Jo Nesbo: 75 books

Book cover of Sangue na Neve
by Jo Nesbo
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 28, 2018

Um thriller cheio de humor negro em que o assassino é afinal uma personagem que nos comove. Olav é um assassino contratado, mas tem uma vida solitária e tranquila. Quando o que se faz na vida é matar o próximo, não é fácil fazer amigos, mas sem ninguém a quem se afeiçoar ou prestar contas,...
Book cover of Cockroaches


The Second Inspector Harry Hole Novel

by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2014

In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Inspector Harry Hole heads to Thailand to investigate the murder of an ambassador. Look out for the latest Harry Hole novel, The Thirst, available now. When the Norwegian ambassador to Thailand is found dead in a Bangkok brothel, Inspector Harry Hole is...
Book cover of Blood on Snow

Blood on Snow

A novel

by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2015

From the internationally acclaimed author of the Harry Hole novels—a fast, tight, darkly lyrical stand-alone novel that has at its center the perfectly sympathetic antihero: an Oslo contract killer who draws us into an unexpected meditation on death and love. This is the story of Olav: an...
Book cover of The Bat

The Bat

A Harry Hole Novel (1)

by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2013

The electrifying first installment of the Harry Hole series. Look out for the latest Harry Hole novel, The Thirst, available now.   Inspector Harry Hole of the Oslo Crime Squad is dispatched to Sydney to observe a murder case.  Harry is free to offer assistance, but he has firm instructions to stay...
Book cover of Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun

A novel

by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2016

The internationally acclaimed author of Blood on Snow and the Harry Hole novels now gives us the tightly wound tale of a man running from retribution, a renegade hitman who goes to ground far above the Arctic circle, where the never-setting sun might slowly drive a man insane.             He...
Book cover of The Son

The Son

A novel

by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

The author of the best-selling Harry Hole series now gives us an electrifying stand-alone novel set inside Oslo’s maze of especially venal, high-level corruption.   Sonny Lofthus is a strangely charismatic and complacent young man. Sonny’s been in prison for a dozen years, nearly half his life....
Book cover of Knife


A New Harry Hole Novel

by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2019

Brilliant, audaciously rogue police officer, Harry Hole from The Snowman and The Thirst, is back and in the throes of a new, unanticipated rage--once again hunting the murderer who has haunted his entire career. Harry Hole is not in a good place. Rakel--the only woman he's ever loved--has ended...
Book cover of The Devil's Star
by Jo Nesbo
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2012

Detective Harry Hole is on the trail of a diabolical serial killer terrorizing Oslo in another electrifying thriller in the Harry Hole series from the author of The Snowman. “It’s fascinating to watch this Norwegian author adapt our homegrown monster [the serial killer] to a foreign culture.......
Book cover of O Redentor
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 21, 2013

Oslo. Noite gelada. Quem se deslocou ao centro para as últimas compras de Natal faz uma pausa numa movimentada praça para ouvir o concerto de rua do Exército de Salvação, mas um súbito estrépito cala a música e um homem cai no chão atingido por um tiro à queima-roupa. O inspetor Harry Hole...
Book cover of 雪人(奈斯博作品集4)
by 尤.奈斯博(Jo Nesbo)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 18, 2017

◎挪威排行榜Top 1,蟬聯榜上超過 50 週 ◎瑞典排行榜Top 2 ◎榮獲挪威書店業者大獎「年度最佳挪威小說」,以及挪威讀書俱樂部大獎 ◎《紐約時報》Top 9、《洛杉磯時報》Top 3、「獨立書商協會」Top 2、《出版人週刊》Top...
Book cover of Het mes
by Jo Nesbo
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 12, 2019

Harry Hole is terug naar waar het ooit begon. Hij is weer aan de drank, Rakel heeft hem verlaten, voorgoed dit keer, en hij woont opnieuw op zijn oude adres aan de Sofia Gatan. De politie in Oslo biedt hem een baan aan, maar hij mag alleen nog cold cases onderzoeken. Als na meer dan tien jaar gevangenis...
Book cover of La estrella del diablo (Harry Hole 5)
by Jo Nesbo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2016

La quinta novela de la serie de thriller noruego más bestia del momento, protagonizada por el inimitable detective Harry Hole, es una fábula de pasiones demoníacas. Una ola de calor azota Oslo. La sangre que escapa del cadáver de una mujer que ha sido asesinada en su apartamento llama la...
Book cover of Leopar
by Jo Nesbo
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

"Leopar'ın gerilimi hiç düşmeyen hikâyesi, nefes kesen sürprizleri ve kestirilmesi güç ihanetlerle dolu çatışmaları tek kelimeyle... enfes." -The Independent- Oslo'da iki kadın ölü bulunur; nasıl açıldığı belirlenemeyen yirmi dört yarayla kendi kanlarında boğulmuşlardır....
Book cover of La set
by Jo Nesbo
Language: Catalan
Release Date: March 22, 2017

Aquest nou i addictiu volum reprèn els fets a partir de Policia, la darrera entrega de Harry Hole, uns anys més tard. En Harry segueix fent de professor a l’escola de policia, i tot d’una s’assabenta que en Valentin torna a passejar-se lliurement pels carrers d’Oslo. Per acabar-ho d’adobar,...
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