Friedrich Nietzsche: 672 books

Book cover of Umano, troppo umano, I
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 21, 2016

"Umano, troppo umano, I" (1878) è la prima opera di Nietzsche presentata in quella forma aforistica che si rivelerà poi essere la sua più peculiare. Con questo libro Nietzsche sentì di avere compiuto «un vero progresso –, verso me stesso», collegato innanzitutto al suo graduale svincolarsi...
Book cover of Così parlò Zarathustra
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 28, 2015

L’idea di "Così parlò Zarathustra" balenò a Nietzsche come una folgorazione nell’agosto del 1881, in Engadina, «6000 piedi al di là dell’uomo e del tempo». Essa coincise con il rivelarsi dell’«eterno ritorno», la misteriosa intuizione che segna il passaggio alla ultima fase...
Book cover of On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2010

The great philosopher's major work on ethics, along with Ecce Homo, Nietzche's remarkable review of his life and works. On the Genealogy of Morals (1887) shows him using philsophy, psychology, and classical philology in an effort to give new direction to an ancient discipline. The work consists of...
Book cover of The Genealogy of Morals
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2012

Written in response to a book on the origins of morality by his erstwhile friend Paul Rée, the three essays comprising The Genealogy of Morals — all three advancing the critique of Christian morality set forth in Beyond Good and Evil — are among Nietzsche's most sustained and cohesive work.In...
Book cover of Twilight of the Idols with The Antichrist and Ecce Homo
by Friedrich Nietzsche, Tom Griffith
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2013

Translated by Antony M. Ludovici. With an Introduction by Ray Furness. The three works in this collection, all dating from Nietzsche's last lucid months, show him at his most stimulating and controversial: the portentous utterances of the prophet (together with the ill-defined figure of the...
Book cover of Nietzsche: The Gay Science

Nietzsche: The Gay Science

With a Prelude in German Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2001

Nietzsche wrote The Gay Science, which he later described as 'perhaps my most personal book', when he was at the height of his intellectual powers, and the reader will find in it an extensive and sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views which were most central to Nietzsche's own...
Book cover of Assim falou Zaratustra
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 27, 2013

Nietzsche foi buscar no zoroastrismo, religião ancestral da Pérsia (atual Irã), o personagem para expor suas próprias ideias. O que parece ter atraído ao filósofo alemão é o dualismo cósmico da doutrina de Zaratustra (ou Zaroastro, daí o termo “zoroastrismo”). Cabe notar, no entanto,...
Book cover of Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil

Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil

Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future

by Friedrich Nietzsche, Judith Norman
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2001

Beyond Good and Evil is one of the most scathing and powerful critiques of philosophy, religion, science, politics and ethics ever written. In it, Nietzsche presents a set of problems, criticisms and philosophical challenges that continue both to inspire and to trouble contemporary thought. In addition,...
Book cover of Le gai savoir (suivi de L'origine de la tragédie)
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: French
Release Date: September 19, 2013

Ici, pas de Nietzsche de représentation, affirmateur d'une quelconque volonté de puissance quelque peu schopenhauerienne ; pas de Nietzsche surhumain, prêt à considérer l'homme comme un pont, et non un but. Ici, c'est le Nietzsche humble qui fait face, celui que l'on aime ; facétieux, farceur,...
Book cover of Aurora
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 20, 2019

Aurora é mais uma obra da Coleção Nietzsche. Em Aurora, Nietzsche começa a fazer uma severa critica a moral, nos levando a um estágio de reflexão sobre os preconceitos morais que nos foram postos, cujos padrões de certa forma oprimem e pune o homem da liberdade. Uma vez que a moralidade não...
Book cover of Obras completas
by Friedrich Nietzsche, Diego Sánchez Meca
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 30, 2014

Se reúnen en este volumen III de las Obras Completas de Nietzsche las tres obras de su primera madurez, redactadas entre 1878 y 1882 tras su retirada de la Universidad de Basilea para entregarse a una nueva vida como filósofo errante. A Humano, demasiado humano, Nietzsche le puso como subtítulo...
Book cover of A Visão Dionisíaca do Mundo
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 12, 2019

Nietzsche é considerado um dos mais influentes e importantes pensadores modernos do século XIX. Na "Coleção Nietzsche", publicada pela LeBooks Editora, o leitor terá oportunidade de conhecer o universo de Nietzsche por meio de suas principais obras. A Visão Dionisíaca do Mundo foi...
Book cover of L’anticristo
by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 28, 2015

Le opere che, in sequenza incalzante, Nietzsche riuscì a scrivere in pochi mesi nel 1888, prima di sprofondare nella follia, si presentano innanzitutto come una sorta di fulminea chiusura dei conti: con Wagner e la musica ("Il caso Wagner"), con la filosofia ("Crepuscolo degli idoli"),...
Book cover of Genealogia della morale

Genealogia della morale

Uno scritto polemico

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 9, 2017

Composta da Nietzsche nell’estate del 1887 e pubblicata agli inizi dell’inverno di quello stesso anno, la "Genealogia della morale" nacque come «scritto polemico», presentandosi all’insegna di una consapevole provocazione. Alcune delle più controverse teorie sociali di Nietzsche,...
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