Interpersonal Relations category: 1443 books

Cover of Het wonder van vergeving
by Willem Glaudemans
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 28, 2015

Willem Glaudemans schreef met Het wonder van vergeving een diepgravend en succesvol studieboek rond het thema vergeving. Hij laat je in zeven stappen dichter komen bij vergeving van jezelf en anderen. Glaudemans belicht hierbij alle achtergronden en uitgangspunten van vergeving, de excuses die je...
Cover of Boek van vergeving

Boek van vergeving

een gids van wond naar wonder

by Willem Glaudemans
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 29, 2013

Een praktische gids voor iedereen die met vergevingskwesties te maken heeft. Velen zien vergeven als een lang en moeizaam proces dat veel tijd en energie kost. Maar je schaadt alleen jezelf als je niet vergeeft. Dit boek geeft je de middelen om snel en effectief te vergeven. Ook bij kwesties die misschien...
Cover of Altruïsme


de kracht van compassie

by Matthieu Ricard
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Matthieu Ricard, bekend van de best- en everseller `De monnik en de filosoof , komt dit najaar met een rijk boek met een krachtige en universele boodschap. In `Altruïsme; De kracht van compassie laat hij zien hoe oprechte bezorgdheid voor het welzijn van anderen de redding kan zijn voor de uitdagingen...
Cover of The H Factor of Personality

The H Factor of Personality

Why Some People Are Manipulative, Self-Entitled, Materialistic, and Exploitive—And Why It Matters for Everyone

by Kibeom Lee, Michael C. Ashton
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2013

The “H” in the H factor stands for “Honesty-Humility,” and it’s one of only six basic dimensions of personality. People who have high levels of H are sincere and modest; people who have low levels are deceitful and pretentious. It isn’t intuitively obvious that traits of honesty and humility...
Cover of Sexy Scents of Desire Super Charge Your Attractor Factor
Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2016

SCENTS POWERFUL ABILITY TO ATTRACT  Immediately upon inhalation the marvelous power of scent reaches deeply into your subconscious mind to stimulate your powers of desire and sexual attraction. SUPER CHARGE YOUR ATTRACTOR FACTOR Use this simple technique to attract love relationships,...
Cover of Luister alsjeblieft!
by Harm Wagenmakers, Hans Stolp
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 31, 2013

Leren communiceren met de ander: het bepaalt of we eenzaam zijn of niet. Het bepaalt of we de ander kunnen helpen of niet. Het bepaalt ons geluk, onze levensvreugde, onze innerlijke vrede. We mogen rustig stellen dat we een leven lang nodig hebben om te leren luisteren en dat we alle lessen van het...
Cover of You Don't Have To Be A Jerk
by Rita Marie, Cheryl Brunscheen
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2013

A guide to relationships and dating. Designed to encourage individuals to think through situations they are involved in. We present the problem; expose the jerky characters; define what real love is and offer the solution. Finally a set of test questions aids the serious-minded reader to evaluate his or her love relationship with a potential mate. It's all in an effort to find the right person.
Cover of Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality
by Santosh Jha
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2014

The question about wellness and goodness of life and living is ubiquitous. The question has been there in different forms since millions of years. They still are. However, new issues of wellness and goodness have been added, as we all are heading for a world, which is fast becoming complex, resulting...
Cover of Guilt with a Twist

Guilt with a Twist

The Promethean Way

by Lawrence H. Staples
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2012

Lawrence Staples shows us how guilt may not particularly feel so ‘good’ at the time of a transgression, yet in retrospect the perceived ‘sin’ that originated feelings of guilt often turns out to be of great value materially, as well as spiritually. This timely publication sheds light and brings...
Cover of When Life Becomes Precious

When Life Becomes Precious

The Essential Guide for Patients, Loved Ones, and Friends of Those Facing Seriou s Illnesses

by Elise NeeDell Babcock
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2009

When you hear that someone you love has cancer... You want to be as supportive as possible. But how? Elise NeeDell Babcock has devoted her life to answering this question and now puts her twenty-three years of experience as a counselor into this immensely useful guide. When Life Becomes Precious...
Cover of Emotional Vampires: Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry
by Albert J. Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2001

Best-selling author Albert J. Bernstein helped thousands of people deal with the dangerously stupid at work in Dinosaur Brains. In Emotional Vampires he goes even further to protect unsuspecting mortals from more devious and harmful creatures vampires ready to bite, suck, and kill the emotional and...
Cover of Toward More Family-Centered Family Sciences

Toward More Family-Centered Family Sciences

Love, Sacrifice, and Transcendence

by Howard M. Bahr, Kathleen S. Bahr
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2009

Much academic writing on families reflects the ideal of non-involvement and distanced subject matter. Toward More Family-Centered Family Sciences suggests that the family sciences, in their effort to be scientific, have perpetuated this distance between researcher and subject, to the detriment of...
Cover of Sacred Matters

Sacred Matters

Religion and Spirituality in Families

by Wesley R. Burr, Loren D. Marks, Randal D. Day
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2012

Sacred Matters explores the multi-disciplinary literature about the role of religion in family life and provides new research and a new theory about ways various aspects of the sacred are helpful and harmful. The authors hope that their new conceptual framework will stimulate new research and encourage...
Cover of 為什麼愛讓人受傷?:迷惘、煎熬、躁鬱、厭世……愛情的痛,社會學也懂!
by 伊娃‧易洛斯(Eva Illouz)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 4, 2019

問世間,情為何物?愛情,為何令人遍體鱗傷? 到底情感挫折來自童年陰影,或是源於社會與文化結構的影響? 跟著知名社會學家伊娃•易洛斯一層一層探索現代愛情產業鏈,找出讓我們創鉅痛深的真相。 愛情痛苦的經驗非常普遍,幾乎可以說是人類集體共通的經驗。情傷創造一大票專家,驅策出版業、電視、無數媒體產業持續運轉。正因為整個社會認為痛苦是個人精神史的體現,相信訴說與認識自我具有療效,「自助」產業才會如此欣欣向榮,並將感情煎熬的矛頭轉到自我的私密史,以及自我形塑的能力上。 面對現代親密關係產生的疑難雜症,《為什麼愛讓人受傷?》企圖切換分析的角度:問題的癥結不在失能的童年,不在個人自覺不足,而在社會文化的衝突和矛盾,已構成現代人自我與認同的基本架構了。 作者伊娃‧易洛斯想告訴大家:愛情是被具體社會關係形塑和創造的!愛情在市場內流通,市場內充滿相互競爭、地位不對等的行動者;某些人較有能力界定被愛的條件,認為自己比別人更有資格被愛。 社會學主要研究對象是痛苦的集體表現形式,不過對尋常精神痛苦卻相對輕忽。這是由於社會學為了避免蹚個人主義和精神分析這一潭渾水,不太願意涉足情感方面的痛苦,畢竟那被視為臨床心理學之骨幹。可是,社會學若想跟得上時代,就無法迴避這一塊,勢必得面對、探索可充分反映近現代自我脆弱性的情感。因為,自我脆弱易傷,有其制度性原因,也有情感層面的因素,而愛情正是這樣一種情感。 愛情痛苦,不是旁枝末節,也不是看起來比較嚴肅的痛苦型態的附庸。《為什麼愛讓人受傷?》揭開現代愛情產業鏈的真相,證實了愛情痛苦可具體呈現現代性自我無能為力的困境和樣貌。 ※...
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