Francesca: 997 books

Book cover of Sex and Sexuality in Modern Southern Culture
by Claire Strom, Stephanie Chalifoux, Francesca Gamber
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2017

In the American imagination, the South is a place both sexually open and closed, outwardly chaste and inwardly sultry. Sex and Sexuality in Modern Southern Culture demonstrates that there is no central theme that encompasses sex in the U.S. South, but rather a rich variety of manifestations and embodiments...
Book cover of Christmas the Stuff of Love
by Francesca Ramaglia
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2015

This is a nostalgic look back at Christmas time in Seattle 1955. Our household was made up mostly of 5 little girls with an older brother and baby sister. I describe what we did each day in the week leading up to Christmas. The excitement of strolling down to University Village at dusk to visit Santa...
Book cover of De lange weg naar Rome
by Francesca Melandri
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 8, 2018

Rome, augustus, 2010. In een oud appartementengebouw zonder lift loopt Ilaria na een zware dag de trap op naar haar woning op de zesde verdieping. Ze is moe, ze wil alleen zijn en het verkeer en de drukkende hitte vergeten, maar boven aan de trap wacht haar een verrassing: een jongen met zwarte huid...
Book cover of Modern Women, Modern Work

Modern Women, Modern Work

Domesticity, Professionalism, and American Writing, 1890-1950

by Francesca Sawaya
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2011

Focusing on literary authors, social reformers, journalists, and anthropologists, Francesca Sawaya demonstrates how women intellectuals in early twentieth-century America combined and criticized ideas from both the Victorian "cult of domesticity" and the modern "culture of professionalism"...
Book cover of The dragon and the poet - illustrated version
by Miyazawa Kenji, Francesca Eleuteri
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2013

The tale "The dragon and the poet" by Miyazawa Kenji (1896-1933) is the story of the meeting between the poet Suldatta and the dragon Chanata, in a magical atmosphere among poetry challenges, esoteric Buddhism and traditional Japan. The author, Miyazawa Kenji, dedicated is tales to children...
Book cover of Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China

Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China

Great Transformations Reconsidered

by Francesca Bray
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2013

What can the history of technology contribute to our understanding of late imperial China? Most stories about technology in pre-modern China follow a well-worn plot: in about 1400 after an early ferment of creativity that made it the most technologically sophisticated civilisation in the world, China...
Book cover of Progetto per la Conoscenza e la Conservazione della chiesa Anime Sante sita nel Cimitero Comunale di Bagheria
by Francesca Puleo
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 23, 2015

Certa dell’importanza dell’architettura funebre, intesa come espressione di cultura e civiltà, comprendendo in essa tutte le esperienze progettuali legate al culto, al luogo, al decoro e al ricordo; ritenendo necessario, un ritorno all’architettura della memoria (al fine di tutelare e conservare...
Book cover of Dimentichiamoci
by Francesca Mazzucato
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

"La stanza - mansarda ripara, si fa nucleo in un attimo (gli odori, ad esempio, i nostri, li sento) qui è caldo. (gli odori, i tuoi, fanno parte di me, delle mie mani dove sono cresciute piccole macchie brunite, del mio viso rotondo, delle dita che prima ti hanno esplorato) Crepuscolo, fine,...
Book cover of Lettera a Bertrand Cantat
by Francesca Mazzucato
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 18, 2013

Un romanzo inusuale, appassionato e controcorrente dedicato al cantante dei Noir Desir Betrand Cantat. Le sue canzoni, liriche struggenti, dolorosa incarnazione del nostro tempo di emarginazione, rabbia, poesia e bisogno d'amore, la storia della sua relazione appassionata con Marie Trintignant e la...
Book cover of 烈焰雙生3:永生船


The Forever Ship

by 法蘭西斯‧海格, Francesca Haig
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 1, 2017

