Missions Missionary Work category: 1022 books

Cover of Por amor a Dios

Por amor a Dios

Devocional para apasionarnos por la Palabra

by Donald A. Carson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2013

En un mundo que considera la verdad absoluta, lo correcto y lo incorrecto, y la salvación como cuestiones sujetas a una interpretación individual, las firmes proclamaciones y las milagrosas historias bíblicas parecen obsoletas para los tiempos modernos. Pero no es la Palabra de Dios la que ha cambiado....
Cover of El poder de la cruz
by Donald A. Carson, Andrés Reid
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Este libro recoge un estudio sobre los primeros seis capítulos de 1 Corintios, en el que al profundizar en el texto, se extraen multitud de amplicaciones prácticas. El autor, como Pablo, enfatiza la importancia de que la cruz ocupe un lugar central en nuestra vida y cosmovisión. Lo que Pablo enseña...
Cover of The Mystery of the Orange Wristbands
by Tami Brumbaugh
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2019

Liam peeked through the blinds and squinted at the sun. “What in the world?”Mom and Emma rushed to his side. The white house next door had a huge pile of rubble behind it, topped with an intact roof. A group of teenagers dressed in dirty t-shirts and blue jeans with bright orange wristbands stood by the side of the pile . . .
Cover of Marginaal en missionair

Marginaal en missionair

kleine theologie voor een krimpende kerk

by Wim Dekker
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 3, 2012

In dit visionaire boek analyseert de bekende theoloog Wim Dekker de situatie in de kerk: er is weliswaar sprake van een nieuw missionair verlangen, maar ook van een diepe geloofscrisis. De kerk in Nederland is in de marge beland. Tegelijk is er sprake van een nieuw verlangen missionair te zijn. Volgens...
Cover of How to Teach Prophecy
by David Bergsland
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2012

After 40 years experience, David shares tips & techniques for teaching prophecy accurately under the anointing. Teaching prophecy is a specialized skill The difficulty arises in the attempt to be accurate in an arena where the Lord himself has told us that no one knows and that no one...
Cover of De toekomst van het christendom
by Alister McGrath
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 12, 2012

Zal het christendom overleven? En zo ja, in welke vorm? McGrath gaat in op de postmoderne invloed op het christendom en de getalsmatige verschuiving van het westen naar Afrika en Azië. Ook bespreekt hij de kloof tussen academische theologie en de kerkmens, en wat daaraan te doen valt. Een actueel boek van een invloedrijk christen
Cover of Handschrift und Koerpernotation

Handschrift und Koerpernotation

Schriftliche und muendliche Ueberlieferungen von Kirchenmusik in Kamerun

by Nepomuk Riva
Language: German
Release Date: March 9, 2015

Wie verändert sich afrikanische Kirchenmusik, wenn sie aufgeschrieben wird? Wie gelingt es Dorfchören, Lieder mündlich zu überliefern? Im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches steht das Werk des Kameruner Dorfpfarrers Elias E. Ngole (1913-2005). Ausgehend von der britischen Tonic Sol-fa Solmisationsschrift...
Cover of L’Afrique d’aujourd’hui et les Églises
Language: French
Release Date: October 30, 2017

Ce premier ouvrage de la collection Réseau évangélique des missiologues pour la francophonie (REMIF) présente un ensemble d’articles de jeunes missiologues africains sur l’engagement de l’Église dans l’Afrique d’aujourd’hui. Il explique en quoi consiste l’Église missionnaire, puis...
Cover of La Morale di papa Francesco
by Paolo Carlotti
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Il pontificato di Francesco ha comportato diverse novità sul piano linguistico, pastorale e dottrinale, suscitando per lo più simpatia, entusiasmo e consenso, ma anche, in misura notevolmente minore, attendismo, riserva e dissenso. Sul terreno etico, per esempio, non siamo di fronte a una «nuova...
Cover of Same Kind of Different As Me Movie Edition

Same Kind of Different As Me Movie Edition

A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together

by Ron Hall, Denver Moore
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

Read the critically acclaimed #1 New York Times best-seller with more than one million copies in print. Same Kind of Different as Me was a major motion picture release by Paramount in fall 2017. Gritty with pain and betrayal and brutality, this true story also shines with an unexpected, life-changing...
Cover of Tutti i cuori del mondo

Tutti i cuori del mondo

Piccole storie di periferia

by Renato Kizito Sesana, Raffaello Nogaro, mons.
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2014

Incontri con bambine e bambini africani raccolti dalla strada e che hanno iniziato una nuova vita nelle comunità volute da padre Kizito. Parlando di loro con tenerezza, il missionario trova sempre spunti per una riflessione più ampia: la felicità e le sperequazioni economiche; la vita e la morte;...
Cover of Le ministère de « berger » dans les Églises protestantes de Madagascar, Fifohazana et Réforme dans le protestantisme
by Seth Andriamanalina Rasolondraibe
Language: French
Release Date: August 14, 2014

Les mouvements de Réveil ou le « ministère des mpiandry » (le premier initié par Rainisoalambo en 1894) existent aujourd’hui dans la plupart des Églises protestantes historiques de Madagascar, inspirant et influençant profondément leurs vies et leurs ministères. Ces mouvements ont toujours...
Cover of Hold Fast

Hold Fast

The Mission of God and the Obstacles of Man

by Joshua Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2018

The Mission We all desire to be a part of something BIG - something with PURPOSE. On page one of the Bible, God set into motion the most epic story of all time. His plan was and is to fill the earth with worshipers of Jesus.  But what does that mean for us? The Obstacles God...
Cover of Hallo, hereinspaziert!

Hallo, hereinspaziert!

12 Erlebnisgottesdienste für kleine Leute im Krabbel- und Kindergartenalter

by Christiane Fauth
Language: German
Release Date: October 19, 2017

Wenn ein Gottesdienst nicht Stillsitzen und Zuhören bedeutet, sondern Aktivität und Mitmachen, dann ist er ein Erlebnisgottesdienst. Hier wird für kleine Leute bis 5 Jahren durch eine klare und einfache Botschaft Glaube greifbar, Gott nahbar und biblische Geschichte erlebbar. Die Themen der 12...
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