Electronic Commerce category: 2867 books

Cover of Der neue Online-Handel

Der neue Online-Handel

Geschäftsmodell und Kanalexzellenz im Digital Commerce

by Gerrit Heinemann
Language: German
Release Date: December 24, 2016

Dieses Buch präsentiert Entwicklungen und Zukunftstrends im Digital Commerce, der durch die neuen digitalen Kommunikations- und Konsummuster der Kunden geprägt ist. Gerrit Heinemann beleuchtet E-Commerce-Geschäftsmodelle, Kanalexzellenz sowie Erfolgsfaktoren wie digitale Zeitvorteile und Kundenzentrierung....
Cover of E-Commerce 2.0. Cómo montar su propio negocio de comercio electrónico
by Juanjo Ramos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 6, 2012

El comercio electrónico ha permitido a muchas empresas alcanzar, con inversiones económicas mínimas, ventajas competitivas hasta hace poco tiempo impensables. Debido a la relativamente baja inversión económica que requiere, el E-commerce es una gran alternativa de emprendimiento en Internet. Aprenda...
Cover of The End of Online Shopping

The End of Online Shopping

the future of retail in an always connected world

by Wijnand Jongen
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2017

Retail is going through difficult times and is suffering the consequences of both the economic crisis and the digitization of society. But fundamentally, there is a bigger problem: stores cannot keep up with the changing behavior of customers who are connected 24/7, customers for whom there is no...
Cover of Electronic Business Interoperability

Electronic Business Interoperability

Concepts, Opportunities and Challenges

Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2011

Interoperability is a topic of considerable interest for business entities, as the exchange and use of data is important to their success and sustainability. Electronic Business Interoperability: Concepts, Opportunities and Challenges analyzes obstacles, provides critical assessment of existing approaches,...
Cover of Key Concepts in e-Commerce
by Alan Charlesworth
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2007

E-Commerce is making an ever-bigger impact on the way businesses operate. Key Concepts in e-Commerce offers readers an introduction to the many words, terms and phrases that abound in this fast developing and increasingly popular discipline.
Cover of E-Commerce Shopping Cart Secrets
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2014

Learning About E-Commerce Shopping Cart Secrets Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success! People who struggle in business and life will find these things in common: * They don't know the basics. * They have no idea about shopping cart software. * They are struggling...
Cover of Come Guadagnare con Ebay - Come Avviare un'Attività Online con un Budget Ridotto
by Marco Liguori
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2016

C'è crisi? La disoccupazione è ai massimi livelli? Mentre alcuni piangono e rimurginano,altri stanno facendo affari d'oro su Ebay. Una stima del 2016 ci dice che oltre 100 venditori professionisti in Italia hanno superato il milione di euro di fatturato sul famoso sito di e-commerce. In...
Cover of Marketing digitale per l' e-commerce. Tecniche e strategie per vendere online
by Andrea Boscaro, Riccardo Porta
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 7, 2016

Il libro presenta tutti gli strumenti di marketing digitale utili per avvicinarsi al mondo dell’e-commerce. Manuale concreto, ricco di spunti, esempi e interviste ai professionisti di settore, mette a nudo i concetti, le strategie e gli strumenti più comuni di chi fa e-commerce. Un testo per gli...
Cover of Internetrecht im E-Commerce
by Ralph Schuhmann, Gerrit Tamm, Björn Heinze
Language: German
Release Date: June 6, 2016

Den Schwerpunkt des Buches bildet das „Internet der Dienste“, welches den E-Commerce prägt. Hier stehen Fragen des Vertragsschlusses im Internet, der Haftung für Inhalte unter Berücksichtigung domain- und markenrechtlicher Fragen sowie der Datenschutz, der Schutz von geistigem Eigentum und...
Cover of Leitfaden Digital Commerce

Leitfaden Digital Commerce

Online den Umsatz steigern: Wie Multichannel, Social Web und Mobile den Handel verändern

Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Digital Commerce boomt: 97 % der deutschen Internetnutzer kaufen online ein. Waren im Wert von 49 Milliarden Euro werden dieses Jahr voraussichtlich online bestellt. Zwei Drittel des Versandhandelsumsatzes werden online erwirtschaftet. Nun kommt die nächste Welle: Mobile Commerce. Inzwischen ist...
Cover of Security im E-Commerce

Security im E-Commerce

Absicherung von Shopsystemen wie Magento, Shopware und OXID

by Tobias Zander
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2014

Das Buch richtet sich besonders an Webentwickler und IT-Entscheider, die eine E-Commerce-Seite betreiben wollen oder dies bereits schon tun. Es werden neben den häufigsten Angriffsszenarien wie XSS, Injection oder CSRF auch Exoten wie Pixel Perfect Timing beschrieben und mögliche Verteidigungsmethoden...
Cover of Virtual Plastic
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2014

"The Definitive Guide To Accepting‚ Setting Up & Processing Online Payments Overnight On A Shoe String Budget" Through This New Report You Can Learn How To Quickly & Easily Start Accepting Online Payments With No Head Aches! If you've been interested in starting your own web...
Cover of How To Make Money: The Fastest & Easiest Way To Make Money Online: Make $3,000 Per Month With Zero Skills, No Website and No Investment
by Richard Carroll
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2015

 get How To Make Money With Kindle Direct Publishing: The Fastest & Easiest Way To Make Money Online: Make $3,000 Per Month With Zero Skills, No Website and No Investment. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.  This book contains proven steps and strategies on how...
Cover of eBay Income: How Anyone of Any Age, Location, and/or Background Can Build a Highly Profitable Online Business with eBay REVISED 2ND EDITION
by John Peragine
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2011

Anyone can learn the ins and outs of eBay with this new book from Atlantic Publishing Company. eBay has changed the way products and services are purchased all over the world. Daily over 1.5 million online customers and providers log on to bid and sell virtually anything that can be bought or purchased....
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