Mani: 80 books

Book cover of Profession 2012
by Jack Halberstam, Imani Perry, Christopher Freeburg
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2013

This issue of Profession contains Russell A. Berman's introduction to his Presidential Forum, Language, Literature, Learning, held at the 2012 MLA convention, and the essays of the forum participants Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Christopher Freeburg, Jack Halberstam, B. Venkat Mani, and Imani Perry. To mark...
Book cover of Be.You.Tiful


Conversations with a Counselor

by sunita k. mani
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Wouldnt it be awesome if you could have a conversation with someone about anything no matter how tricky the topic and still not be judged? Growth and conversations go hand in hand. Both represent each other. In a classical conversation, our aspirations, our thoughts, our sense of responsibility can...
Book cover of Dr Ferdinand
by Mani Matter, Oskar Weiss
Language: German
Release Date: December 9, 2016

BEVOR SIE DIESES ERWEITERTE E-BOOK KAUFEN, PRÜFEN SIE BITTE, OB IHR LESEGERÄT FIXED LAYOUT FORMATE UND ANIMATIONEN WIEDERGEBEN KANN. Es braucht bloss jemand die ersten Worte aneinanderzureihen, und schon bringt das Gedächtnis die weiterführenden Strophen summend aus uns heraus: Dr ferdinand isch...
Book cover of Vegans Delightful Recipes Part 3
by Mani
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2016

Vegans Delightful Recipes Part 3
Book cover of Vegans Delightful Recipes Part 4
by Mani
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2016

Vegans Delightful Recipes Part 4
Book cover of How to write a good essay
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2018

Students especially those who take English as second language have always been struglling to find samples of good essays as references when they are given a specific writing assignment. This eBook is meant to help them to have some ideas on how to write a good and well-organized essay which also incorporastes diversified English vocabulary. 
Book cover of Code Informatique, fichiers et libertés
by Alain Bensoussan, Pascal Buffard, Guy Mamou-Mani
Language: French
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Les systèmes d’information, au cœur de la moindre activité économique ou sociale, fonctionnent en grande partie grâce aux données à caractère personnel. Cette matière est cependant en constante évolution avec les développements technologiques qui apparaissent chaque jour tant en France...
Book cover of Us emene lääre Gygechaschte

Us emene lääre Gygechaschte

Berndeutsche Chansons Bd. 1. Texte, Partitur und Gitarrengriffe. Mit Musikstücken.

by Mani Matter
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Berndeutsche Chansons mit Noten, Strophen und original gesungen von Mani Matter. Inhaltsangabe: I: ds zündhölzli / dr hansjakobli und ds babettli / si hei dr wilhälm täll ufgfüert / mir hei e verein / är isch vom amt ufbotte gsy / hemmige / dene wos guet geit II: dr eskimo / d'nase / dr ferdinand...
Book cover of Calling Hope
by Nwachukwu Mani Okonkwo
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2011

hope took me down this path , you will find the lost coin the end to pains of life that coin is you.
Book cover of Super Cool Indian Recipes Part 1
by Mani
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2016

Super Cool Indian Recipes Part 1
Book cover of Super Cool Indian Recipes Part 2
by Mani
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2016

Super Cool Indian Recipes Part 2
Book cover of Super Cool Indian Recipes Part 3
by Mani
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2016

Super Cool Indian Recipes Part 3
Book cover of Women, Men, and Human Capital Development in the Public Sector
by Bonnie G. Mani
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2009

This study analyzes factors, both legal and illegal, that lead to inequities in the pay and status of men and women. Due to American culture, the wage gap may never close, but investments in human capital development may facilitate women's career advancement and narrow the gap. The author develops specific strategies for narrowing the wage gap, and explores avenues of implementation.
Book cover of Global Luxury Trends

Global Luxury Trends

Innovative Strategies for Emerging Markets

by J. Hoffmann, I. Coste-Manière
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2012

The rise of emerging market luxury brands, digital and online innovations, and growth in consumption globally has opened the doors for seasoned luxury houses and new players to expand their horizons. This book charts the trends that are shaping the luxury industry, particularly the rise of the luxury industry in Asia and emerging markets.
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