Herman Melville: 398 books

Book cover of Moby Dick

Moby Dick

Gekürzte und kommentierte Fassung

by Herman Melville
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2019

"Moby Dick" ist das bedeutendste Prosawerk des amerikanischen Symbolismus. Eine bis ins kleinste Detail recherchierte Abenteuergeschichte und philosophische Reflexion über das Leben, die Rache und einen wahnsinnigen, alles vernichtenden Hass. "Nenne mich Ismael" - einer der berühmtesten...
Book cover of Redburn
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2006

Wellington Redburn is a fifteen-year-old from the state of New York, with only one dream - to run away to sea. However, when he does fulfil this long-held fantasy, he quickly finds that reality as a cabin boy is far harsher than he ever imagined. Mocked by the crew on board the Highlander for his...
Book cover of Typee


A Peep at Polynesian Life

by Herman Melville, John Bryant
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 1996

Melville's first and most popular novel during his lifetime, Typee is a provocative and lively account of his exploits in the exotic South Seas during the early 1840s, where he journeyed as a young sailor. This edition includes notes on the text.
Book cover of Pierre: The Ambiguities
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2007

With profound moral and philosophical ideals Melville has presented a novel that touches the heart and mind. The idiosyncratic characters are etched into the plot of the novel and fight for distinguishing between the right and wrong. An amalgamation of factors from popular fiction and gothic drama it is a work that absorbs the attention of the reader.
Book cover of Moby Dick

Moby Dick

Der weiße Wal

by Herman Melville
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2016

Dieses eBook: "Moby Dick" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Moby-Dick beginnt mit dem Satz: "Call me Ishmael." Es folgt die Ich-Erzählung des Matrosen Ismael (sein voller Name wird nie genannt), der...
Book cover of Typee - Ein Südsee-Abenteuer
by Herman Melville
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2017

»›Was sollen wir jetzt tun, Toby?‹, sagte ich. ›Nun‹, erwiderte er, ›da wir nicht zurück können, müssen wir wohl vorwärts.‹« Der junge Seemann Tom desertiert gemeinsam mit seinem Kameraden Toby von einem Walfangschiff. Sie fliehen zum zurückgezogenen Eingeborenenstamm Typee...
Book cover of Bartleby der Schreiber
by Herman Melville
Language: German
Release Date: November 8, 2011

«Ich möchte lieber nicht.» Als Schreiber in einer New Yorker Kanzlei ist Bartleby eigentlich der ideale Angestellte: hingebungsvoll fleißig, rechtschaffen und still. Doch leise und sanftmütig spricht er auch, immer wieder, den einen Satz, der seinen Vorgesetzten in die Verzweiflung treibt. Bartleby...
Book cover of The Condensed Moby Dick

The Condensed Moby Dick

Abridged for the Modern Reader

by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2016

Moby Dick is one of the greatest American novels ever wrote. If you've always wanted to read the classic, but just don't have the time, this abridged version can help. At just 20,000 words long, this version of the classic novel will let you read Melville's classic in just hours, and provide you with...
Book cover of The Apple-Tree Table, and Other Sketches
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2018

*** Original and Unabridged Content. Made available by GOLDEN CLASSIC PRESS*** Synopsis: A collection of prose sketches written between 1850-56 which had previously appeared in Harper's and Putnam's magazines but were not published together in book form until this limited edition of 1922. Melville...
Book cover of Timoleon
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Timoleon is a rare collection of Melville's best poems and contains more than 40 of his lyrical writings.
Book cover of The Bell-Tower
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Considered to be the least characteristic of Melville's stories, somewhat resembling the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe, “The Bell-Tower” is a dark literary work that explores, though never fully reveals, its central mystery. An eccentric artist and architect dreams up plans...
Book cover of Redburn
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2018

* Book : Redburn * Biography * Bibliography Wellington Redburn is a fifteen-year-old from the state of New York, with only one dream - to run away to sea. However, when he does fulfil this long-held fantasy, he quickly finds that reality as a cabin boy is far harsher than he ever imagined....
Book cover of Moby Dick
by Herman Melville
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 14, 2015

Il capitano Achab che con la sua baleniera e il suo equipaggio va a caccia dell'enorme balena bianca è entrato nell'immaginario collettivo ed è una vera e propria icona della narrativa moderna. 'Moby Dick' racconta di questo avventuroso duello, lasciando ampio spazio a riflessioni e osservazioni...
Book cover of Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War
by Herman Melville
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2016

Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War Melville's "Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War" (1867) is a  collection of poetry about the Civil War. This book has never been well-known but critical opinion about it has always been outstanding.
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