B B Irvine: 34 books

Book cover of El arte de la buena vida

El arte de la buena vida

Un camino hacia la alegría estoica

by William B. Irvine
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 11, 2019

Uno de los grandes temores al que muchos de nosotros nos enfrentamos es descubrir al final que hemos desperdiciado nuestra vida, a pesar de todos nuestros esfuerzos. En El arte de la buena vida, William B. Irvine explora la sabiduría de la filosofía estoica, una de las escuelas de pensamiento más...
Book cover of A Slap in the Face: Why Insults Hurt--And Why They Shouldn't

A Slap in the Face: Why Insults Hurt--And Why They Shouldn't

Why Insults Hurt--And Why They Shouldn't

by William B. Irvine
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2013

Insults are part of the fabric of daily life. But why do we insult each other? Why do insults cause us such pain? Can we do anything to prevent or lessen this pain? Most importantly, how can we overcome our inclination to insult others? In A Slap in the Face, William Irvine undertakes a wide-ranging...
Book cover of 善用悲觀的力量(《沉思錄》實踐版):培養逆境抵抗力,放大簡單的快樂,打破不滿足的慣性
by 威廉‧歐文(William B. Irvine)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 27, 2018

[牛津大學出版社最暢銷的人生哲學書] 歐巴馬、柯林頓、密特朗、梭羅、叔本華 都歎服的生命智慧 ◆ 「盲目的樂觀,只會使人感覺膚淺;過度的悲觀,則會使人走向毀滅。唯有悲觀後的樂觀,才是精神上的強者!」 ──尼采 ◆ ◤活在這世上,你需要「實用的悲觀主義」◢ 換湯不換藥的心靈方法→廉價的勵志泡沫→失控的正向思考→惶惑的下流老人 錯誤的人生目標╳不切實際的期待 將讓你虛度人生 ▼想太多也沒關係,你的悲觀也有意義, 斯多噶哲學教你善用悲觀的正面力量 兩千多年前,斯多噶哲學家運用悲觀思考的正面力量, 意外發現了解決人生困境的心理技巧。 藉由實踐斯多噶哲學的極簡心法,當你在人生路上遇到生命十大考驗: 羞辱、憤怒、悲傷、欲望、名利、人際關係、衰老、死亡……時, 便能夠以退為進,化解心中看不開的傷、跨不過的坎, 用「消極想像」積極消解填不滿的欲望, 用「幽默自嘲」輕巧穿越羞辱與憤怒, 用「宿命論」戰勝生命的悲苦與眼淚, 剔除過度的欲望及有毒的情緒,實踐素樸的極簡生活, 發現生命真正有價值的事物,學會保持心靈平靜的大智慧。 ▼斯多噶哲學五大心理技巧 ──用悲觀的力量找回快樂的能力 【心法①】消極想像大滿足:想像最壞的結果,學會渴望早已擁有的事物,生活甜美度加倍 【心法②】控制二分心自在:將事物分成能控制與不能控制的,讓愛控制的心學會斷捨離 【心法③】活在當下大智慧:「過去」和「現在」的宿命論,教你擺脫不滿足,學會享受現有的生活 【心法④】鍛鍊意志反快樂:定期自找麻煩,延遲享受,培養自控力,快樂便操之在我 【心法⑤】反躬自省的實踐:定期反省日常生活中的事件,像《沉思錄》那樣認真過生活 ▼知足:快樂的極簡主義 ──從簡單事物中獲得快樂的能力,決定你享受生活、解決困難的能力 今日我們面臨更多的焦慮、誘惑、競爭,也與古羅馬人面臨同樣的羞辱、悲傷、衰老, 但我們仍舊束手無策,飽受各種負面情緒所苦。 斯多噶哲學發現,痛苦的元凶就是人類「貪得無厭」「習慣控制結果」的兩大天性, 讓我們不知不覺喪失了享受簡單事物的能力,而嚴重耗損了享受生活、感受快樂的能力。 原來,快樂跟控制欲也要極簡:節制、知足,反而更快樂;遇到困境時也能快速調適,不陷入痛苦。 掌握斯多噶哲學的五大極簡心法,將幫助你恢復快樂的嗅覺, 在物質與心靈上同時實踐一種素樸的極簡生活,讓你越活越幸福。 ▼生命的難關,斯多噶哲學都有解 ──早在兩千年前就為現代人調製的哲學藥方 本書詳細闡述斯多噶哲學家經典格言中的生命智慧, 從食衣住行各方面提供讀者如何擁有美好生活的忠告, 作者還整理出斯多噶哲學十大生活實踐處方, 教你按部就班學會兩千年前的古羅馬生活智慧,你將: 從羅馬皇帝馬可‧奧里略身上學會取捨 從愛比克泰德身上學會從有限的生活中獲得更大的滿足 減低焦慮,釋懷過去,將心力聚焦在生命中能夠控制的事物上 妥善處理羞辱、悲傷、衰老,坦然面對名聲與財富的誘惑等十大生命困境 徹底治癒對生活無休無止的不滿足,讓內心恢復從容和平靜 成為自己生命的觀察者,找到焦慮的源頭,避免種種痛苦,自主創造幸福人生 ▼斯多噶哲學特色 ①...


Book cover of You


A Natural History

by William B. Irvine
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2018

What are you? Obviously, you are a person with human ancestors that can be plotted on a family tree, but you have other identities as well. According to evolutionary biologists, you are a member of the species Homo sapiens and as such have ancestral species that can be plotted on the tree of life....
Book cover of Heresies Exposed
by William C. Irvine, H. A. Ironside, W. E. Vine
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2018

The days in which you and I are living are days in which Christians need to know their Bibles, for the only way by which we may know whether or not a system of teaching is of God is by viewing the system through the lens of Holy Writ—reading the system in the light of the Bible and not reading the...
Book cover of Heresies Exposed

Heresies Exposed

A Brief Critical Examination in the Light of the Holy Scriptures of some of the Prevailing Heresies and False Teachings of Today

by H. A. Ironside, William H. Pettit, William C. Irvine
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2018

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13, 14). The days in which you and I are living are days in which Christians need to know their Bibles,...
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