An: 794 books

Book cover of Sexy Young Artistic Nudes Ellen
by AN
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

This is a photo book and contains no text. ****This is an adults only book and contains female nudity.**** It's the quality you come to expect! 130 High Quality Photos!
Book cover of Royal Observer Corps

Royal Observer Corps

The ‘Eyes and Ears’ of the RAF in WWII

by An Official History
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2018

The key roles played by the Royal Observer Corps in the Second World War have, all too often, been overshadowed by more glamourous arms of the defense forces. The teams in the Sector Stations, plotting the battles raging above, and the Spitfires and Hurricanes swooping upon the formations of enemy...
Book cover of Origini - XLI

Origini - XLI

Preistoria e Protostoria delle Civiltà Antiche - Prehistory and Protohistory of Ancient Civilizations

by Tevekkül Aliyev, Elisabetta Boaretto, Luca Bombardieri
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2019

Book cover of Normalizing the Balkans

Normalizing the Balkans

Geopolitics of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry

by Dušan I. Bjelic
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2016

Normalizing the Balkans argues that, following the historical patterns of colonial psychoanalysis and psychiatry in British India and French Africa as well as Nazi psychoanalysis and psychiatry, the psychoanalysis and psychiatry of the Balkans during the 1990s deployed the language of psychic normality...
Book cover of You, Me Life, Dreams: The Workbook
by Jesse An Nichols George
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2013

What is the perfect relationship? How do we find the one? How do we build and maintain a relationship that lasts a lifetime?Learn how to create a relationship that works for you. Decode the mystery of your partner and learn how they think, feel, and what they want and need from you. Learn how to magnetize...
Book cover of El libro de las mil noches y una noche
by Anónimo Anónimo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 31, 2013

Este ebook presenta "El libro de las mil noches y una noche (6 Tomos completos) (Traducción de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez)", con un indice dinámico y detallado. Se trata de una recopilación de cuentos y leyendas de origen hindú, árabe y persa, de los cuales no existe un texto definitivo, sino múltiples...
Book cover of Carnages. Les guerres secrètes des grandes puissances en Afrique
by Pierre Péan
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2010

Il est un conflit majeur qui est passé totalement inaperçu depuis près de vingt ans. Pourtant, il a fait plus de morts que toutes les guerres depuis 1945... Environ six millions de victimes et quatre chefs d’État assassinés. Son théâtre : toute l’Afrique de l’Est et l’immense Congo,...
Book cover of Le monde selon K.
by Pierre Péan
Language: French
Release Date: February 4, 2009

Du French doctor bravache et bénévole courant soigner les victimes de la guerre de sécession au Biafra, à l’icône médiatique propulsée au top des sondages de popularité; du militant gauchiste, devenu l’un des ministres préférés du président Mitterrand, à l’éphémère soutien de...
Book cover of Taste of Success. How Great Chefs Cook, Play, and Make Money
by Arina Nikitina. With an Introduction by Massimo Bottura
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2017

From Michelin-starred winners to farmers who learned everything from the internet, you will learn how 22 chefs from around the world have built and grown their businesses from scratch. In these enlightening and practical recipes for success, they will openly talk about unexpected challenges and painful...
Book cover of Viaje al Oeste

Viaje al Oeste

Las aventuras del Rey Mono

by Anónimo chino del siglo XVI,, Jesús Ferrero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 2, 2017

«Esta nueva edición en un solo volumen de Viaje al Oeste viene a llenar un vacío tan enorme como la novela en sí, pues estamos hablando de todo un clásico de la literatura universal que, hasta épocas muy recientes, ha permanecido desconocido para los lectores españoles. El asunto es todavía...
Book cover of Une jeunesse française

Une jeunesse française

François Mitterrand, 1934-1947

by Pierre Péan
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Peu d'hommes d'Etat ont fait l'objet au fil de leur carrière d'autant d'attaques, ont suscité autant de haines et de rumeurs. L'itinéraire de François Mitterrand, il est vrai, n'a rien de banal: débutant très loin à droite de l'éventail politique pour incarner, sur son second versant, l'espoir...
Book cover of Las ideas geográficas y la imagen del mundo en la literatura
by Aníbal A. Biglieri
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Esta obra se propone estudiar las ideas geográficas en la España medieval, con particular atención a los siglos XIII, XIV y XV y en sus relaciones con las fuentes griegas y latinas del período clásico y de la tardía Antigüedad. El análisis se centra en la descripción de la imago mundi medieval...
Book cover of Xicotencatl
by Anónimo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Xicotencatl (1826) es considerada la primera novela histórica escrita en lengua española. En ella se recrea el "paso" de Hernán Cortés por la república de Tlaxcala, lo que le permitiría después obtener el triunfo en México-Tenochtitlán, corazón del imperio azteca. Con personajes...
Book cover of Poesie d'amore (?)
by An Anonymous Elephant
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 24, 2016

Posso testimoniare che accadde. Ora solo innamorati agli opposti confini di un amore. Amore che ti lascia preda di un muro. Che attraversa il cuore. 25.11.95
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