An: 794 books

Book cover of L'inconnu de l'Elysée
by Pierre Péan
Language: French
Release Date: February 13, 2007

Au début de 2007, alors que les deux principaux candidats déclarés à l’élection présidentielle font à peu près jeu égal, les Français s’interrogent : va-t-il oser se représenter ? Préférera-t-il se retirer sans donner aucune consigne de vote ? Apportera-t-il au candidat de la droite...
Book cover of Self-Healing Nanotextured Vascular Engineering Materials
by Alexander L. Yarin, Min Wook Lee, Seongpil An
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2019

This book gives an overview of the existing self-healing nanotextured vascular approaches. It describes the healing agents used in engineering self-healing materials as well as the fundamental physicochemical phenomena accompanying self-healing. This book also addresses the different...
Book cover of New Friendship Bible

New Friendship Bible


by Optimum Vizh-an
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2014

The NFB is written in the theme of God desiring to have friends made in His likeness. His desire emerges from the back drop of basking in His omnipresence for countless of eons. Then at one moment, He finds Himself deep in His loneliness. After wrestling with Himself, for more eons, He realizes He...
Book cover of 24 Shades of Christmas

24 Shades of Christmas

ein erotischer Adventkalender

by Jennifer Schreiner, Kelly Stevens, Lilly An Parker
Language: German
Release Date: November 12, 2015

Lilly An Parker, Katinka Uhlenbrock, Jennifer Schreiner, Jean Sarafin und Kelly Stevens entführen in "24 Shades of Christmas" in lustvolle Adventswelten und erotische Fantasien, zu prickelnden Weihnachtstagen und verführerischen Spielen rund um die (be)sinnlichsten Feiertage. Probieren Sie Fessel-...
Book cover of Kling, Glöckchen

Kling, Glöckchen

erotische Weihnachten

by Jennifer Schreiner, Kelly Stevens, Lilly Grünberg
Language: German
Release Date: November 12, 2015

Lilly Grünberg, Lena Lynn, Emilia Jones, Lilly An Parker, Katinka Uhlenbrock, Sira Rabe, Kelly Stevens und Jennifer Schreiner entführen in "Kling, Glöckchen" in lustvolle Weihnachtswelten und erotische Fantasien, zu prickelnden Weihnachtstagen und verführerischen Spielen rund um die (be)sinnlichsten...
Book cover of Human Ecology of Climate Change Hazards in Vietnam

Human Ecology of Climate Change Hazards in Vietnam

Risks for Nature and Humans in Lowland and Upland Areas

by An Thinh Nguyen, Luc Hens
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2018

This book analyzes climate change associated effects in the mountainous and coastal environments of Vietnam. The scope of the book allows international comparisons to be made between these two affected areas and other similarly affected locations under constant environmental pressure. Frequent and...
Book cover of Popol Vuh
by Anónimo Anónimo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 27, 2013

Este ebook presenta "Popol Vuh ", con un sumario dinámico y detallado. El Popol Vuh es el texto sagrado de los antiguos mayas dividido en tres partes claramente diferenciadas. La primera parte del popol vuh relata el mito de la creación del mundo y del hombre según las creencias mayas, la...
Book cover of Whispers of Words Spoken
by An Howard
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

This book of poetry comes straight from the author's heart. It s full of invigorating, enlightening and thought provoking poems. It will have you as the reader going through the emotional highs and lows of life, love, and faith as you take this journey through the pages of An Howard s mind.
Book cover of Skeeter Sierra, Etc.
by De An Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2012

Such prominent author of her first book The Brewers Brew that overflowed, following Gods guidance has done it again. Fully establishing herself in the community and nationwide, now well known, has written a second book Skeeter Siera etc. An inspiring one to encourage all to do whats right and to reach a goal whatever it may be.
Book cover of Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs
by Pierre Péan
Language: French
Release Date: November 23, 2005

Au printemps 1994, le monde est stupéfié par les images du déchaînement de fureur et de violence qui s'est emparé d'un petit pays africain, au coeur de la région des Grands Lacs, le Rwanda: les corps d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants tués à la machette, les charniers dans des villages vidés...
Book cover of Ala de mosca
by Aníbal Malvar
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 21, 2017

"Carlos Ovelar, dueño de una modesta agencia fotográfica en Madrid, recibe la llamada de Alberto Bastida, importante abogado de Compostela, quien le pide ayuda para encontrar a Ania, su hija, desaparecida desde hace unos días. Que Carlos reciba esta llamada tiene una doble explicación: Ania...
Book cover of Taximan
by Stanley Péan
Language: French
Release Date: January 27, 2014

« J’essayais d’imiter le rythme d’une course de taxi.Ça devait être bref. Les chauffeurs de taxi ont une vision du Québec qui n’est pas la mienne, moi qui ai grandià Jonquière. Ils questionnent mon identité. »C’est dans ces conversations que l’auteur Stanley Péan découvre les...
Book cover of Autochtones de la nuit
by Stanley Péan
Language: French
Release Date: August 5, 2011

Couples esseulés, enfants de la dernière chance, victimes du hasard et prédateurs en tous genres: la faune bigarrée de ce recueil fraye en eaux troubles. Seize nouvelles où une humanité ordinaire s'inflige les petites et grandes violences issues de l'incapacité daimer, de la haine brûlante...
Book cover of Aïsha


Autochtones de la nuit

by Stanley Péan
Language: French
Release Date: October 7, 2011

Couples esseulés, enfants de la dernière chance, victimes du hasard et prédateurs en tous genres: la faune bigarrée de ce recueil fraye en eaux troubles. Seize nouvelles où une humanité ordinaire s'inflige les petites et grandes violences issues de l'incapacité daimer, de la haine brûlante...
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