Alice Broadway: 5 books


Book cover of Ink


by Alice Broadway
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2018

There are no secrets in Saintstone. From the second you're born, every achievement, every failing, every significant moment are all immortalized on your skin. There are honorable marks that let people know you're trustworthy. And shameful tattoos that announce you as a traitor. After her father dies,...
Book cover of Inkt


de waarheid onder je huid

by Alice Broadway
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 20, 2017

Is je ziel te vangen in een tatoeage? Leora leeft in een wereld zonder geheimen: alle ervaringen, mijlpalen en misstappen worden als tatoeages op je huid weergegeven, zichtbaar voor iedereen. Leora kan tatoeages 'lezen': ze voelt de verhalen en emoties erachter. Daar zit niet iedereen op te...
Book cover of Vlam


Haar geheim is levensgevaarlijk

by Alice Broadway
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 10, 2019

Spannend vervolg op Inkt. Elk verhaal heeft twee kanten. Maar wat is de waarheid? Leora vlucht naar de bossen, waar de blanco's leven. Haar hele leven heeft ze niets dan slechts over hen gehoord. Nu waagt ze zich in hun midden, met maar één opdracht: hun vertrouwen winnen. Hoe kan dat als...
Book cover of Spark (Ink Trilogy Book 2)
by Alice Broadway
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2018

Leora is reeling: questioning everything she has ever known about her family and herself. As half-Marked and half-Blank, will she ever wholly belong in either community? She sets off to find Featherstone, home of her mysterious Blank birth mother, but will she find solace and safety or a viper's nest of suspicion?
Book cover of Scar (Ink Trilogy Book 3)
by Alice Broadway
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2019

NK taught Leora that all was not what it seems on the surface. SPARK taught her that there are two sides to every story. Now Leora has had enough of lessons - she wants to make her own story. The explosive finale to the best-selling INK trilogy sees Leora struggling to reconcile her past and her future - and recognising that there may be no easy answers.
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