Electronic Commerce category: 2867 books

Cover of E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life

E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life

15th Workshop on e-Business, WEB 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, December 12, 2015, Revised Selected Papers

Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2016

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Workshop on E-Business (WeB 2015), held in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, on December 12, 2015. The theme of WeB 2015 was “Leveraging Service Computing and Big Data Analytics for E-Commerce”, and thus the workshop provided an interactive forum by...
Cover of Claves para abrir una tienda online y que venda

Claves para abrir una tienda online y que venda

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre e-commerce

by Jose Luis Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 12, 2016

El título de este libro no llama a engaño, pretende ser un baño de realidad, algo que no se dice habitualmente porque lo que vende es lo supuestamente fácil y rápido: adelgazar sin dieta ni ejercicio en dos semanas y aprender inglés sin estudiar…  Suele venderse la idea de que es muy...
Cover of Mobile Platforms, Design, and Apps for Social Commerce
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2017

While social interactions were once a personal endeavor, more contact is now done virtually. Mobile technologies are an ever-expanding area of research which can benefit users on the organizational level, as well as the personal level. Mobile Platforms, Design, and Apps for Social Commerce is a critical...
Cover of Tecniche di web marketing. E-commerce digitale e social media: tutte le opportunità per le Pmi

Tecniche di web marketing. E-commerce digitale e social media: tutte le opportunità per le Pmi

E-commerce digitale e social media: tutte le opportunità per le Pmi

by Andrea Boscaro, Riccardo Porta
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2014

Come orientarsi fra motori di ricerca, social media, smartphone e tablet, eBay? Come è meglio gestire il keyword advertising e i propri investimenti in Rete? Come si fa a trasformare un utente in acquirente? Perché la web analytics è così importante? Una nuova edizione – ampiamente rivista e allargata – di una guida introduttiva di largo successo.
Cover of Memo Commerce
by Massimo D’Amico
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 10, 2010

Per lanciare prodotti sul mercato in modo aggressivo e vincente, bisogna agire in maniera diversa dagli altri, usare tattiche che altre aziende non mettono in campo. Cosa è Memo? È una guida pratica sui segreti e le strategie dell'E-commerce e del Marketing Virale, per ottenere grandi successi di...
Cover of 2018 Best Resources for Web Themes, Templates & Plugins
by Antonio Smith
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2018

This reference is loaded with necessary resources useful to website developers or those with interest thereof. Get expert advice on web themes, templates and plugins. Inside you will find trade journals and magazines, educational resources and professional business tools to assist you with technology...
Cover of Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2015

The Internet is quickly becoming a commonly used tool for business-customer interaction. Social media platforms that were once typically reserved for personal use are now becoming a vital part of a business’s strategy. Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging examines...
Cover of E-Commerce für klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen

E-Commerce für klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen

Konkrete Schritte zum digitalen Erfolg

by Yannik Süss
Language: German
Release Date: September 22, 2016

In zehn Kapiteln vermittelt dieses Fachbuch den Weg zu einem erfolgreichen Onlineshop. Ausgehend von einem schlüssigen Konzept, über die Auswahl der Technologie und Fragen der Usability sowie rechtliche Aspekte und die praktische Umsetzung werden auch Themen wie Versandabwicklung oder Suchmaschinenoptimierung...
Cover of E-Commerce und Datenschutzrecht im Konflikt
by Patricia Lotz
Language: German
Release Date: May 31, 2016

Patricia Lotz behandelt Rechtsfragen zum Einsatz moderner Marketingformen und gibt einen ersten Überblick über die Fallstricke, die sich dem E-Commerce in Zukunft vor allem im Bereich des Datenschutzes stellen werden. Die Autorin zeigt gleichzeitig mögliche Lösungswege auf. Aus rechtlicher Sicht...
Cover of eBay Commerce Cookbook

eBay Commerce Cookbook

Using eBay APIs: PayPal, Magento and More

by Chuck Hudson
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2012

Take advantage of mobile commerce to generate more demand, traffic, and sales for your products and services. This unique cookbook provides a collection of practical recipes you can put to use in every step of the mobile customer lifecycle. You’ll learn how to add features and functionality through...
Cover of Praxisführer E-Commerce

Praxisführer E-Commerce

Schritt für Schritt zum erfolgreichen Einstieg in die Online-Welt

by Sybille Wilhelm, Dr. Joachim Stoll
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2016

Stationäre Händler haben es in Zeiten des Internets nicht leicht. Warum also nicht einen eigenen Online-Shop einrichten? Der fundierte Praxisführer E-Commerce beantwortet alle Fragen rund um den Webshop und die Software, die Logistik, das Marketing, die Website, die Rechtssicherheit im Netz sowie...
Cover of Praxiswissen E-Commerce

Praxiswissen E-Commerce

Das Handbuch für den erfolgreichen Onlineshop

by Tobias Kollewe, Michael Keukert
Language: German
Release Date: August 18, 2016

Wie baut man einen Onlineshop auf und wie wird man damit erfolgreich? Die Autoren Tobias Kollewe und Michael Keukert erläutern in diesem umfassenden Handbuch sehr praxisnah, welche Schritte notwendig sind, um sich mit dem eigenen Onlineshop erfolgreich am Markt zu etablieren. Beschrieben werden Aufbau...
Cover of Tout savoir sur... L'Acquisition et la Fidélisation online
by Henri Kaufman, Hervé Bloch
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2012

Ce nouvel ouvrage de la collection « Tout savoir sur... » dirigée par Henri Kaufman revient sur les piliers d’une stratégie webmarketing (search, display, email marketing, affiliation, buzz, connaissance client, ergonomie e-commerce...) et les valeurs montantes (médias sociaux, mobile, reciblage...
Cover of Ils ont pensé le futur: web social, marketing, e-commerce...

Ils ont pensé le futur: web social, marketing, e-commerce...

Collection les fondamentaux du web et du marketing

by Henri Kaufman, Pauline Duffour Wargnier
Language: French
Release Date: February 21, 2012

Déjà complexe et exigeant, Internet s’amuse en plus à entrer dans une nouvelle ère. Son recours permanent requiert des compétences pluridisciplinaires et c’est justement pour étoffer les vôtres que nous avons conçu cet ouvrage. Il offre une soixantaine de réponses à autant de questions...
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