Fondazione Internazionale Oasis: 25 books

Book cover of Oasis n. 21, L'Islam al crocevia. Tradizione, riforma, jihad
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Il dilagare nel mondo del terrorismo islamista, gli attentati di Parigi, l'affermazione del Califfato in Iraq e in Siria pongono i musulmani di fronte a un bivio: rinnovare in modo credibile il proprio pensiero religioso o soccombere alla violenza jihadista. Ma per capire che cosa è in gioco bisogna...
Book cover of Oasis n. 22, La croce e la bandiera nera

Oasis n. 22, La croce e la bandiera nera

Dicembre 2015 (Italian Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 12, 2015

La persecuzione dei cristiani che vivono in Medio Oriente ha superato ogni limite. Entro una manciata di anni potrebbero essere spariti del tutto da paesi come Siria e Iraq. Occuparsi di loro non è solo una questione di emergenza umanitaria, ma una chiave per capire la condizione tragica di un Medio...
Book cover of Oasis n. 21, Islam at the Crossroads. Tradition, Reform and Jihad
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

The current crisis has grown out of a long century of renewal and closure. Lessons from the past and today’s debate. OASIS Year XI - n. 21 - June 2015 - The Long Century of Islam - Martino Diez - How ‘Abduh’s Ca an brought forth today’s Islamic Ideologies - Sherif Younis - The Ways of Reform...
Book cover of Oasis n. 22, The Cross and the Black Flag

Oasis n. 22, The Cross and the Black Flag

December 2015 (English Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2016

Fundamentalist violence is raging in the lands where Christianity was born. What Middle East would it be without any Christians? OASIS Year XI - n. 22 - December 2015 -- Eastern Christians: Witnesses to Faith and Creators of Culture - Martino Diez -- Three Lessons from the Martyrs - Cardinal Angelo...
Book cover of Oasis n. 23, The Qur'an and its Custodians

Oasis n. 23, The Qur'an and its Custodians

June 2016 (English Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2016

Jihadist Fundamentalism is re-opening the debate on the Islamic Scriptures’ Interpretation OASIS year XII - n. 23 - June 2016 - Interpretations in conflict - Michele Brignone - Reading the Qur'an in the Twenty-first Century - Abdullah Saeed - Sharia, a Divine Path Constructed by Men - Mohammed Hocine...
Book cover of Oasis n. 23, Il Corano e i suoi custodi

Oasis n. 23, Il Corano e i suoi custodi

Giugno 2016 (Italian Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 23, 2016

L’ascesa del fondamentalismo islamico ripropone la questione dell’interpretazione dei testi sacri all’interno del mondo musulmano. Esiste un’alternativa alle letture rigoriste e violente? Nel corso della storia i musulmani come si sono relazionati al Corano e alla propria tradizione? E come...
Book cover of Oasis n. 23, Le Coran et ses gardiens

Oasis n. 23, Le Coran et ses gardiens

Juin 2016 (French Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: August 4, 2016

Le fondamentalisme djihadiste rouvre le débat sur l’interprétation des Écritures islamiques. OASIS année XII - n. 23 - juin 2016 - Interprétations en conflit - Michele Brignone - Lire le Coran au XXIe siècle - Abdullah Saeed - La charia, voie divine construite par les hommes - Mohammed Hocine...
Book cover of Oasis n. 21, L’Islam à la croisée des chemins. Tradition, réforme, djihad
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: July 15, 2015

La crise actuelle plonge ses racines dans un long siècle de renouveaux et de fermetures. La leçon du passé, le débat d’aujourd’hui. OASIS année XI - n. 21 - juin 2015 - Le siècle long de l’Islam - Martino Diez - Du caftan de ‘Abduh les idéologies islamiques d’aujourd’hui - Sherif...
Book cover of Oasis n. 22, La croix et le drapeau noir

Oasis n. 22, La croix et le drapeau noir

Décembre 2015 (French Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: January 14, 2016

La violence fondamentaliste fait rage sur les terres où le Christianisme est né. Quel Moyen-Orient serait-ce sans les chrétiens ? OASIS année XI - n. 22 - décembre 2015 -- Chrétiens orientaux : témoins de la foi, créateurs de culture - Martino Diez -- Les trois leçons des martyrs- S.Em. Card....
Book cover of Oasis n. 25, Who Speaks for Muslims?

Oasis n. 25, Who Speaks for Muslims?

June 2017 (English Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

The West is looking for a single interlocutor, but authority in Islam is decentralized. LEADER In Search of a Leader - Martino Diez FOCUS The Qur’an as a Political Programme - Asma Afsaruddin The Islamists appropriate the sacred texts in order to construct their concept of theo-democratic government...
Book cover of Oasis n. 24, Beetween Immigration and Islam

Oasis n. 24, Beetween Immigration and Islam

February 2017 (English Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2017

LEADER A Complex Encounter Destined to Change Us (Michele Brignone) FOCUS Christianity and Europe, between Liquid Secularism and Migrations (Pierangelo Sequeri) The Brain Drain and the Future of Syria (Omar S. Dahi, Helen Makkas) The Sahel, a Forgotten Strategic Frontier (Emilio E. Manfredi) The Economy...
Book cover of Oasis n. 26, Muslims, Faith and Freedom

Oasis n. 26, Muslims, Faith and Freedom

January 2018 (English edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2018

Why this is the real issue for the future. More than terrorism FOCUS Jesus in the Qur’an and the Third Way between Extremism and Secularism • Mustafa Akyol God’s Rights vs Human Rights: Islam under Strain • Omero Marongiu-Perria Muslims and Free Will • Maria De Cillis Intellectual Freedom...
Book cover of Oasis n. 27, Sunni Islam: Malaise and Renewal

Oasis n. 27, Sunni Islam: Malaise and Renewal

July 2018 (English edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2018

The Quest for a New Religious Identity, Navigating Extremism, Internal Conflicts and Political Pressures LEADER Updating, Rediscovering, Reinventing: The Three Options for Sunnism - Martino Diez FOCUS Sunni Authority’s Legitimate Plurality - Sohaira Z. M. Siddiqui Sailing in Stormy Waters. Ulama...
Book cover of Oasis n. 25, Chi parla per i musulmani

Oasis n. 25, Chi parla per i musulmani

Giugno 2017 (Italian Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2017

Nel mondo islamico, diversi movimenti e correnti si contendono l'interpretazione dei Testi sacri e la leadership della comunità dei credenti, dal Nord Africa all'Indonesia, all'Europa. Chi è legittimato a definire i contenuti della fede e le norme della sharia? Il Califfato ha mai rappresentato...
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