Alain Deneault: 12 books

Book cover of La mediocrazia
by Alain Deneault
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 9, 2017

«Non cè stata nessuna presa della Bastiglia, niente di paragonabile allincendio del Reichstag, e lincrociatore Aurora non ha ancora sparato un solo colpo di cannone. Eppure di fatto lassalto è avvenuto, ed è stato coronato dal successo: i mediocri hanno preso il potere». Così questo libro annuncia...
Book cover of Legalizing Theft

Legalizing Theft

A Short Guide to Tax Havens

by Alain Deneault
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2018

When our infrastructures deteriorate, when social benefits are frozen, when our living conditions are precarious, it is because of tax havens. A source of growing inequalities and colossal tax losses, the use of tax havens by large corporations and wealthy individuals explains the increasingly popular...
Book cover of Canada: A New Tax Haven

Canada: A New Tax Haven

How the Country That Shaped Caribbean Tax Havens Is Becoming One Itself

by Alain Deneault
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2016

In Canada: A New Tax Haven, Alain Deneault traces Canada’s relationship with Commonwealth Caribbean nations back through the last half of the twentieth century, arguing that the involvement of Canadian financiers in establishing and maintaining Caribbean tax havens has predisposed Canada to become...
Book cover of Mediocracy


The Politics of the Extreme Centre

by Alain Deneault
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2018

There was no Reichstag fire. No storming of the Bastille. No mutiny on the Aurora. Instead, the mediocre have seized power without firing a single shot. They rose to power on the tide of an economy where workers produce assembly-line meals without knowing how to cook at home, give customers instructions...
Book cover of Offshore


Tax Havens and the Rule of Global Crime

by Alain Deneault
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2012

Offshore reveals how the vast network of unregulated financial centers-from Luxemburg to the Cayman islands to the tiny Pacific haven of Nauru- amount to a nether realm of drug and arms trade profits, enormous private accounts, and multinational corporate financial holdings. Delving into the scandals,...
Book cover of Governance
by Alain Deneault
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 24, 2018

All’origine della mediocrità c’è, secondo Deneault, la morte stessa della politica, sostituita dalla «governance». In un sistema caratterizzato dalla governance l’azione politica è ridotta alla gestione, a ciò che nei manuali di management viene chiamato «problem solving». Cioè alla...
Book cover of Imperial Canada Inc.

Imperial Canada Inc.

Legal Haven of Choice for the World's Mining Industries

by Alain Deneault, William Sacher
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2012

Asks (and answers) the simple question: why is Canada home to more than 70% of the world’s mining companies?
Book cover of La médiocratie
by Alain Deneault
Language: French
Release Date: October 8, 2015

« Rangez ces ouvrages compliqués, les livres comptables feront l’affaire. Ne soyez ni fier, ni spirituel, ni même à l’aise, vous risqueriez de paraître arrogant. Atténuez vos passions, elles font peur. Surtout, aucune “bonne idée”, la déchiqueteuse en est pleine. Ce regard perçant...
Book cover of Politiques de l'extrême centre
by Alain Deneault
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2016

Tiré à part d'un texte paru en préface de la version poche (en France seulement) de "La médiocratie". Précédé d'un prologue graphique de Clément de Gaulejac. Si elle annonçait jadis l’amorce d’une réflexion pour un ordre nouveau, la question “Que faire ?” est désormais...
Book cover of « Gouvernance »

« Gouvernance »

Le management totalitaire

by Alain Deneault
Language: French
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Dans les années 1980, les technocrates de Margaret Thatcher ont habillé du joli nom de « gouvernance » le projet d’adapter l’État aux intérêts et à la culture de l’entreprise privée. Ce coup d’État conceptuel va travestir avec succès la sauvagerie néolibérale en modèle de...
Book cover of Les milliardaires
by Linda McQuaig, Neil Brooks, Alain Deneault
Language: French
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Les milliardaires entreprend une démolition en règle des justifications apportées à l’existence de fortunes aussi démesurées que déraisonnables. Bien documentée, cette satire mordante des prétendus bienfaits collectifs de l’extrême richesse se termine en ouvrant les possibilités d’une fiscalité plus juste.
Book cover of La démocratie hasardeuse

La démocratie hasardeuse

Élections ou tirage au sort

by Hugo Bonin, Alain Deneault
Language: French
Release Date: August 29, 2018

Il est presque devenu cliché de parler de la « crise de la démocratie » que traversent les sociétés occidentales. Et si les médias, les citoyens, les jeunes ou les populistes n’étaient pas à blâmer, mais plutôt le processus même au cœur du système : les élections? Dans cet essai...
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