Andrea: 5080 books

Book cover of Bald Is Better with Earrings

Bald Is Better with Earrings

A Survivor's Guide to Getting Through Breast Cancer

by Andrea Hutton
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2015

The breast cancer guide every woman needs for herself, her best friend, and her sister—a warm, practical, relatable handbook, that dispels the terror, taking you step-by-step through the process, from diagnosis to post-treatment. When Andrea Hutton was diagnosed with breast cancer, she wanted...
Book cover of 你不爽,為什麼不明說?:腹黑、酸言、擺爛,好人面具下的「被動式攻擊」
by 安卓雅.布蘭特(Andrea Brandt)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 24, 2019

認識人際冷憤怒,化解情緒的「被動式攻擊」 23****個練習,化虛假為真實,練習精準表達不滿與憤怒!   「被動式攻擊」是潛藏在所有人際關係中,一直無以名狀的議題。無論在家庭、職場、關係、交友圈裡,它的存在令人不舒服,卻又不知該如何回應。                                                                   「被動式攻擊」的行為,從生悶氣、不理不睬、冷戰、消極不配合、擺爛,到開玩笑似的調侃、指桑罵槐、意有所指的諷刺等等,不一而足。   「被動式攻擊」是一種心理應對機制,當人覺得自己無能為力,或害怕爆發衝突時,就會以這種表面和氣卻拐彎抹角的方式,來表達內心的訴求與「隱藏的憤怒」。   臨床專研「憤怒管理」逾二十年的安卓雅醫師,在本書中,賦予「被動式攻擊」清楚的定義,並指出「被動式攻擊」的種種特徵,最終提出八個自我轉化的金鑰,帶領讀者一步步將「被動式攻擊」轉為有效的溝通,幫助我們突破關係的僵局。   你是「被動式攻擊者」嗎?   ・有人值得或渴望受到讚美時,不願給予對方應得的好評?  ・把拒人於千里之外當成報復的方式?  ・暗中耍一些搞破壞的小動作?  ・在討論重要事項時,以「都可以」、「無所謂」、「隨便你」作為回應?  ・總是有意無意地批評、貶低或傷害他人的自尊?  ・喜歡扮白臉當好人,很少說「不」(或總是說「好」)?   如何應對「被動式攻擊者」?   ・把你的原則界定清楚,然後堅守你的原則 ・不要在氣頭上進行談話,等雙方的情緒過去了再說 ・說清楚你期待對方怎麼做,也評估對方做得到、做不到什麼 ・做好強制執行的準備(視情況改變規則只會讓被動式攻擊者更無所適從) ・明確表達你不高興的是什麼,以及不高興的原因 ・讓對方明白,設定界線是為了更長遠的關係品質   自我轉化的八把金鑰   金鑰一:正視壓抑的憤怒 金鑰二:釐清情緒底下的思維 金鑰三:傾聽身體的訊息 金鑰四:設下情緒的人我界線 金鑰五:明確而堅定的溝通 金鑰六:容許建設性的衝突 金鑰七:擬定具體改變計劃 金鑰八:不再姑息被動式攻擊   專業推薦   胡展誥/諮商心理師 海苔熊/科普心理作家 陳志恆/諮商心理師、作家 (以上依姓氏筆劃排列)   名人讚譽   「看到這本書,我笑了出來,哈!這正是我自己很需要看的書,因為我就是個害怕衝突的人呀!」 ——陳志恆,諮商心理師,《受傷的孩子和壞掉的大人》作者   「我很喜歡這本書,尤其是後面的情緒表格,還有圓圈解決法。這本書具體講出一些可操作的方法,也提供一種換位思考——反省自己的觀點、造成的影響等等,我覺得相較於只是一昧的要我們切出界線,這更符合我們華人的思維。」 ——海苔熊,科普心理作家   「被動式攻擊行為對公私領域的人際關係都有危害,這本清楚、實用的指南處理的就是這個令人萬分沮喪的問題⋯⋯不懷好意的被動式攻擊,成了暗藏在老問題背後的病根,導致根深柢固、永遠無解的僵局。布蘭特醫師發揮她的專業,提供了因應的策略。我誠心推薦這本書。」 ——黛安娜.舒爾曼博士(Diana...
Book cover of Moral Psychology

Moral Psychology

Virtue and Character

by C. Daniel Batson, Eranda Jayawickreme, William Fleeson
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2017

