Emotions category: 2464 books

Cover of Alpha Male: 48 Rules of Alpha Male: Transform Yourself, Master The Dating Game and About Alpha Male Dominance
by Tomas Martin
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2017

When you are talking about powerful men who have the ability to command attention and respect out of everyone in any room he walks in to, you are talking about the powers of an alpha male. This man is in the top of the social hierarchy, which entitles them to more power, higher earning potential, and...
Cover of Satisfaction


Sensation Seeking, Novelty, and the Science of Finding True Fulfillment

by Gregory Berns
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2010

"A discussion that is meaty, contemporary and expansive . . . Berns artfully blends social critique with technical expertise."- The Washington Post Book World In a riveting narrative look at the brain and the power of novelty to satisfy it, Dr. Gregory Berns explores fields as diverse...
Cover of Bullying in Adulthood

Bullying in Adulthood

Assessing the Bullies and their Victims

by Peter Randall
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2002

Peter Randall's first book, Adult Bullying, was one of the first books to examine the various situations in which adult bullying occurs, the forms it takes, and how it can be identified and dealt with more efficiently, particularly in workplace settings. Since that title was published, there has been...
Cover of Stress Management: How to Use Mindfulness and Self-discipline to Conquer Anxiety for Stress-Free Productivity
by David Scott
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2018

Do you suffer from stress or anxiety? Is it something that is ruining your life and career? If so, then this book is a 'must read' for you! Millions of people around the globe are suffering from stress, often as a direct result of the way the modern world works. Our time is subject...
Cover of L'ouverture émotionnelle

L'ouverture émotionnelle

Une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels

by Michaël Reicherts, Philippe A. Genoud, Grégoire Zimmermann
Language: French
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Étude de la psychologie des émotions et de l'affectivité.L’Ouverture Émotionnelle (OE) est une nouvelle approche théorique et pratique qui s’inscrit dans le domaine du vécu et du traitement des émotions. Le modèle de l’OE se base sur l’évaluation et l’analyse de cinq dimensions élémentaires...
Cover of Life secret wisdom
by celal boz
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2017

This book is made up with various assays, news paper articles, blogs posts in the subject matter of well, Life, we all take it for granted but how much do we know about the norms, do and don’ts , wisdom of the centuries whether it is religion or folk culture, there has been great advice and stuff...
Cover of Scrivi cosa ti dice il cuore. Autoriflessione e crescita personale attraverso la scrittura di sé
by James W. Pennebaker
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Chi nella vita si è trovato in una situazione di stress o difficoltà sa bene che esprimere le proprie emozioni negative aiuta subito a stare meglio e a superare un momento difficile. Questo volume dimostra che aprirsi, parlare ma soprattutto scrivere dei propri sentimenti ha effetti positivi non...
Cover of Professione: MAMMA
by Erika Zerbini
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 9, 2015

Cosa significa diventare mamma? La maternità è un istinto che si impara? Mamme si nasce o si diventa? In queste pagine l’autrice racconta la sua esperienza di maternità, spaziando fra i luoghi comuni più noti, le difficoltà e le contraddizioni della nostra modernità, senza tralasciare la gioia...
Cover of La vita in versione semplificata
by Luca Antonini
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 13, 2017

Racconti brevi, storie di uomini e di donne, senza idealizzazioni, senza abbellimenti, composti con l’esercizio costante di levare il superfluo per giungere alla verità più vera che conosco, poetica, radicale, brutale, spirituale, per scrivere la storia più vera che conosco con le parole più...
Cover of Anonimità
by Gianmarco Cosoli
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 12, 2016

Un mediocre scrittore e la sua vita banale impregnata di insoddisfazione. Pochi, ipocriti, amici delineano un’esistenza superflua. A ciò si aggiunge un romanzo congelato, da completare dopo anni di improduttivo lavoro. In piena crisi esistenziale, il protagonista decide di aprirsi al suo grande...
Cover of La casa delle volpi
by Giuseppe Valsecchi Pope
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2014

120 pagine, 20 storie e racconti favolistici per accompagnare nel sonno un bimbo, per farlo sognare, per farlo immaginare, per fargli vivere emozioni e scoperte. Un uccellino si stacca ogni sera dal nido, vola sulla casa, poi sul quartiere, sulla città e su su fino al monte, dove scopre la casa delle...
Cover of I Disturbi dell'Apprendimento
by Maria Derto
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 18, 2016

Moltissime famiglie di tutto il mondo sono coinvolte nei problemi scolastici dei propri figli e sempre più insegnanti si lamentano delle crescenti difficoltà dei propri alunni ad imparare. I problemi scolastici sono di tanti tipi diversi e spesso non è possibile individuare una specifica causa,...
Cover of Komik und Humor
by Theodor Lipps
Language: German
Release Date: December 13, 2012

Theodor Lipps war ein deutscher Philosoph und Psychologe des späten 19. Jahrhunderts. Er galt als einer der Hauptvertreter des Psychologismus in Deutschland. Diese tiefgründige Analyse beschäftigt sich mit Ursache und Wirkung sowie den Prinzipien hinter Komik und Humor.
Cover of Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life
by Frank Healy
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2018

Do you ever wish that something in your life had turned out differently? Are there any memories that keep resurfacing in your head? Do you wish that you could remember more? Are you suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder? Is there a painful memory that you can't stop thinking about? Heal...
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