面對滅絕一切的力量,一個人能堅持多少良善? 完美的與殘缺的雙生子,注定要同生同死。 但是無所謂了,因為末日大火降臨,在同一條船上的,都要同日赴死! 反烏托邦小說的全新角度.華美絕豔的末日設定 全球熱賣30國版權、夢工廠影業高價搶標改編電影 「這是擊中我靈魂的一本書。」──美國讀者激動推薦 善惡雙生的終極對決,背叛、出賣、謊言填滿走向絕望的每一天, 隨著世界終結的倒數滴答聲,一個人還能堅持多少良善? 在這世界,孩子成雙成對誕生。但他們始終一個完美、一個殘缺。 扎克與卡珊卓是一對雙生子。哥哥扎克是完美阿爾法,妹妹卡珊卓是殘缺歐米伽。 但卡珊卓的殘缺在擁有預知力,只要她不說出預知畫面,就能繼續跟家人生活。 只是她預知了未來的真相,也成了阿爾法暴虐專政的絆腳石,更是她雙生哥哥恨之欲其死的毒瘤。 卡珊卓一行人成功摧毀儲藏末日祕密文件的方舟,對抗阿爾法暴政的局勢進入全新階段。然而最迫切的是──如何終結雙生子的突變詛咒。同時,她的雙生哥哥扎克從阿爾法權力高層跌落谷底,面臨性命威脅。無計可施的他只能投靠卡珊卓,卻低估了歐米伽陣營對他的憎恨,以及對解放的渴望。他甚至沒料到卡珊卓不惜傷害自己,對他採取自殺式拷問,只為得到引爆末日的關鍵線索。 卡珊卓腦中閃現的預知火焰愈加熾烈,第二次末日顯然已逼近眼前,但她的警告與吶喊能否喚醒人們?或是只能眼睜睜看著大家同歸於盡? 面對世界毀滅,沒有人能置身事外── 讀者激動好評 才看第一頁就深深入迷,隨著故事一路發展,主角從孱弱無助到接納自己的殘缺,再進化成為英勇戰士。嚴酷、充滿恨意、偏執與恐懼的世界裡,我們需要不一樣的聲音堅持下去。推薦給所有的讀者,不分年齡性別,都會愛上這故事。──戴安 緊扣人心的一本,角色的轉變清楚展現出他們的成長。仇恨與不信任在阿爾法與歐米伽之間發酵,權謀、恐懼、謀殺更助長對立,主角卡珊卓的堅持與艱難,太揪心了。──伊蓮 雙生子生死同命的設定是把每個人都會碰到的生存困境放入想像的烈焰宇宙中──作者真的是充滿熱情地打造書中世界。高度推薦,這是擊中我靈魂的一本書。──莉茲 作者簡介 法蘭西斯.海格(Francesca...
Book cover of 烈焰雙生2:幻骨地圖【夢工廠搶拍!絕路在前,轉身迎戰!】
by 法蘭西斯‧海格, Francesca Haig
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Book cover of Vittoriano Viganò. A come Asimmetria
by Francesca Albani, Alberto Artioli, Gian Carlo Borellini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Collana Architettura e Complessità diretta da Antonio Piva Per il terzo anno consecutivo, dopo Franca Helg e Marco Zanuso, il Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione della Facoltà di Architettura e Società del Politecnico di Milano - insieme al Dipartimento INDACO della Facoltà del Design,...
Book cover of Verso una Geo-Architettura

Verso una Geo-Architettura

Mostra dei lavori del laboratorio di progettazione guidato da Paolo Portoghesi

by Petra Bernitsa, Nicola Carrino, Fabrizio Da Col
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Topologia, linguaggio e geometria dei luoghi e tipologia, linguaggio degli stili, si intrecciano come una dissolvenza incrociata nel tessuto delle due trame che sintetizzano il percorso creativo dell'arte del travasare e l'arte del costruire di Paolo Portoghesi: il metodo dell'ascolto e il metodo...
Book cover of Abitare la Terra n.40/2016 – Dwelling on Earth
by Petra Bernitsa, Matteo Cecchi, Gaetano Fusco
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 25, 2017

Indice editoriale / editorial Evitare gli errori del passato Avoid the mistakes of the past Paolo Portoghesi Ildegarda di Bingen O nobilissima viriditas Lucia Galli Architettura di Li Xiaodong, Atelier La biblioteca LiYuan nel villaggio di Jiaojiehe Mario Pisani Herzog & de Meuron Il nuovo stadio...
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