Penology category: 518 books

Cover of Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2012

Effective treatment and preparation for successful reintegration can be better achieved if the needs and risks of incarcerated offenders are taken into consideration by correctional practitioners and scholars. Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions offers a unique opportunity to examine...
Cover of Elkton Rules: The Little Prison That Thought It Could
by Michael Mangold
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2016

This is the working outline for my screenplay "Elkton Rules: The Little Prison That Thought It Could." I will be adding more chapters as I progress as well as fleshing out this outline as I go along. I want to make it available right now as a collaborative project. Any and all suggestions for improvement...
Cover of Suicide and Self-Harm in Prisons and Jails
by Christine Tartaro
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2019

The second edition of Suicide and Self-Harm in Prisons and Jails provides a comprehensive exploration of how the stress associated with arrest, sentencing, and incarcerated life can contribute to the onset of a suicidal crisis even among those who never before experienced suicidal ideation or self-harmed....
Cover of Resisting Carceral Violence

Resisting Carceral Violence

Women's Imprisonment and the Politics of Abolition

by Bree Carlton, Emma K. Russell
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2018

This book explores the dramatic evolution of a feminist movement that mobilised to challenge a women’s prison system in crisis. Through in-depth historical research conducted in the Australian state of Victoria that spans the 1980s and 1990s, the authors uncover how incarcerated women have worked...
Cover of Menores y violencia de género
by Mª Pilar Tormo Irun, Mª Jesús Hernandez, Jose Luis Alba Robles
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 4, 2013

Tras el gran número de felicitaciones  recibidas por el primer número de la revista, con artículos de una calidad difícilmente superable, se producía una exigencia manifiesta por mantener ese mismo nivel de cara  al segundo número, lo cual conllevaba...
Cover of Postales tumberas
by Jorge Humberto Larrosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Un relato crudo de la evolución de la delincuencia y sus códigos en la Argentina de los últimos años. Los viejos valores, el nuevo argot y la constante corrupción de las fuerzas de seguridad. En estos tiempos en que la inseguridad tiñe nuestra vida cotidiana, Jorge Larrosa emprende un...
Cover of John Ransom's Andersonville Diary
by John L. Ransom
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2016

John Ransom was a 20-year-old Union soldier when he became a prisoner of war in 1863. In his unforgettable diary, Ransom reveals the true story of his day-to-day struggle in the worst of Confederate prison camps--where hundreds of prisoners died daily. Ransom's story of survival is, according to Publishers Weekly, "a great adventure ... observant, eloquent, and moving."
Cover of Social Control of Sex Offenders

Social Control of Sex Offenders

A Cultural History

by D. Richard Laws
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2016

This book surveys the history, current status, and critical issues regarding the various mechanisms designed to control sex offenders. It shows that the social problem of sex offending is not apparently resolvable by any of the means currently employed. A large array of procedures are used...
Cover of Les Musulmans en prison

Les Musulmans en prison

en Grande-Bretagne et en France

by Farhad Khosrokhavar, Danièle Joly, James A. Beckford
Language: French
Release Date: March 28, 2013

La montée de l'Islam en Europe est aussi repérable par le nombre croissant de musulmans dans les prisons anglaises et françaises. Mais la Grande-Bretagne et la France ont des approches différentes quant à la prise en compte de cette présence islamique. Ce livre s'appuie sur une recherche sociologique...
Cover of Prof chez les taulards
by Aude Siméon
Language: French
Release Date: February 28, 2017

Depuis quinze ans, Aude Siméon fréquente la prison. Elle enseigne le français. Aux taulards.Des criminels violents, des terroristes, un prisonnier fameux – Carlos – nouent une relation privilégiée avec leur professeur, dévoilent une part d’humanité. Alors, avec l’enseignante, on découvre...
Cover of Strafvollzug
by Klaus Laubenthal
Language: German
Release Date: July 12, 2019

Systematisch aufgebaut spannt der Autor dieses Lehrbuches den Bogen von der historischen Entwicklung über die Grundlagen des Strafvollzugs bis hin zum Vollzugssystem, dem Behandlungsprozess und den Sicherheitsaspekten. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet das Vollzugsverfahrensrecht. Unter Hinzuziehung von neuerer...
Cover of La politique de la stupéfaction

La politique de la stupéfaction

Pérennité de la prohibition des drogues

by Nicolas Carrier
Language: French
Release Date: July 17, 2015

Cet ouvrage propose une interprétation très novatrice – et critique – des politiques de prohibition. L'auteur n'oppose pas comme de coutume les politiques de répression et les politiques de prévention et de soins. Il montre au contraire comment le champ thérapeutique et diverses mesures de...
Cover of Las malas artes: Crimen y pintura

Las malas artes: Crimen y pintura

Edición Gráfica especial para Crimibooks

by Carlos Pérez Vaquero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 16, 2013

El pintor francés Edgar Degas decía que un cuadro debe ser pintado con el mismo sentimiento con el que un criminal comete un crimen. Este libro te acerca a uno de los aspectos más desconocidos de la quinta de las Bellas Artes -la pintura- para que descubras que un cuadro también...
Cover of Des polices si tranquilles

Des polices si tranquilles

Une histoire de l'appareil policier belge au XIXe siècle

by Luc Keunings
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2013

Depuis quelques années, l’histoire des forces de l’ordre fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches à l’étranger. Dans le sillage de celles-ci, cet ouvrage brosse un tableau général de l’évolution de l’appareil policier belge de l’Indépendance à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale....
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