Jane: 7213 books

Book cover of Who Is Ralph Lauren?
by Jane O'Connor, Who HQ
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2017

The polo player with the raised mallet—everyone knows the Ralph Lauren logo. Learn the amazing story of the man who is a true American fashion icon. Born in the Bronx, even as a teenager Ralph Lauren was known for his distinctive fashion sense, having a taste for both classic preppy clothes...
Book cover of Catherine Morland (Cronos Classics)
by Jane Austen, Cronos Classics
Language: French
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Écrit en 1803, Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey) est le premier roman de Jane Austen, même s'il n'a été publié qu'en 1818, un an après sa mort. La jeune et naïve Catherine Morland est invitée par des voisins de ses parents à passer quelques semaines à Bath. Là, elle se lie d'amitié avec...
Book cover of The Tiger and the Hare

The Tiger and the Hare

Chasing the Dragon

by Jane Miller Chai
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2009

The Tiger and the Hare offers an exciting and unusual take on Americas Vietnam adventure. Author Jane Chai presents the thrilling story of a young American woman caught up in the seething intrigue of South Vietnam in the early days of 1962 and 1963, an absolutely critical period which set the stage---for...
Book cover of Driven to Success

Driven to Success

A 10-Point Checkup for Achieving High Performance in Business

by Jane Goldner
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

In Driven to Success, leadership and business crisis expert Jane Goldner, PhD, explains that the creation and maintenance of a healthy, cohesive and successful company depends on the leadership's willingness to regularly look under the hood and assess what's working, what needs improvement and what...
Book cover of Physical and Emotional Abuse Hurts the World as Well as the Child
by Susan Jane Smith
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2013

Child abuse,physical or emotional, creates long term negative effects. It is not just about the hit or the unkind words at the time - underneath there is damage to a child's self esteem. It is easy to bully a child. It is even easier to hit them with hands, sticks, canes, pokers, hairbrushes, and...
Book cover of Media Relations

Media Relations

Issues and strategies

by Jane Johnston
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Public relations and the media are in a time of major change. The rise of social media, altered media platforms, evolving legislative environments and new models of communication have altered not only the working environments of public relations and the news and entertainment media, but also many...
Book cover of With Every End There Is a New Beginning
by Jane Makovicka
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

Jane Makovicka was born in 1952 with an identical twin sister, growing up with 11 other siblings in a Catholic home. She spent most of her life living in Nebraska. She had lived in New Mexico where her 2 sons were born and raised. She had lived in Colorado as well. She began writing in 1984...
Book cover of Fair Lawn, New Jersey

Fair Lawn, New Jersey

Historic Tales from Settlement to Suburb

by Jane Lyle Diepeveen
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2011

In Fair Lawn, New Jersey, the layered heritage is clear from the mix of Native American, Dutch and English names adorning its street signs. Author Jane Lyle Diepeveen traces Fair Lawn’s history from its origins as a settlement at Sloterdam, a site of the developing Dutch Colonial architecture, to the...
Book cover of Losing a Pet: coping with the death of your beloved animal
by Jane Matthews
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2012

The loss of a pet can hit us as hard as the loss of any close friend. Yet pet bereavement is so little talked about that, along with their grief and pain, animal lovers may find themselves having to deal with feelings of confusion and even embarrassment at the strength of their reaction. For...
Book cover of 超級好!用遊戲打倒生命裡的壞東西:50萬人親身見證的心理奇蹟


SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver, and More Resilient

by 珍‧麥高尼格, Jane McGonigal
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2016

風行全球的SuperBetter心理遊戲, 教你如何將遊戲時的心理優勢運用到日常上, 讓你對人生的每項任務也會玩上癮。 ◎美國賓州大學實驗證實:持續SuperBetter練習30天,可提升能量、減緩焦慮與憂鬱症狀,增強成功達標的信念。 ◎一百項SuperBetter微型任務,明白背後的心理機制,改變只需一分鐘! 玩遊戲可以使你多出十年壽命,你相信嗎? 如果面對人生挑戰跟玩遊戲一樣充滿幹勁,該有多好? 想像一下打電玩的情景:全神貫注、想方設法,一切只為打倒大魔王。等贏得了寶物,已是半夜三點,而你已迫不及待下一場挑戰……   本書作者珍‧麥高尼格是得獎的遊戲設計師,一次的意外讓她有了輕生念頭。她決心要為自己戰鬥,不只恢復得比以前好,還要超級好!於是,她把這段復原的過程,變成培養韌性的遊戲:SuperBetter。原本只是設計給自己的簡單激勵練習,沒想到迅速在各界發酵,目前已有超過50萬人玩過SuperBetter,也成為美國國家衛生研究院的大型研究計畫。 SuperBetter遠遠不只是一個遊戲那麼簡單。本書揭露了近十年來科學研究的成果,說明遊戲如何改變我們對於壓力與挑戰的因應方式。SuperBetter的玩家也在本書分享讓自己變得更強大的故事:申請學校、緩解病痛、擊敗憂鬱症、健康減重、揮別家暴、抵禦霸凌、全家族齊心陪伴92歲曾祖母、完成第一本著作……等。一百多項以科學理論為基礎的微型任務,教你如何替自己設計一場精采的人生冒險,讓你輕輕鬆鬆就能超級好! 【SuperBetter的微型任務】 身體韌性:力量呼吸法 壞東西:偏頭痛、胃痛、情緒快要爆發 怎麼做:吸氣,一邊慢慢數到4,然後吐氣,再從1數到8。 為何奏效:這種韻律呼吸,可提高心率變異度,比深呼吸更有效。 社交韌性:讓我為你的心情加分 壞東西:害羞、冷漠 怎麼做:問對方「從1~10來給分,你覺得今天過得如何?」若對方答7,繼續問:「那我可以做什麼把分數變成8?」 為何奏效:主動表達讓對方今天心情變得更好,就是讓對方能信賴你對他們的支持。 精神韌性:OOO會怎麼做? 壞東西:讓你備感壓力或焦慮的事 怎麼做:以第三人稱問自己:「...
Book cover of Putting First What Matters Most

Putting First What Matters Most

Proven Strategies for Success in Work and Life

by Jane K Cleland
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2014

JUGGLE MULTIPLE PRIORITIES WITH CONFIDENCEIf you feel as if you can’t ever get caught up at work or in life—this book is for you! World-renowned speaker and author, Jane K. Cleland, shares proven priority-setting strategies and time management and communications tactics—ideas that you can customize...
Book cover of Police and Crime Commissioners

Police and Crime Commissioners

The transformation of police accountability

by Owens, Jane, Caless
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2016

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are elected representatives whose role is to ensure that police forces in England and Wales are running effectively. Intended to bring a public voice to policing and hold the police to account, the holders of this controversial role also control budgets and strategic...
Book cover of Game Face

Game Face

What Does a Female Athlete Look Like?

by Jane Gottesman
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2013

On playing fields and street corners, in backyards and gyms, the people in this arresting array of pictures are unselfconsciously exploring the physical and emotional pleasures of competition and play. Each image offers an affirming and satisfying answer to the question at the heart of Game Face:...
Book cover of Tracing Your East End Ancestors

Tracing Your East End Ancestors

A Guide for Family Historians

by Jane Cox
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2011

‘East Enders are a very special breed and tracing your East End ancestry is going to be tremendous fun. Everyone has got some East End ancestors - and if they haven’t they invent them, rollicking chaps, larky and resourceful, talking a funny language to keep “them” guessing, eating at eel...
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