Groundbreaking essays and commentaries on the ways that recent findings in psychology and neuroscience illuminate virtue and character and related issues in philosophy. Philosophers have discussed virtue and character since Socrates, but many traditional views have been challenged by recent...
Book cover of Spiritbird
by Andrea Gabriela Gaisa
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2016

Life is a journey and sometimes we have to hit rock bottom and build ourselves up again from scratch. Sounds familiar? Then this book can support you on your journey, wherever in the process you are at right now.Like the spiritual bird needs two wings to fly, so do we need to create a balance...
Book cover of Transnational Neofascism in France and Italy
by Professor Andrea Mammone
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2015

This book describes the establishment, evolution, and international links of the extreme right in one of the main Western European areas. Andrea Mammone details the long journey in the development of right-wing extremism in France and Italy, emphasizing the transfer, exchange, and borrowing of ideals,...
Book cover of Healthy Teens, Body and Soul

Healthy Teens, Body and Soul

A Parent's Complete Guide

by Andrea Marks, Betty Rothbart
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2003

This breakthrough book covers the head-to-toe, outside-inside health needs of today's 10- to 21-year-olds. Written by experts in adolescent medicine and parent-child relationships, this comprehensive reference gives no-nonsense, straightforward guidance on how to talk with teens in a way that will...
Book cover of Mothers United

Mothers United

An Immigrant Struggle for Socially Just Education

by Andrea Dyrness
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2013

In urban American school systems, the children of recent immigrants and low-income parents of color disproportionately suffer from overcrowded classrooms, lack of access to educational resources, and underqualified teachers. The challenges posed by these problems demand creative solutions that must...
Book cover of Chineseness across Borders

Chineseness across Borders

Renegotiating Chinese Identities in China and the United States

by Andrea Louie
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2004

What happens when Chinese American youths travel to mainland China in search of their ancestral roots, only to realize that in many ways they still feel out of place, or when mainland Chinese realize that the lives of the Chinese abroad may not be as good as they had imagined? By considering programs...
Book cover of Dehydrating Foods, Fruits, Vegetables, Fish and Meats - The New, Easy, Economical and Superior Method of Preserving All Kinds of Food Materials with a
by A. Louise Andrea
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2013

A. Louise Andrea's book on Dehydrating foods is of use to anyone interested in the process of dehydrating food stuffs at home and also to those doing so on a larger commercial scale. It contains information on how to preserve meat and fish as well as both fruit and vegetables for everyday use.
Book cover of A.S.K. God: How to Find Your Kingdom Purpose and Serve the World with Your Gifts!
by Andrea Williams
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2017

Have you ever felt like you don't have anything to offer the world?  Has your mistakes, life experiences, or relationships distract you from going after your purpose?  No fear my love, I am here to bring you some good news!  God gives us all an assignment to do here no matter what.  It is up to...
Book cover of Native Americans and the Christian Right

Native Americans and the Christian Right

The Gendered Politics of Unlikely Alliances

by Andrea Smith
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2008

In Native Americans and the Christian Right, Andrea Smith advances social movement theory beyond simplistic understandings of social-justice activism as either right-wing or left-wing and urges a more open-minded approach to the role of religion in social movements. In examining the interplay of biblical...
Book cover of Conversemos, tío Willi
by Anselm Grün, Andrea J. Larson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 28, 2015

Andrea J. Larson escribe unas cartas a su tío Willi -uno de los autores más famosos de nuestro tiempo-. Se trata de Anselm Grün. Por un lado, la joven madre de tres hijos, que ve en una vida llena de libertades también muchas limitaciones; por otro, el monje ya mayor, que de joven eligió la vida...
Book cover of Vaccinations and Public Concern in History

Vaccinations and Public Concern in History

Legend, Rumor, and Risk Perception

by Andrea Kitta
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2012

Vaccinations and Public Concern in History explores vernacular beliefs and practices that surround decisions not to vaccinate. Through the use of ethnographic, media, and narrative analyses, this book explores the vernacular explanatory models used in inoculation decision-making. The research on which...
Book cover of In the Presence of Grizzlies

In the Presence of Grizzlies

The Ancient Bond Between Men And Bears

by Doug Peacock, Andrea Dr Peacock
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

Winner of ForeWord Magazine's 2006 Gold Award for Nature Book of the Year The most comprehensive and compelling chronicle of human–grizzly-bear interactions ever written, In the Presence of Grizzlies (formerly published as The Essential Grizzly) examines the fragile bond between ourselves...
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