Goodman: 581 books

Book cover of Finding Rachel
by Louise Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2009

When Dr. Wesley Legions twin sister, Rachel, dead for twenty-six years, speaks to him, he dismisses it as a trick of his imagination. But when it occurs again, this time feeling her presence and the touch of her hand, he cannot but relate it to the symptoms of one of his patients for whom he has ordered...
Book cover of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America, E-Book
by Wayne K. Goodman, MD
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2014

Neurotransmitters in the brain are the current focus of obsessive compulsive disorders to better address the approximately 2.5 million people in the United States diagnosed with OCD. As seems the way of psychiatry practice, a disorder is viewed and treated from one perspective for a period, then a...
Book cover of Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

The Journey to Recovery Workbook

by Laura J. Goodman, Mona Villapiano
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2018

The widely updated second edition of Eating Disorders: Journey to Recovery Workbook helps those struggling with eating disorders in their recovery, guiding the reader through a greater consideration of body image, compulsive exercising, and personal and societal relationships based on Prochaska’s...
Book cover of Away From The Light
by Wade Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2017

What happens when your wishes come true? What happens when it is an abused teenager who makes the wish? What happens when you take a modern teenager and place him somewhere that he loves, but does not really understand?   Jack is a fairly typical teenage boy. He has a small circle...
Book cover of 猶太教四千年:從聖經起源、耶穌時代聖殿崇拜到現代分布全球的猶太信仰
by 馬汀.古德曼(Martin Goodman)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 18, 2019

西元前2000年~迄今 第一本最完整全面的猶太教歷史,穿越四千年的漫長時空,史詩級的重量巨作! 在西元前第二和第一千紀時,猶太教在多神教的美索不達米亞社會中誕生,是三大亞伯拉罕宗教(世界三個有共同源頭的一神教,即是猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教)中最古老的一個。 在橫跨四千年的歷史中,猶太民族曾經創造大衛王的輝煌時代,擁有所羅門王的驚人財富,但在周遭諸國如羅馬帝國的侵略與控制下,猶太人遭受迫害與驅逐,分散到世界各地,足跡遍佈古代近東、中亞、非洲、歐洲、美洲,還有東方亞洲一些城市。 然而,數千年的時間過去,多少古文明已在歷史長河中銷聲匿跡,遺失了領土、語言、宗教、傳統習俗與文化,但猶太人沒有在漂泊中遺忘自己與上帝的約,猶太教維繫了整個民族,甚至在包容吸收了各地文化後,變得更多元與成熟。 從國際情勢中躍出版面的以巴衝突,或是在歷史中被血腥記憶的二戰猶太人屠殺,以及被電影小說不斷傳頌或改編的摩西出埃及記等聖經故事,可以發現猶太人種種歷史大事件和宗教經典的影響,其實遠超舊時代西方基督文化主導下的評估,其豐富的精神文化與悠久的歷史,是保存迄今最古老的偉大文明之一。 本書綜觀描寫了猶太人從西亞地區(透過被征服、流亡、離散)向外擴展,帶著他們的宗教經典、文化傳統、哲學思想以及生活習俗,遷徙到世界各地開枝散葉的故事,同時也見證了猶太文化對世界的貢獻。 【各界齊聲推薦】 「這是一部中文世界難得一見的猶太教通史,作者立足於猶太民族主體意識,結合現代歷史批判的研究方法,將令人撲朔迷離的四千年猶太教傳統進行系統化梳理與雅俗共賞的論述。本書中譯本的出版,對長期以來受限於聖經敘述與以色列建國兩種神話式史觀的華人閱聽大眾,料將產生重大的思想衝擊,並徹底顛覆對猶太民族既有的刻板印象。」 ──蔡源林(政大宗教所所長) 「本書詳實而細緻地陳述了猶太宗教的千年歷史,讀者可以在其深入淺出的說明中,不僅能找尋到許多有趣的部份,更能在字裡行間的閱讀中獲得許多啟發,非常適合所有希望深入認識猶太宗教的讀者。」 ——鄭印君(輔仁大學宗教學系系主任) 「猶太人的文化源遠流長、豐富多元,其崇高的一神信仰也曾是地中海世界的道德指標,後來雖在諸帝國的同化與迫害下歷經困頓與流離,卻能展現巨大的靈性力量,儘管在現今巴勒斯坦的衝突與糾葛中扮演著從被害者轉為加害者的角色,但其鮮活生動的故事仍很迷人且充滿驚奇。」 ──鄭仰恩(台灣神學院教會歷史學教授) 「在這本傑作中,卓越的牛津學者馬汀.古德曼將猶太教的整個歷史──從約瑟夫斯到猶太復興運動──濃縮成一個非常易讀的綜合體,特別把焦點放在猶太教的多樣性,並以最新的研究文獻為根據。因此,所有研究猶太教的學生都應該從這本書開始讀起。」 ──強納森.沙那(Jonathan...
Book cover of A Heart Beating Hard
by Lauren Foss Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

A Heart Beating Hard is about looking long and deep into the invisible life of a person we too often pass by. It is the story of Marjorie, who works in the Store and does her best to go on with the days; of Margie, growing up in Apartment #2 with the sounds of Ma and Gram and Him all around; and...
Book cover of Logic of Demons

Logic of Demons

The Quest for Nadine's Soul

by H. A. Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2010

What would you do if the love of your life was murdered by a deranged killer? Would you become a vigilante and seek retribution? And would this revenge affect those you care for in the afterlife? LOGIC OF DEMONS The Quest for Nadine's Soul takes you on a journey inside the psyches of men and women...
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