del Libro De Gary Chapman
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 16, 2017

RESUMEN DE "LOS 5 LENGUAJES DEL AMOR: EL SECRETO DEL AMOR QUE PERDURA - DE GARY CHAPMAN" ¿Sientes que te vas distanciando poco a poco de tu pareja? ¿No encuentras el camino para expresarle tu amor? Aprende los lenguajes del amor y enciende nuevamente la pasión. El autor...
Book cover of Influencia: La Psicologia De La Persuasion (Influence): Resumen Del Libro De Robert B. Cialdini
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 12, 2017

RESUMEN DE "INFLUENCIA: LA PSICOLOGÍA DE LA PERSUASIÓN - DE ROBERT B. CIALDINI” ¿Deseas que se tomen en cuenta tus ideas? ¿Quieres que tus propuestas sean aceptadas? Aplica las seis tácticas con las que lograrás el “sí” al que aspiras. Nuestro pensamiento está condicionado...
Book cover of Como Ganar Amigos e Influir Sobre Las Personas: Resumen del libro de Dale Carnegie
by Sapiens Editorial
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 4, 2016

RESUMEN DE "CÓMO GANAR AMIGOS E INFLUIR SOBRE LAS PERSONAS (HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE) - DE DALE CARNEGIE" ¿Te gustaría tener más amigos? ¿Eres tímido y no logras vincularte con la gente? ¿Necesitas mejorar tus habilidades sociales en tu trabajo? Aprende algunas...
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