Gabriele: 823 books

Book cover of 二の膳のコースの30のニュアンス - イタリアの伝統な二の膳の
by Gabriele Napolitano
Language: Japanese
Release Date: April 18, 2017

これは、イタリアのシェフが書かれる本です。 イタリアの伝統な料理に興味を持っているならば、に興味を持っているならば。
Book cover of Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit

Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit

A Complete Toolkit for Microsoft's Undocumented Log Analysis Tool

by Gabriele Giuseppini, Mark Burnett
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2005

Written by Microsoft's Log Parser developer, this is the first book available on Microsoft's popular yet undocumented log parser tool. The book and accompanying Web site contain hundreds of customized, working scripts and templates that system administrators will find invaluable for analyzing the...
Book cover of A History of Digital Media

A History of Digital Media

An Intermedia and Global Perspective

by Gabriele Balbi, Paolo Magaudda
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

From the punch card calculating machine to the personal computer to the iPhone and more, this in-depth text offers a comprehensive introduction to digital media history for students and scholars across media and communication studies, providing an overview of the main turning points in digital media...
Book cover of 正向思考不是你想的那樣:讓你動力滿滿、務實逐夢的動機新科學


Rethinking Positive Thinking - Inside the New Science of Motivation

by 歐廷珍Gabriele Oettingen
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 25, 2016

人們以為正向思考就是: .凡事往好的一面想,一定會心想事成。 .千萬別想壞的一面,當心影響好結果。 各種各樣的正向思考,似乎天生就對人有所助益, 全新的人類動機科學則告訴你, 這才是真正的正向思考成功心法: .除了大膽夢想未來,還要看清可能的障礙。 .一向被視為會妨礙夢想成真的障礙,反而能加速願望實現。 .一逕的樂觀或完全忽視阻礙,並無助於成功,甚至會妨礙夢想實現。 .擺脫不切實際的夢想,判斷並自我調整目標,你可以更有效的分配精力,明智追求願望。 只要加入再簡單不過的幾個步驟, WOOP魔法就能大大強化你對夢想的承諾, 助你動力滿滿、早日實現願望! W(願望):提出一個你認為有可能在一定時間內實現的願望。 O(結果):想像願望實現的美好結果。 O(障礙):深入思考攔阻你前進的真正原因。 P(計畫):你要怎麼做,才能克服或避開障礙。 重新思考「正向樂觀」的內涵與層次 歐廷珍長年研究人類的動機科學,她的指導教授,正是現代正向心理學的大師兼鼻祖塞利格曼博士,但歐廷珍的研究主題,卻是要大家想想,樂觀真的是所有困境的萬靈丹嗎?她認為當下的潮流及研究,都沒能確實掌握正向思考的全貌。指導教授向大眾推廣樂觀正向的力量,子弟兵的研究題目卻是要打破樂觀的迷思,一開始跌破不少同行眼鏡。 她早在一九九○年代就著手相關研究,但在社會經濟和產業發展一片樂觀看好的氛圍下,她的研究一直沒能獲得重視,同事甚至都勸她最好改變研究方向。但她始終認為可以為社會帶來幫助,於是堅持了二十多年。一直到二○○九年,也就是全球金融海嘯之後,大家才意識到,失控的正向思考、樂觀過了頭帶來的苦果,她的研究也開始受到矚目。 多年的研究過程中,她與同仁得出一套具體的「心智對比」(mental...
Book cover of Das kleine Buch vom GROSSEN M.U.T.

Das kleine Buch vom GROSSEN M.U.T.

Eine fabelhafte Geschichte vom wirkungsvollen Wachsen!

by Petra Basler, Gabriele vom Feld
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2014

Als Max, das kleine Samenkorn sich zu neuen Ufern aufmacht, um endlich so bewundert zu werden wie die Pflanzen am See, ahnt er noch nichts von den Hindernissen und Gefahren, die er dabei überwinden muss. Bis er es schafft, mit M.U.T., Motivation, Umsetzungs- und Tatkraft, seinen Weg zum gesunden Wachsen...
Book cover of Les Reines de sang - Constance d'Antioche, la Princesse rebelle T01
by Jean-Pierre Pécau, Gabriele Parma
Language: French
Release Date: January 9, 2019

La destinée d'une reine au milieu des intrigues de l'empereur de Byzance et du roi de Jérusalem, qui n'a que son intelligence et sa ruse pour prendre son destin en main. Heureusement, elle n'en manque pas. Lorsque le cadavre sans tête de son père Bohémond II prince de Tarente et d'Antioche pénètre...
Book cover of Marcas, Maître Franc-Maçon T01

Marcas, Maître Franc-Maçon T01

Le Rituel de l'ombre 1/2

by Eric Giacometti, Gabriele Parma
Language: French
Release Date: September 19, 2012

Antoine Marcas, le héros du thriller maçonnique phénomène de Jacques Ravenne et Eric Giacometti investi la bande dessinée ! Adaptée par les auteurs eux-mêmes, voilà une occasion de s’introduire dans les coulisses de cette société secrète qui fascine tant… Flic et franc-maçon,...
Book cover of Histoire de France en BD Pour les Nuls, Tome 5
by Laurent QUEYSSI, Gabriele PARMA, Jean-Joseph JULAUD
Language: French
Release Date: February 6, 2014

L'Histoire de France comme vous ne l'avez jamais lue ! La collection Pour les Nuls vous propose un nouveau rendez vous avec l'Histoire de France, en BD ! Découvrez les moments forts de notre passé, pour comprendre les grands événements et se repérer dans notre histoire de façon...
Book cover of L'appartamento
by Gabriele Gamberini
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 28, 2014

Graphic Novel che punta molto sulle immagini, calde e in penombra, nel tentativo di trasmettere un erotismo soft, in un primo tempo, fatto di attesa e di dettagli intravisti. In un secondo tempo con scene viste con gli occhi del protagonista (che, inesperto, vive il tutto come una scoperta)....
Book cover of Freddie la macchinina rossa
by Rachele Favero, Gabriele Favero
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 11, 2016

Freddie, una macchinina vivace, si diverte a correre tra le pozzanghere. Quando scopre di essersi sporcata chiede all'autolavaggio di lavarla ma non può perchè non ha la moneta necessaria. Il gesto di un bambino generoso farà felici tutti.
Book cover of 30. Recklinghäuser Autorennacht
by Katja Angenent, Philip Behrendt, Martina Bialas
Language: German
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Im Jahr 2017 findet die 30. Recklinghäuser Autorennacht statt. Die Texte der von der Jury ausgewählten sind in diesem Band veröffentlicht.
Book cover of Multi: Componential Memory
by Gabriele Bruno
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2012

Always been the theme of memory has aroused curiosity and scientists to establish the processes and try to optimize it. Nowadays one can no longer speak of "memory" because it was identified the multiplicity of componential memory. Most recent studies have determined the existence of three memory areas with different structure and function.
Book cover of Jesus For Children

Jesus For Children

Jesus Picture Book

by Brenda Kay Winters, Mignon Morgan, Gabriele Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2016

Book cover of The Ring of the Seven Worlds #2 : Alliance
by Davide Turotti, Giovanni Gualdoni, Gabriele Clima
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action/Adventure and Manga all blend into this Steampunk saga about interconnected worlds at the mercy of an invasion.. PUBLICATION IN 4 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. Seven planets linked to one another by the multidimensional gates of a giant ring. Only the passage to Nemo, one of the...
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