E L Todd: 312 books

Book cover of Stralend licht

Stralend licht

Stralend, #1

by E. L. Todd
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 13, 2018

Dit is het verhaal. Ik was mijn Duitse Herdershond aan het uitlaten in het park toen die ervandoor ging en de riem uit mijn hand trok. Hij sprintte over het pad tot hij een of andere vreemde tegenkwam waar hij het goed mee kon vinden. Een verdomd lekkere vreemde, Ryker. We...
Book cover of Stralend nieuw

Stralend nieuw

Stralend, #6

by E. L. Todd
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 11, 2019

Ze koos voor hem. Omdat ik te lang heb gewacht voordat ik wist wat ik wilde.   Dit is allemaal mijn eigen schuld.  Ik moet hier weg. Ik moet overnieuw beginnen.  Ik moet haar achter me laten. Dus verhuis ik terug naar New York. Ik ga mijn oude gewoontes weer oppakken. Veel seks. Veel alcohol. Veel lol. Totdat ik Austen ontmoet.
Book cover of Llama


Eléctrico, #3

by E. L. Todd
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 22, 2018

Tercer libro de la serie Eléctrico Volt es mi mejor amigo. No hay nada más, es sólo mi mejor amigo. Natalie y Sara no dejan de decirme que hay algo más, pero no es verdad. Volt es un casanova. A ligón. Y un rompecorazones. Lo mejor es que seamos sólo amigos. O al menos eso es lo que no dejo de repetirme a mí misma …
Book cover of Combustión


Eléctrico, #4

by E. L. Todd
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 2, 2018

Cuarto libro de la serie Eléctrico Ahora que Volt y yo estamos juntos, mi vida está completa. Cuando lo conocía no era lo que estaba buscando. Brusco. Difícil. Y no estaba disponible. Pero ahora es todo con lo que siempre he soñado. Mis padres lo han conocido, y lo...
Book cover of Chispa


Eléctrico, #2

by E. L. Todd
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 8, 2018

Me he enamorado de Taylor. Cuando nos vimos por primera vez, me comporté como un idiota y no me di cuenta de que estaba como un tren. Pero sólo hizo falta un beso para que volasen las chispas. No, chispas no. Fuegos artificiales al completo. He pasado semanas intentando negar...
Book cover of Brûlure


Électrique, #3

by E. L. Todd
Language: French
Release Date: October 12, 2018

Tome 3 de la série Électrique Volt est mon meilleur ami. Et rien que mon meilleur ami. Natalie et Sara n'arrêtent pas de me dire que les apparences sont trompeuses, mais elles ont tort. Volt est un coureur de jupons. Un joueur. Et un briseur de cœur. Mieux vaut rester son amie. Du moins, j'essaye de m'en convaincre…
Book cover of Lover's Road (Forever and Always #11)
by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2014

The gang continues their story in another installment of the bestselling Forever and Always Series.Mike and Cassandra move in together, and Mike is surprised how much he loves being domesticated. Having her in the house everyday and in his bed every night is a dream come true. But when he meets...
Book cover of All I Want Is You
by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2014

The First Installment of the Forever and Ever Series.Cayson is in love with Skye Preston, his best friend for over twenty years. They grew up together, bathed together, and spent every holiday together. Hoarding the secret hasn’t been easy. Every time Cayson sees her with a boyfriend, he...
Book cover of Ray of Love (Ray #3)
by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2017

There's no way to sugarcoat it. Ryker dumped me. Everyone warned me dating him was the wrong decision. But I did it anyway. Now that it's been three months I'm finally in a good place. I haven't started dating just yet but I know that will happen in time. Finally, I don't think...
Book cover of Ray of Time (Ray #4)
by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Zeke and I are finally together. Going from best friends to lovers is surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. We do everything together, and of course, the sex is fabulous. Everything is great until Ryker shows up. He says he needs to talk to me and I think I know what it's regarding....
Book cover of Charge (Electric Series #1)
by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2016

White-hot, blinding, and dangerous.  That's exactly what Volt is.  He's electric.  The first time I met him, my body reacted. It coiled, sizzled, and sparked. I knew I wanted him because he was the first man to make me feel dead and alive at the exact same time.  But...
Book cover of Forever and Ever Boxed Set
by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2017

Books 1-3 of the Forever and Ever series. I'm in love with Skye Preston. The Skye Preston. The daughter of the wealthiest businessman in the world, and the most beautiful woman I've ever known. Her looks don't compare to her golden heart. And her heart doesn't compare to that...
Book cover of The Man

The Man

Doctor, #2

by E. L. Todd
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2019

Now that Jax is gone and I'm single once again, I'm supposed to be finding Mr. Right. But Finn is the only guy I want.  Every time we're in the same room together, the heat is explosive. We can barely look at each other without our hands shaking. As days turn into weeks, our resolve softens. And then we can't fight it anymore.
Book cover of Miércoles


Atemporal, #3

by E. L. Todd
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 30, 2018

Seguir adelante tras mi relación con Hawke fue lo más difícil que he tenido que hacer jamás. Me llevó mucho tiempo perdonar a Hawke... mucho tiempo. Pero, ahora que lo tengo, lo único que siento es una alegría desbordada. Todo es justo como debería haber sido dos años atrás....
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