Social Services Welfare category: 1103 books

Cover of Indicativo futuro: le cose da fare

Indicativo futuro: le cose da fare

Materiali per una politica alternativa

by Livio Pepino, A. Algostino, L. Marsili
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 29, 2017

Difficile, nella stagione della crisi e della disuguaglianza, trovare qualcuno che creda nella politica. Anche il voto, quando c’è, è dettato dalla rabbia e dal risentimento assai più che dalla speranza di un cambiamento. Che fare dunque? Costruire e praticare una politica alternativa, all’insegna...
Cover of Casino capitalism

Casino capitalism

with an introduction by Matthew Watson

by Susan Strange
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Originally released by Basil Blackwell in 1986, and then re-released by Manchester University Press in 1998, Casino capitalism is a cutting-edge discussion of international financial markets, the way they behave and the power they wield. It examines money's power for good as well as its terrible disruptive,...
Cover of Schizophrenic Women

Schizophrenic Women

Studies in Marital Crisis

by Harold Sampson, Sheldon L. Messinger, Robert D. Towne
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

Schizophrenic Women is a fascinating report on the lives of seventeen families that suffered the experiences associated with the hospitalization of the wife and mother for mental illness. A description and analysis of representative experiences is presented here in an attempt to investigate various...
Cover of The New Economics of Income Distribution

The New Economics of Income Distribution

Introducing Equilibrium Concepts into a Contested Field

by Friedrich L. Sell
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2015

With the increased interest in the role of inequality in modern economies, this timely and original book explores income distribution as an equilibrium phenomenon. Though globalization tends to destroy earlier equilibria within industrialized and developing countries, new equilibria are bound to emerge....
Cover of La economía al alcance de todos

La economía al alcance de todos

Claves para entender cómo afecta a tu vida y tu bolsillo

by Laura Raffo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2016

La Economía al alcance de todos intenta responder a buena parte de las interrogantes que todos nos hacemos y no tenemos a quién preguntar. Lo hace con precisión, en estilo ágil y directo, para explicar aquello que de una u otra forma nos tocará la puerta. ¿Hasta cuándo va a subir el...
Cover of El agua en México

El agua en México

Consecuencias de las políticas de intervención en el sector

by Hilda R. Guerrero García Rojas, Antonio Yúnez-Naude, Josué Medellín-Azuara
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 30, 2012

México ha logrado realizar avances en el sector del agua, incluyendo un sistema legislativo equilibrado, una autoridad nacional del agua y un sistema funcional de derechos de agua, así como un naciente mercado del recurso. Sin embargo, el país todavía enfrenta desafíos significativos, relacionados...
Cover of Europa y el porvenir

Europa y el porvenir

Cómo preservar y fortalecer el modelo europeo de bienestar

by José Manuel García-Margallo, Fernando Eguidazu
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 8, 2016

La población europea se estanca y envejece, lo que está provocando un crecimiento progresivo de los gastos ligados a la edad, como las pensiones, la sanidad y los cuidados de larga duración. Si a ello unimos el hecho de que Europa presenta bajas tasas de actividad y ocupación, que limitan la capacidad...
Cover of Die hilflosen Helfer

Die hilflosen Helfer

Über die seelische Problematik der helfenden Berufe

by Wolfgang Schmidbauer
Language: German
Release Date: November 20, 2018

Die Hilflosigkeit von Helfern entspringt ihrem überstrengen altruistischen Ideal der sozialen Hilfe. Was rigide Ideale im Leben des Einzelnen und im Zusammenleben von Gruppen und Völkern anrichten können, ist das Thema dieses erfolgreichen Klassikers. Helfen macht das Wesen zahlreicher Berufe aus....
Cover of Restlaufzeit


Wie ein gutes, lustiges und bezahlbares Leben im Alter gelingen kann

by Hajo Schumacher
Language: German
Release Date: September 16, 2014

Rentenlücke, Einsamkeit, Wundliegen - unter den Babyboomern grassiert die Panik vor dem Altern. Gegen Pflegeangst und Demenzphobie gibt es nur ein Mittel: Heute anfangen, das Alter zu planen. Unterhaltsam, ehrlich und informativ erzählt Hajo Schumacher, welche Ruhestandsmodelle bezahlbar sind, die...
Cover of Крестьяне на Руси: Историческое расследование
by Иван Дмитриевич Беляев,
Language: Russian
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Монография «Крестьяне на Руси» Беляева Ивана Дмитриевича – историческое расследование положения крестьян в русском обществе в период с XII по XIX вв. Рассматривается...
Cover of For Life, With Love

For Life, With Love

Training Tool for HIV Prevention and Safe Migration in Road Construction Settings and Affected Communities

by Asian Development Bank
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2009

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) adapted IOM's existing migrant-friendly tool called For Life, With Love---a video and life skills package on HIV prevention and safe mobility for migrant and mobile populations in the Greater Mekong Subregion---to...
Cover of Basta zercar
by Gianni Cuperlo
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2013

Un affastellarsi di luoghi comuni, ecco come rischia d’essere dipinta l’Italia di oggi. Un’immagine del Bel Paese inventata da noi stessi, salvo restarne schiavi: il genio del lavoro e della creatività, isolate manifestazioni d’eroismo. Le maschere di Sordi e Villaggio. Le icone di Falcone...
Cover of A Spirit of Charity

A Spirit of Charity

Restoring the Bond Between America and Its Public Hospitals

by Mike King
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2016

Most Americans view the nation's great public hospitals as refuges of last resort for poor and uninsured people. But these iconic institutions -- some recently closed, some renamed, others rebuilt -- have also served as a safety valve for the nation's highly profitable medical industrial complex....
Cover of Andavamo a scuola con la 600
by G. Benvenuto, M. Di Menna
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 20, 2017

Nessuna decade ha segnato la storia del nostro Paese come gli anni '60. Un decennio ricco di contrasti, chiaroscuri, rinascita e caduta, speranze e disillusioni. Come in un film, gli italiani hanno assistito ad una rivoluzione epocale, che ha trasformato il loro stile di vita. Il boom economico e...
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