Negotiating category: 462 books

Cover of Vijfsterrencommunicatie


het geheim van een onuitwisbare indruk

by Carmine Gallo
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 15, 2018

In ‘Vijfsterrencommunicatie’ laat Carmine Gallo zien hoe je anderen overtuigt van de waarde van jouw idee, hoe je grote groepen inspireert en hoe je je ontwikkelt van ‘good naar great’, zodat jouw vijfsterrenkwaliteiten duidelijk over het voetlicht komen. Overtuigingskracht is niet langer...
Cover of The 4 Faces of Frustration

The 4 Faces of Frustration

How to Turn Frustration into Delight

by Andrew Oxley
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

In The 4 Faces of Frustration, Andrew Oxley has penned a leadership fable that entertains as well as it instructs. Jack Staff, the newly appointed CEO of AmeriSys, did not know what he was getting into when he accepted his new position. Having set a goal to be a CEO by the age of forty-five,...
Cover of Green in Gridlock

Green in Gridlock

Common Goals, Common Ground, and Compromise

by Paul Walden Hansen
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2013

Facing one of the most dangerous conservation crises in history—acid rain—lawmakers, industry leaders, and activists embraced an attitude of civil engagement that sought common ground and acceptance of compromise solutions on all sides. As a result, they achieved a spectacular outcome. This approach...
Cover of L'Arte di Comunicare
by Michele Putrino
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Un piccolo manuale "per imparare a relazionarsi con gli altri". "Ci siamo evoluti. Abbiamo creato la Civiltà associandoci e aiutandoci gli uni con gli altri fino ad arrivare al nostro mondo contemporaneo. È chiaro, dunque, che il nostro “mondo naturale” non è più la foresta,...
Cover of Come essere assertivi in ogni situazione
by Sue Hadfield, Gill Hasson
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 15, 2013

Prendi il controllo della tua vita, non lasciarla in mano agli altri! Questo libro ti darà le basi per ottenere il massimo e vivere una vita più piena. Una lettura divertente e una fonte di ispirazione da avere sempre accanto.
Cover of Tomorrow Is Today, A behavior modification methodology, guide, and workbook to manage the job search process

Tomorrow Is Today, A behavior modification methodology, guide, and workbook to manage the job search process

The complete guide for getting and keeping your next job and advancing your career

by Lawrence Alter
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2015

THERE IS A BETTER WAY TO FIND A JOB The author, Lawrence Alter, outlines the entire job search process And the proactive way it should be done FINDING A JOB IS HARD WORK.  It has been estimated that as many as one out of every three workers attempts to change jobs annually...
Cover of Jetzt wird nicht lange diskutiert!

Jetzt wird nicht lange diskutiert!

Besser, schneller und effizienter in Gruppengesprächen

by Michael Rossié
Language: German
Release Date: March 6, 2018

Zum Werk Größere Diskussionsrunden neigen dazu, die Probleme und Fragen groß zu reden und nicht zum Ende zu kommen. Es setzen sich oft die Personen durch, die mit Ausdauer und Nachdruck ihren Standpunkt verteidigen, auch wenn dieser nicht mehrheitsfähig ist. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt, wie man solche...
Cover of Verhandeln im Grenzbereich

Verhandeln im Grenzbereich

Strategien und Taktiken für schwierige Fälle

by Matthias Schranner
Language: German
Release Date: January 13, 2012

Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele aus dem privaten und beruflichen Bereich werden verschiedene Techniken erläutert, wie man erfolgreich in Gehalts-, Verkaufs- und Vertragsverhandlungen vorgeht. Denn fast jeden Tag führen wir Verhandlungen, welche oft einen unbefriedigenden Verlauf nehmen: weil...
Cover of Chef ist Geld!
by Institut für ManagementVisualisierung
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Sie sind auf dem Weg zu Ihrem Chef-Gespräch und Ihr Kopf ist leer: Was, wenn er mich kritisiert? Was, wenn ich seine Erwartungen nicht erfüllen kann? Was, wenn ich nicht weiß, was ich sagen soll? Mit der richtigen Kommunikation wird es Ihnen gelingen Chefs und Führungskräfte zu verzaubern, schneller...
Cover of Good Deal - Bad Deal

Good Deal - Bad Deal

Kunstgriffe in der Verhandlung

by Murát Pascal G. Dursun, Barbara Schott
Language: German
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Sie interessieren sich für die Kunstgriffe in der Verhandlung? Die Beherrschung der Kunstgriffe in der Verhandlung ist ein Garant für Good Deals. Damit sind in diesem Buch Verhandlungen gemeint, an deren Ende das für Sie optimale Ergebnis steht, mit dem aber auch Ihr Verhandlungspartner zufrieden...
Cover of Esperto lavoro e sicurezza:le soluzioni
by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 9, 2010

Una raccolta di 500 casi risolti dai più autorevoli esperti di ogni specifica area in cui si articola la materia del lavoro conferisce alla prima edizione di “Esperto Lavoro e sicurezza: le soluzioni” il ruolo di efficace strumento per avere sempre a portata di mano le risposte e le soluzioni...
Cover of Ancient Wisdom, Management and Negotiations in China
by Alexander Goldstein
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2015

In the context of accelerated globalization, China’s stratagemical thought highlights the comparative advantage of the Chinese towards management with an adaptation of ‘ancient wisdom’ for the new times and modern environments. This edition exercises Chinese style of management and business...
Cover of El arte de la negociación
by Nicolás Luzuriaga, Roberto Luchi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 22, 2013

Es probable que usted pase una buena parte de su vida negociando. Aunque no seamos conscientes de ello, algunos estamos negociando casi permanentemente a lo largo de cada día de nuestras vidas. Si negociamos muchas veces todos los días, entonces deberíamos ser expertos en negociación....
Cover of Como chegar ao sim

Como chegar ao sim

Como negociar acordos sem fazer concessões

by Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 16, 2018

Uma das mais importantes obras da área de negócios, Como chegar ao sim já ajudou milhões de pessoas a adotar uma forma mais inteligente, amistosa e eficaz de negociar. Baseado no trabalho do Projeto de Negociação de Harvard, grupo que estuda e atua em todos os tipos de negociações,...
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