Jonathan Clements: 25 books

Book cover of Prince Saionji
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2008

Prince Saionji Kinmochi (1849-1940). The Japanese delegation at the Paris Peace Conference did not have the Japanese prime or foreign ministers with them as they had only just been elected and had plenty to do back home. The delegation was instead led by Prince Saionji, the dashing 'kingmaker' of...
Book cover of A Brief History of the Vikings
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2013

'From the Fury of the Northmen deliver us, O Lord.' Between the eighth and eleventh centuries, the Vikings surged from their Scandinavian homeland to trade, raid and invade along the coasts of Europe. Their influence and expeditions extended from Newfoundland to Baghdad, their battles were...
Book cover of A Brief History of the Martial Arts

A Brief History of the Martial Arts

East Asian Fighting Styles, from Kung Fu to Ninjutsu

by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2016

Folk tales of the Shaolin Temple depict warrior monks with superhuman abilities. Today, dozens of East Asian fighting styles trace their roots back to the Buddhist brawlers of Shaolin, although any quest for the true story soon wanders into a labyrinth of forgeries, secret texts and modern retellings. This...
Book cover of Christ's Samurai

Christ's Samurai

The True Story of the Shimabara Rebellion

by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2016

The sect was said to harbour dark designs to overthrow the government. Its teachers used a dead language that was impenetrable to all but the innermost circle of believers. Its priests preached love and kindness, but helped local warlords acquire firearms. They encouraged believers to cast aside their...
Book cover of The Art of War

The Art of War

A New Translation

by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2012

A new translation for the 21st century. The Art of War by Sun Tzu is one of the most influential political and business books of our era. This gateway edition for the 21st century reader rediscovers the essential clarity of the ancient masterpiece, cited by generals from a dozen Chinese dynasties,...
Book cover of An Armchair Traveller's History of Beijing
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

As China’s global influence continues to rise, its capital, Beijing, has become increasingly important—and a popular tourist destination, greeting close to five million international visitors each year. An Armchair Traveller’s History of Beijing presents the capital from its earliest beginnings...
Book cover of Wellington Koo
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2008

Gu Weijun, a.k.a. Wellington Koo (1887-1985). Born in Shanghai and raised in the city's International Settlement, Koo became fluent in English during his postgraduate studies abroad - he got a PhD in Law from Columbia in 1912. He was recalled soon afterwards to become the English Secretary to the...
Book cover of Marco Polo
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2008

The records of the Chinese Yuan dynasty do not mention a Marco Polo at all (and they should), and there aer some suspicious omissions from Polo's text - no tea, no foot-binding, no mention of Chinese printing, or even of the Great Wall. Did Polo even go to China?
Book cover of Admiral Togo

Admiral Togo

Nelson of the East

by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2010

Togo Heihachiro (1848-1934) was born into a feudal society that had lived in seclusion for 250 years. As a teenage samurai, he witnessed the destruction wrought upon his native land by British warships. As the legendary "Silent Admiral", he was at the forefront of innovations in warfare,...
Book cover of Ruthless
by Jonathan Clements
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2005

His bite is worse than his bark! Johnny Alpha is a mutant, an outcast from humanity. Living on the outside all his life, his only hope for survival was to become a Strontium Dog: a sanctioned mutant bounty hunter. In the lawless frontier of the galaxy, when the Strontium Dogs are after you,...
Book cover of 金錢超思考:《華爾街日報》最受歡迎財經作家,25道創造財富的關鍵思考,教你晉升有錢人!
by 喬納森.克雷蒙(Jonathan Clements), 吳凱琳
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2019

