Gardening category: 4300 books

Cover of Lust auf Garten

Lust auf Garten

Planen, pflanzen, pflegen - Tipps für Einsteiger und erfahrene Gärtnerinnen

by Elisabeth Jacob, Christine Klingler Lüthi, Monika Baumgartner Hughes
Language: German
Release Date: January 17, 2013

Welche Art von Garten will ich? Was ist möglich, was kann ich bewältigen? Wie steht es mit der Bodenbeschaffenheit, der Lage und dem Klima? Was muss ich bei der Wahl der Pflanzen beachten und wie pflege ich sie richtig? Garten, Terrasse, Balkon oder Fenstersims - egal, wie gross die Fläche ist, die...
Cover of Meine Philosophie lebendiger Gärten
by Gabriella Pape
Language: German
Release Date: April 26, 2010

Ein Geschenk für jeden Gartenliebhaber Das Verhältnis von Land- zu Stadtbevölkerung ist 2007 erstmals gekippt und mehr Menschen leben in der Stadt als auf dem Land. Seitdem wächst die Sehnsucht nach der eigenen kleinen Scholle. In ihrem Buch folgt die renommierte Gartendesignerin Gabriella...
Cover of Wühl dich glücklich

Wühl dich glücklich

Mach dir einen Biogarten zum Ernten, Freuen und Teilen

by Andrea Heistinger
Language: German
Release Date: February 7, 2019

LUST AUF EIN STÜCK GELASSENHEIT? AUF IN DEN GARTEN! GÄRTNERN bedeutet so viel mehr, als Gemüse und Obst zu ernten. Gärtnern ist ein LEBENSGEFÜHL! Das zeigt sich mitunter in den unzähligen Urban-Gardening-Begeisterten, die NACH DER ARBEIT zu ihrem Beet ans andere Ende der Stadt pilgern. Oder...
Cover of Essbare Stadt Andernach
by Heike Boomgaarden
Language: German
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Die Essbare Stadt Andernach wurde mehrfach preisgekrönt und ist ein Vorreiterprojekt der Urban Gardening-Bewegung und der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung. „Naschen erlaubt“ statt „Betreten Verboten“ ist das Motto: Auf öffentlichen Flächen wird Gemüse angebaut, ein Permakulturgarten dient...
Cover of Rein ins Grüne - Raus in die Stadt

Rein ins Grüne - Raus in die Stadt

Eine Reise durch urbane Gärten

by Renate Künast, Victoria Wegner
Language: German
Release Date: March 12, 2019

Das Verlangen danach Gras unter den Zehen zu spüren und in Kontakt mit der Natur zu stehen, wird größer je mehr Beton und Gebäude uns umgeben. Dieser Gartenführer erzählt die Geschichte grüner Projekte in deutschen und internationalen Städten. Er porträtiert den Garten an sich und die Köpfe...
Cover of The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder

The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder

The Frontier Landscapes that Inspired the Little House Books

by Marta McDowell
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2017

If you loved Wilder’s books, or if you garden with a child who loves her books, you will enjoy the read.”—The San Francisco Chronicle In this revealing exploration of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s deep connection with the natural world, Marta McDowell follows the wagon trail of the beloved...
Cover of The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh

The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh

A Walk Through the Forest that Inspired the Hundred Acre Wood

by Kathryn Aalto
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2015

Loved “Goodbye Christopher Robin”? Learn more about the real place that inspired the beloved stories. Delve into the home of the world’s most beloved bear! The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh explores the magical landscapes where Pooh, Christopher Robin, and their friends live and play....
Cover of All the Presidents' Gardens

All the Presidents' Gardens

Madison's Cabbages to Kennedy's Roses—How the White House Grounds Have Grown with America

by Marta McDowell
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2016

A New York Times Bestseller and AHS Book Award winner The 18-acres surrounding the White House have been an unwitting witness to history—kings and queens have dined there, bills and treaties have been signed, and presidents have landed and retreated. Throughout it all, the grounds have remained...
Cover of Ten Wild Herbs For Ten Modern Problems
by Mary Thibodeau
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Foraging for wild plants and medicinal herbs gives us an holistic approach to today’s symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Herbs from the wild can help relieve ailments, yes, but they also are part of a getting back to nature approach to living in harmony with the earth and our own bodies.In...
Cover of Starting the Self Reliance and Self Sufficient Lifestyle
by Bud Evans
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2017

Starting the Self Reliance and Self Sufficient Lifestylke is a new way of life. It builds upon where were are to get to where we want to be in most areas of our life.
Cover of 635 Tips to Grow your Lawn Care Business
by Shane McLendon
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2016

Need advice on growing your lawn care business? Don't have eight hours to read a lengthy Ebook with enough fluff to fill your mattress? You have arrived at the correct place then. I'll cut right to the chase and forgo any lengthy stories that may be entertaining, but won't help you...
Cover of Seeds


One Man's Serendipitous Journey to Find the Trees That Inspired Famous American Writers from Faulkner to Kerouac, Welty to Wharton

by Richard Horan
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2011

"Seeds reads like the best of a roundtable discussion amongst John Muir, Bill Bryson, and David Sedaris. From the fields of Gettysburg to the home of Kerouac, Horan takes an unlikely premise and weaves it into a story that's poignant, insightful and unexpectedly humorous. This is more than a...
Cover of Its A Bugs World: Scary and Spooky Bugs

Its A Bugs World: Scary and Spooky Bugs

Insects for Kids - Entomology

by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2015

There's no reason to be scared of bugs! They can be cute if you look some of them too closely. But a child will learn to appreciate them even better if he/she learns about all the good things that they can do for the environment. So go ahead and calm your child's fear of bugs. Grab a copy now!
Cover of Famous Flowers And Butterflies

Famous Flowers And Butterflies

Beautiful Blossoms and Flowers for Kids

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2014

It is important to teach our children about the world that surrounds them. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find a method of learning children will enjoy. But if you combine the right elements, you can offer your child an exciting way to learn something new. If it is important to you to teach your children...
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