General Eastern Religions category: 553 books

Cover of Christus in Euch

Christus in Euch

Dynamik des Lebens

by W. Ian Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2010

"Nun nicht ich, sondern Christus lebt in mir." (Gal 2,20). So könnte das Motto von Ian Thomas heißen. Es ist unmöglich, aus eigener Kraft Gottes Geboten zu entsprechen. Doch Christus lebt in uns. IanThomas zeigt in diesem weltbekannten Buch, wie Christen die Auferstehungskraft existenziell...
Cover of Yoga For Beginners

Yoga For Beginners

Learn How to Use Yoga For Fitness and Health

by Thrive Living Library, Midwest Journal Press
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2015

There are a lot of people who are crazy about yoga. The reason why most people do yoga is that it makes them feel better and in shape. The different poses and postures make their body healthy. Yoga for most is the best way to relax and unwind. If you want to keep your body in shape, this might be...
Cover of Lessons in Raja Yoga
by Thrive Living Library, Midwest Journal Press
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2015

If I’m right, you are probably like most of the rest of the world-tired and stressed out and looking for a way to achieve some inner peace. Without the right tools and information, it could take you years to find the serenity, peace and calm that you seek. Instead of wasting all that time...
Cover of Dancing with the Void

Dancing with the Void

The Innerstandings of a Rare-born Mystic

by Betty Camhi, Gurubaksh Rai
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2015

Born in Denmark, in 1890, Sunyata was from birth, utterly without desire, ambition and ego. Thus, the name "Sunyata"—and description of "rare-born mystic"—was given to him years later in India by the revered sage, Sri Ramana Maharshi.A lover of silence and solitude, Sunyata remained untouched by...
Cover of 2016 Rat Feng Shui Guide & Chinese Zodiac Forecast
by Kuan Loong
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2015

Feng Shui guide and Chinese Zodiac forecast for those born in the year of the Rat for the year of 2016. Get in depth analysis provided by Grand Master Kuan Loong on how you can take on this year and achieve your goals by catering to your strengths and weaknesses for the year. By applying Feng Shui...
Cover of Akhenaton, il folle di Dio
by Daniel Meurois
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 15, 2016

Ancora una volta, leggendo negli Annali dell'Akasha, Daniel Meurois rivive un'esistenza precedente. Circa 3500 anni fa egli era un sacerdote-terapeuta del tempio di Aleppo. Venne convocato alla corte di Akhenaton, il leggendario Faraone che si accingeva a restaurare il culto dell'Uno, e cercava per...
Cover of Kebra Nagast

Kebra Nagast

La Biblia secreta del Rastafari

by Lorenzo Mazzoni
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 17, 2016

   El Kebra Nagast, antiguo texto etíope, es consi-derado un libro sagrado no sólo en África, por los Cristianos Ortodoxos, sino también por los Rasta-faris del Caribe y de todo el mundo, ya que docu-menta el linaje de los monarcas etíopes, afirman-do que descienden directamente de la...
Cover of MIND THE GAP: Gurdjieffian Institutes with Ouspensky, Roles, Nicoll, Fenwick
by Jo Nicholls-Parker
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2014

The subject of this thesis is the spiritual practices taught by Gurdjieff (1870-1949) and the legacy of these teachings in the major spiritual groups that have aspired to follow this path. I argue that at the core of these spiirtual techniques are the practices that Gurdjieff referred to as "self-remembering"...
Cover of 2016 Tiger Feng Shui Guide & Chinese Zodiac Forecast
by Kuan Loong
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2015

Feng Shui guide and Chinese Zodiac forecast for those born in the year of the Tiger for the year of 2016. Get in depth analysis provided by Grand Master Kuan Loong on how you can take on this year and achieve your goals by catering to your strengths and weaknesses for the year. By applying Feng Shui...
Cover of Lecciones de Tai-chi
by Walter Lorini
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 25, 2016

* Ya conocido por los aficionados como Tai-Chi-Chuan (según la vieja grafía), es un arte marcial suave. * Llamado también técnica de la larga vida o movimiento del universo, el Tai-Chi es un arte marcial y una técnica para potenciar la salud. * Con movimientos de estiramiento y ejercicios respiratorios,...
Cover of Cómo acordarse de sus vidas anteriores
by Roger Luc Mary
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 23, 2012

La reencarnación es una creencia que causa controversias desde hace mucho tiempo: rechazada por la religión cristiana y aceptada por las orientales, siempre ha suscitado gran interés. Hoy, hasta la ciencia profundiza en este tema. En ocasiones, a través de impresiones fugaces o sueños, se experimenta...
Cover of Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Una introducción

by Ole Bruun
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 16, 2015

El feng shui se conoce en Occidente desde hace más de ciento cincuenta años, pero siempre se había considerado una forma primitiva de superstición. Tanto es así que, en época moderna, los sucesivos regímenes políticos de China han prohibido su práctica. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas,...
Cover of Mediatized Religion in Asia

Mediatized Religion in Asia

Studies on Digital Media and Religion

Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2018

This edited volume discusses mediatized religion in Asia, examining the intensity and variety of constructions and processes related to digital media and religion in Asia today. Individual chapters present case studies from various regions and religious traditions in Asia, critically discussing the...
Cover of Gott und das Leiden

Gott und das Leiden

Antworten der babylonischen Dichtung Ludlul bl nmeqi und des biblischen Hiobbuches

by Meik Gerhards
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2019

Die Erfahrung des Leidens schließt für viele den Glauben an einen allmächtigen, allwissenden und allgütigen Gott aus. Die Studie befragt im Horizont der aktuellen philosophischen Diskussion das Hiobbuch und die babylonische Dichtung «Ludlul bēl nēmeqi» nach Antworten auf die Leidensfrage. Dabei werden die Antworten des Hiobbuches auch im gesamtbiblischen Horizont reflektiert.
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