General Reference category: 6721 books

Cover of Religioni e neospiritualità
by Leonella Cardarelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 26, 2014

Religioni e neospiritualità è un saggio ampio, ben strutturato, che affronta con tono divulgativo ma rigoroso un tema complesso quale la panoramica delle principali religioni del mondo, con l’obiettivo di chiarire le differenze tra religione e spiritualità e di fornire al lettore uno strumento...
Cover of 為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌:從情歌、舞曲到藍調,樂音如何牽動你我的行為
by 丹尼爾.列維廷(Daniel J. Levitin)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 18, 2017

超越國度的歌曲魔力 改變你看世界的方式 為什麼某些宗教音樂可以加強團體的信仰?為什麼某些歌曲會讓我們潸然淚下? 其實,音樂與歌曲是人類演化中的精華,能在我們的大腦中誘發情緒並引導行為: ◎為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌? 因為悲傷的音樂可以幫我們「騙過」頭腦,讓它釋放泌乳素來回應我們透過音樂想像出來的、安全的悲傷感,然後泌乳素就可以調整我們的心情。 ◎為什麼一起唱歌能夠促進團結 因為具有同步協調性質的歌曲和身體律動,彼此需要互動、相互遷就,因此能創造出最強烈的社交連結,體內還會分泌催產素,促進建立信任感。 ◎為什麼歌詞比文章更容易記憶? 因為曲調的形式、結構與押韻,能夠為內容設下多重限制,並提供各種記憶上的提示,互相強化之下使得殘缺不全的記憶有幾乎完美的表現。 更多的音樂奧秘,都在《為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌》逐步呈現。 本書作者丹尼爾.列維廷結合了他在麥基爾大學音樂認知實驗室中最先進的科學研究, 以及和指揮家、人類學家和演化生物學家等等的訪談內容, 呈現了六大類歌曲——友誼、喜悅、安慰、宗教、知識與愛, 這些歌曲如何在我們的大腦中運作,促成人類文化與社會中的人際連結。 《為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌》帶我們走一遭藝術與科學的交融體驗, 從現代化的實證角度,對音樂提出極為豐富、令人耳目一新的見解, 讓我們對人類行為與文化進展產生了革命性的理解。 【專業推薦】 「科學家以演化生物學、神經科學、心智科學等角度解析音樂,帶來前所未見的開闊視野,也讓我們重新思考人性本質。作者自在遊走於生物音樂學的三個分支之間,不時穿插個人的音樂生命經驗,引用學術研討會中的精彩辯論,在理性與感性之間取得了美妙的平衡。」 ——臺大音樂學研究所副教授 蔡振家 為什麼歌曲能夠使你在幾秒鐘之內潸然淚下?《為什麼傷心的人要聽慢歌》會告訴你答案。書中對人類藝術的觀點新穎又激勵人心,讀起來樂趣十足,喜歡音樂的人都該來看這本書。 ——巴比.麥菲林(Bobby...
Cover of 1ed, Un unico Dios: Analisis de La Biblia. El motivo de ser del pueblo elegido
by Alberto Canen
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 19, 2012

EL PORQUÉ DE LA CREACIÓN DEL PUEBLO JUDÍO La tarea trascendental del pueblo elegido. Las políticas de la Iglesia Católica. El fin del politeísmo El pueblo elegido, ¿elegido para qué? Adán y Eva, ¿los primeros de la humanidad o simplemente los primeros del pueblo hebreo? Los judíos,...
Cover of Morals and Manners in Islam

Morals and Manners in Islam

A Guide to Islamic Adab

by Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Morals and Manners in Islam is a brief yet comprehensive handbook for Muslims and those non-Muslims interested in acquiring a broad knowledge of the Muslim way of life. The book’s contents, derived mainly from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the main sources of jurisprudence, are listed in points format.
Cover of Le Kama Sutra
by Vatsyayana
Language: French
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Le Kâmasûtra (composé de Kâma, le désir (également dieu de l'amour, équivalent indien d'Éros ou de Cupidon) et Sûtra, l’aphorisme (soit Les Aphorismes du désir) - est un recueil indien écrit entre le IVe siècle et le VIIe siècle, attribué à Vâtsyâyana. Le Kâmasûtra est un traité classique de l'hindouisme
Cover of Les complaisantes

Les complaisantes

Jonathan Littell et l'écriture du mal

by Michel Terestchenko, Edouard Husson
Language: French
Release Date: October 12, 2017

Le succès tout à fait hors norme des Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell constitue un véritable phénomène de société. Deux prix et des éloges innombrables ont été décernés à une oeuvre littérairement médiocre et historiquement datée, dont le seul ressort est le voyeurisme permanent....
Cover of Researching New Religious Movements

Researching New Religious Movements

Responses and Redefinitions

by Elisabeth Arweck
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2004

New religious movements such as the Moonies, Jehovah's Witnesses and Hare Krishnas are now well established in mainstream cultural consciousness. But responses to these 'cult' groups still tend to be overwhelmingly negative, characterized by the furious reactions that they evoke from majority interests....
Cover of God at the Center

God at the Center

Meditations on Jewish Spirituality

by David R. Blumenthal
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 1994

To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
Cover of Spirituality and Human Psyche
by Nandita Chaube
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2015

This book represents an introduction to spirituality and various psychic phenomenons such as reiki, dj vu, dreams, religion, and spiritual healing etc. This book also attempts to establish comprehensive understanding of these complex phenomenons which are usually linked with spiritual experiences....
Cover of Seder Olam

Seder Olam

The Rabbinic View of Biblical Chronology

by Seder Olam Rabbah
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 1998

Seder Olam is the basic text on which all historical understanding of Jewish tradition in the Talmud is based. This book is a translation with commentary of this classical text, making Seder Olam: The Rabbinic View of Biblical Chronology available to the English speaking public for the first time. The...
Cover of Elogio del demonio
by Eusebio Ruvalcaba
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 12, 2014

En esta fascinante obra, el autor nos lleva por un laberinto simultáneamente ajeno y perteneciente a todo ser humano: el arte a través de la música. Logramos ser testigos fieles y presenciales de hechos comunes y cotidianos de grandes creadores de la historia humana, entrando con sigilo y admiración...
Cover of Ezekiel, Daniel
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2014

The Reformation era revolution in preaching and interpreting the Bible did not occur without keen attention to the Old Testament Scriptures. This is especially true with regard to the Hebrew prophets. Ezekiel and Daniel, replete with startling, unnerving imagery and visions, apocalyptic oracles of...
Cover of La canzone a Milano

La canzone a Milano

Dalle origini ai giorni nostri

by Andrea Pedrinelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 2, 2015

Ottobre 1935, la leggenda vuole che in una sola notte Giovanni D’Anzi componga Madonina, atto ufficiale di nascita della canzone milanese. La storia però comincia prima, tra canti popolari e filastrocche, e questo volume la percorre tutta, dalle musiche di strada fino ai rapper di oggi. Caratteristica...
Cover of A Trick of the Tales
by Vincenzo Mercolino
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 3, 2015

"Wind and Wuthering", "Duke" e "A Trick of the Tail" sono gli album dei Genesis le cui canzoni hanno ispirato queste sei novelle. Alcune di queste si intrecciano l'una con l'altra, altre vivono di vita propria. Tutte frutto di quelle trame di fantasia che ciascuno di noi porta con se e che la musica dei Genesis riesce, inevitabilmente, a rendere vive.
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