F Wayne Mac Leod: 215 books

Book cover of La Oveja Perdida
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Este es un comentario sobre la parábola de la Oveja Perdida que narra Jesús en Lucas 15:3-7. En realidad es una revelación del corazón de Dios para aquellos que han batallado en su fe, han caído en pecado o se han encontrado fuera de la comunión con Su pueblo.La parábola no es tanto...
Book cover of Siguiendo Adelante
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 20, 2017

Los cristianos no son inmunes a los problemas. Desde el comienzo de los tiempos nuestro enemigo ha estado buscando devorar, desalentar y derrotar a aquellos que aman al Señor Jesucristo. El libro de Job en el Antiguo Testamento está dedicado al problema del sufrimiento en la vida del creyente; y...
Book cover of ¿Qué Tienes En La Mano?
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 30, 2016

En Éxodo 4:1-5 veremos cómo Dios usó a un hombre común y corriente y con un simple instrumento, para llevar a cabo algo que nunca pudo imaginar. Moisés vio realizado aquello que era imposible al rendir todo al Señor. Su historia constituye un desafío para cada uno de nosotros. Estos pocos versículos...
Book cover of Después del Encuentro
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 21, 2016

Jesús dijo en Juan 10:10 – “Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia”. Muchos hombres y mujeres se aglomeraban a Su alrededor para escucharle predicar, y la vida de todos ellos Jesús tocó durante Su breve estancia en la tierra. Él tocaba tanto a ricos como a pobres, a...
Book cover of Its Gates Shall Not Prevail
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2016

This is not an easy topic to deal with by a necessary one. In a day where the truth of Scripture is being compromised there are some truths we dare not avoid or ignore.There are many ideas circulating about the final judgement. The only authoritative source on this subject is the Word of God....
Book cover of The Relenting Heart of God
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2014

This is a study of the relenting nature of God's heart. I have come to appreciated the great truth of God's sovereign and unchangeable nature. This, however, does not mean that things in life can never change. God is not inflexible. Blessings can be restored where cursing was decreed. Unused gifts...
Book cover of James and 1, 2 Peter
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2015

This is a devotional commentary on the epistles of James and Peter. Its purpose is to lead readers step by step through the epistles in a way that will encourage them in their walk with the Lord. This is a devotional commentary on the epistles of James and Peter. Its purpose is to lead readers step...
Book cover of One Flesh
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2017

The purpose of God for Christian marriage is that a husband and wife become one flesh. The concept of being one flesh touches every aspect of the life of the couple. In an age that values independence, this may be a challenge to many.To become one flesh demands the sacrifice of personal rights....
Book cover of A Fiery Prophet and a People of Wood
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2018

"A Fiery Prophet," that is what Jeremiah was. He worked with “a people of wood.” His messages often burnt them to a crisp! What a thankless job he had. Nobody likes to get burnt. His listeners tried to kill him. They threw him in prison and put him in stocks. He did not have many friends....
Book cover of Genesis
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2014

The book of Genesis traces the beginings of the earth as it was created by God to its first inhabitants. It shows how sin entered the world and the effects of the sin on the human race. From the early chapters of this book, however, we see that plan of a loving God to restore His creation to himself....
Book cover of John
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2015

This is a devotional commentary on the life of the Lord Jesus as recorded by John. Written by one who was very close to Jesus, this gospel has as its central purpose to reveal Christ to the world so that the world might believe in Him and have life in His name. Written devotionally, this commentary...
Book cover of No Longer Me
by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2017

In a day when almost anything seems possible through technology and human wisdom, we need to be reminded again why we need the Holy Spirit and his enabling power.In a day of mass communication, we need to learn how to distinguish the voice of God from all other voices calling for our attention.Learning...
Book cover of Mateo, Marcos y Lucas

Mateo, Marcos y Lucas

Una Mirada Devocional al Nacimiento y Años Postreros del Ministerio del Señor Jesús

by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

¿Has leído Biblia y sentido que tienes dificultades para comprender lo que dice? ¿Las enseñanzas de la Biblia parecen demasiado alejadas de la vida cotidiana? Pocas cosas son probadamente eficaces para expander nuestros corazones y mentes, acercándonos Dios de la manera que lo hacen la reflexión...
Book cover of Apocalipsis


Una Mirada Devocional al Libro de Apocalipsis

by F. Wayne Mac Leod
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 26, 2013

¿Has leído la Biblia y sentido que tienes dificultades para comprender lo que dice? ¿Las enseñanzas de la Biblia parecen demasiado alejadas de la vida cotidiana? Pocas cosas son probadamente eficaces para expandir nuestros corazones y mentes, acercándonos Dios de la manera que lo hacen la reflexión...
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