Family Therapy category: 649 books

Cover of Love Life 101: Resource Book of Love Life Problems and Solutions
by Thomas Jordan, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2017

Dr. Thomas Jordan, New York City psychologist and psychoanalyst, created the in 2012 as an online “love life library” for serious-minded lovers to find the information they need to identify and solve love life problems. In an effort to expand the reach of this directory...
Cover of Parents Are Our Other Client

Parents Are Our Other Client

Ideas for Therapists, Social Workers, Support Workers, and Teachers

by Sandra Wieland
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

Parents Are Our Other Client: Ideas for Therapists, Social Workers, Support Workers, and Teachers stands out among the vast literature on counseling children and families by finally giving therapists, social workers, support workers, andteachers the tools necessary to work with the single most significant...
Cover of Teatri di famiglia

Teatri di famiglia

La parola e la scena in terapia familiare

by Luigi Onnis
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Gli sviluppi recenti delle neuroscienze e un’epistemologia della costruzione della complessità hanno cooperato, su fronti diversi, a mettere ancor più in valore quello spostamento dalla dimensione intrapsichica alla scena relazionale familiare che caratterizza la psicoterapia sistemica. Tra i...
Cover of Qui sont ces couples heureux?

Qui sont ces couples heureux?

Surmonter les crises et les conflits du couple

by Yvon Dallaire
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2011

Le couple apparaît encore aujourd’hui comme le meilleur style de vie et la meilleure garantie de bonheur. Certains sont heureux le temps de la séduction et de la lune de miel, soit de quelques mois à deux ou trois ans, d’autres savent le rester à plus long terme parce qu’ils ont surmonté...
Cover of Séduisez qui vous voulez

Séduisez qui vous voulez

88 règles d'or de la séduction, pour une nuit ou pour la vie

by Leil Lowndes
Language: French
Release Date: January 6, 2015

CONQUÉRIR QUI VOUS VOULEZ...POUR UNE NUIT OU POUR LA VIE - Où rencontrer le partenaire idéal ? - Comment réussir la toute première conversation ? - Comment séduire un ami de longue date ? - Comment faire durer l'amour ? - Quelles sont les différences fondamentales...
Cover of L'examen clinique du couple

L'examen clinique du couple

Théories et instruments d'évaluation

by Nicolas Favez
Language: French
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Instruments d'évaluation pour comprendre les mécaniques d'une relation amoureuse.Être en couple et vivre une relation amoureuse gratifiante est considéré de nos jours comme un facteur déterminant d'épanouissement personnel. Or, il arrive que l'on ait "mal à son couple": les attentes insatisfaites,...
Cover of Voices From Fatherhood

Voices From Fatherhood

Fathers Sons & Adhd

by Patrick Kilcarr, Patricia Quinn
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2013

First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Cover of La violenza contro le donne

La violenza contro le donne

Crimine e psicopatologia del maltrattamento e del femminicidio

by Marilena Cremaschini
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 9, 2017

Il manuale esplora l’ambito del maltrattamento e della violenza esperita nei confronti delle donne toccando aspetti psicologici, sociologici e criminologici con ampio approfondimento sulla personalità del maltrattante, della vittima, sulla ciclicità della relazione perversa ed infine anche le...
Cover of Helping Couples Overcome Infidelity
by Angela Skurtu
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2018

Helping Couples Overcome Infidelity provides clinicians with tangible, research-oriented intervention strategies that can guide couples through the aftermath of an affair. In the treatment of an affair, there are several key elements that couples need to work through as a team, including assessment,...
Cover of L'amore dopo un bebè

L'amore dopo un bebè

Essere genitori senza smettere di essere amanti.

by Yves-Alexandre Thalmann
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2011

Non è un segreto per nessuno: l'amore col tempo ha la tendenza a logorarsi! La passione degli inizi si trasforma poco a poco in un sentimento più dolce, meno ardente. L'arrivo dei figli contribuisce ampiamente a questo intiepidirsi.Il passaggio dalla condizione di innamorati a quella di genitori...
Cover of Im Garten der neuen Freiheiten

Im Garten der neuen Freiheiten

Ein Reiseführer für die späten Jahre

by Julia Onken
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Während man sich in jungen Jahren erlauben kann, einfach in den Tag hineinzuleben, so ist es, wenn die Schatten länger werden, an der Zeit, sich mit den wirklich wichtigen Fragen auseinanderzusetzen: Wer bin ich? Wie wurde ich zu der Frau, die ich bin? Was könnte ich sein? Mit diesen Fragen sprengen...
Cover of La favola congiunta
by Tiziana Capocaccia
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2014

La favola congiunta è un'attvità semplice ed utile di cui descrivo alcuni ambiti di applicazione. Uno strumento pratico per l'educatore, lo psicologo, il creativo, l'insegnante, ma anche il genitore che abbia voglia di sperimentarsi in un'attività coinvolgente e divertente con il/i figlio/i. Ogni...
Cover of Love and Sex in a New Relationship
by Cate Campbell
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2018

Love and Sex in a New Relationship explores leaving a long relationship and starting a new one, with all the complexities that entails. Using her experience as a relationship therapist, Cate Campbell takes the reader through the journey of loss and renewal, examining the dynamics involved in the end...
Cover of Qui sont ces femmes heureuses?
by Yvon Dallaire
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2011

Dans son livre Qui sont ces couples heureux ?, le psychologue Yvon Dallaire trace un portrait réaliste et complet du couple heureux. Dans Qui sont ces femmes heureuses ?, l’auteur nous dit ce que toute femme devrait savoir, faire et cesser de faire pour trouver l’intimité, la communication et...
First 35 36 37 38 39 40 4142 43 44 45 46 47
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