Social Aspects category: 6049 books

Cover of Middle-class School Choice in Urban Spaces

Middle-class School Choice in Urban Spaces

The economics of public schooling and globalized education reform

by Emma E. Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Middle-class School Choice in Urban Spaces examines government-funded public schools from a range of perspectives and scholarship in order to examine the historical, political and economic conditions of public schooling within a globalized, post-welfare context. In this book, Rowe argues that post-welfare...
Cover of La razón estrangulada

La razón estrangulada

La crisis de la ciencia en la sociedad contemporáneaLa crisis de la ciencia en la sociedad contemporánea

by Carlos Elías
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 3, 2014

Un ensayo sobre los problemas de la ciencia en la sociedad actual. «Estudiar ciencias ya no seduce.» Este reciente titular de prensa es el eje de este penetrante ensayo dedicado al declive de la ciencia y la cultura científica en la sociedad occidental. Pese al importante papel que...
Cover of Queer Masculinities

Queer Masculinities

A Critical Reader in Education

Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2011

Queer Masculinities: A Critical Reader in Education is a substantial addition to the discussion of queer masculinities, of the interplay between queer masculinities and education, and to the political gender discourse as a whole. Enriching the discourse of masculinity politics, the cross-section of...
Cover of Enseñar a vivir

Enseñar a vivir

Manifiesto para cambiar la educación

by Edgar Morin
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 5, 2016

En este nuevo libro, Edgar Morin, uno de los pensadores franceses más relevantes del momento, propugna un replanteamiento profundo de la educación, y defiende que debe centrarse en su misión esencial tal y como la concebía Rousseau: enseñar a vivir. Para Rousseau, el objetivo era permitir que...
Cover of Программное Обеспечение Души Женщин, Родившихся 10 Апреля Високосных Годов
by Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk
Language: Russian
Release Date: August 6, 2013

«Эта женщина склонна на протяжении всей своей жизни организовывать вокруг себя двойственные ситуации только лишь для того, чтобы как гипотенуза соединить собой оба...
Cover of Complementarity Beyond Physics (1928-1962)
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2013

This volume is divided into five parts. The title of the volume refers primarily to part I, which is by far the largest and comprises papers discussing the fundamental questions of biology and related psychological and philosophical problems. Following the reproduction of papers brought to publication...
Cover of Complementarity Beyond Physics

Complementarity Beyond Physics

Niels Bohr's Parallels

by Arun Bala
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

In this study Arun Bala examines the implications that Niels Bohr’s principle of complementarity holds for fields beyond physics. Bohr, one of the founding figures of modern quantum physics, argued that the principle of complementarity he proposed for understanding atomic processes has parallels...
Cover of Le bon sens à la scandinave

Le bon sens à la scandinave

Politiques et inégalités sociales de santé

by Marie-France Raynaud, Dominique Côté
Language: French
Release Date: January 6, 2014

Dans le monde occidental, les pays scandinaves se démarquent par des politiques sociales et de santé qui font d’eux les chefs de file des États égalitaires. De fait, on les cite souvent en exemple, car ils affichent des écarts moins grands qu’ailleurs entre les riches et les pauvres et un...
Cover of Rethinking Practice, Research and Education
by Dr Kevin J. Flint
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Rethinking Practice, Research and Education brings together philosophy with traditional methodological discourse, and opens a space for critical thinking in social and educational research. Drawing on the work of Heidegger, Derrida, Foucault and their descendants, this engaging critical examination...
Cover of La Ciencia Como Integradora De La Cultura
by Adalberto García de Mendoza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 8, 2016

Serie de conferencias que tratan del momento en que vivimos y se exige un resurgimiento de valores culturales. Un cambio radical se nota en todas las lucubraciones filosficas y en todas las manifestaciones del arte. Hay que hacer una nueva mentalidad, que pueda asimilar, lo mismo la teora de Einstein...
Cover of La aventura tecnológica

La aventura tecnológica

Evolución de la sociedad y el destino del hombre

by Carlos Machado Allison
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 7, 2013

Desde el dominio del fuego y las piedras talladas, hasta la revolución tecnológica de nuestros días, la creatividad del hombre ha modificado su entorno y su destino gracias a inventos e innovaciones. Un relato ameno donde se entrelazan los grandes eventos históricos y el impacto de la tecnología sobre la sociedad.
Cover of L'immaginazione simbolica
by Gilbert Durand
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 22, 2012

Questo densissimo testo ha il grande merito di spiegare non solo cos’è il simbolo e l’immaginazione simbolica, ma di reclamarne la centralità per tutte le forme della creazione psichica. Occorre decostruire l’unilaterialità sia delle retoriche positive che delle ermeneutiche riduttive, chiedersi...
Cover of Troubling the Teaching and Learning of Gender and Sexuality Diversity in South African Education
by Dennis A. Francis
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2016

In this book, Francis highlights the tension between inclusion and sexual orientation, using this tension as an entry to explore how LGB youth experience schooling.  Drawing on research with teachers and LGB youth, this book troubles the teaching and learning of sexuality diversity and, by doing...
Cover of Currículo


Políticas e práticas

by Antonio Flavio Barbosa Moreira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 2, 2013

Os textos incluídos nessa coletânea discutem recentes políticas e práticas de currículo. Tanto criticam propostas associadas ao projeto neoliberal quanto sugerem e analisam alternativas que caminhem na contramão desse projeto. Seus autores comungam do ponto de vista de que outras perspectivas...
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