有錢,能買到快樂嗎? 寫給所有開始賺錢、學習理財的人 一本關於財富的通識課 賺很多錢的目的是什麼? 5大金錢迷思 ╳ 25道關鍵思考 別錯把「發大財」當成終極財務目標! ★****基金投資教父約翰.伯格強力讚譽 ★重量級財經作家威廉.伯恩斯坦自薦撰序! ★安納金、洪雪珍、許凱廸、雷浩斯、綠角、蔡宇哲、蕭碧燕、闕又上,一致好評! 選擇儲蓄、選擇投資、選擇購買保險、 選擇薪水、選擇延遲消費、選擇退休福利計畫…… 我們為何做出這樣的選擇? 《華爾街日報》最受歡迎資深財經作家, 從務實面與心理學出發,重塑當代人習以為常的理財觀念, 點出真正「財務成功」的贏家思維,讓你重新思考「金錢」的意義! ◤從開始賺錢到退休,「財務管理」是每個人的終身課題 怎樣算是財務成功?有些人認為是比親戚更加富有、追逐人人稱羨的好交易,或是擁有最上等的物質享受。從升學到工作,我們也常被灌輸「要賺大錢」的觀念,過來人總告訴我們:「只要擁有更多,就能得到快樂。」 是時候打破傳統觀念了!《華爾街日報》最受歡迎資深財經作家,喬納森・克雷蒙告訴我們,從開始賺錢到退休,財務管理應是每個人的終身課題。 在個人財務規劃的領域,我們並不是要打敗誰,而是確保自己擁有足夠的財富,能過上自己想要的生活。回頭想想「金錢」可以買到什麼?答案是「時間」、「體驗」以及「物品」。然而多數人在進行財務規劃時,常常只以買「物品」來做決定,一旦得到了,興奮的情緒便迅速消退。如果想要買到更多「快樂」,而不是迷失在琳瑯滿目的金錢商品中,我們必須好好活用「金錢」這項工具,做出更聰明的決策,就能從每一分錢中擠出快樂! ◤思考那些「錢」的事,徹底反轉你的理財觀 ◎****打破「有閒錢」迷思 我們總習慣將「有錢」與外在奢華聯想在一起,事實上,這樣的目標很可能讓你盲目追逐金錢商品,而不是累積更多財富。若想改善自己的財務狀況,最需要的是務實思考未來的財務將面臨哪些風險;而非一昧攢錢,成為他人眼中的「守財奴」。 ◎****打造終身受用的理財哲學 我們將會活到很老,這是許多人從未正視過的事實。而理財的方法不該從一而終,是否有薪水收入將會影響我們如何看待金錢,隨著年紀與擁有的資產調整財務分配,顧全財務大局,才能避免「窮死」的命運。 ◎「致富」沒有祕訣,紀律才是關鍵! 我們總以為多知道一些祕密,就能賺大錢。然而認真、熟悉、預測、模式、信心、多數,這些看似良好的特質,通通可能讓人投資失利。唯有及早將「賺錢的本事」納入個人財務規劃,建立更合理的投資組合,成為有「紀律」的理財高手,將投資所得轉化為實際的財富! 無論是初入職場或老手投資人,都該問自己:「這筆消費、儲蓄、保險、投資,真的是我仔細思考過的決定嗎?」唯有深入理解我們與金錢的關係,把眼光看向自己想要的生活,才有可能成為投資人生的贏家。 各界推薦 好評推薦 安納金/財經作家 洪雪珍/yes123求職網資深副總經理 許凱廸/財經作家 雷浩斯/價值投資者 綠角/財經作家 蔡宇哲/「哇賽心理學」總編輯 蕭碧燕/基金教母 闕又上/美國又上成長基金經理人、財經作家 除了理解金錢能如何有效運用在真正有助於快樂的活動上,本書也融入了許多有關投資與理財方面的智慧。 ──安納金/財經作家 推薦這本書給正在掙扎如何理財、不知道該如何投資的您,學習如何讓錢為我們工作。 ──許凱廸/財經作家 如果沒錢,會發生什麼事情?……對我來說,金錢最重要的就是能讓我做我想要做的事情,增加我能夠選擇的能力。 ──雷浩斯/價值投資者 苦惱著如何賺錢,苦惱著花錢買的好東西不如想像中美好。……《金錢超思考》這本書教讀者如何從根本解決這個問題。 ──綠角/財經作家 一本由財經專家所寫的書,結合心理學的理論與研究所獲得的結論……知道如何使用金錢才會快樂,所有開始賺錢、學習理財的人都要閱讀才對。 ──蔡宇哲/「哇賽心理學」總編輯 這本書可以是一個開端。如果有任何論點能夠說服你改變一些行為,或釐清你的一些迷思,也就值回書價了。 ──闕又上 美國又上成長基金經理人、財經作家 國際讚譽 為什麼當初我沒有想到那些?當你讀完喬納森.克雷蒙極為精彩的新書之後,你一定會問這個問題。這本書的好處是,將許多常識和智慧濃縮成簡單的五個關鍵,幫助你建立財務的獨立。不僅容易理解,而且應當要確實執行。 ——約翰.柏格(John...
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