Electronic Commerce category: 2867 books

Cover of Video Editor Free Tools 8

Video Editor Free Tools 8

Video Editing Made Simple [ The 8 Series - Vol 1 ]

by Mobile Library
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2018

For professional reasons, passion or just for fun, the true is that many and many people have an increasing need to edit videos. Many times is just to make it shorter, other times to add caption or to join several clips or add sounds, etc. In any case, there are some great resources...
Cover of Tools To Make Video Tutorials 8

Tools To Make Video Tutorials 8

Video Editing Made Simple [ The 8 series - Vol 5 ]

by Mobile Library
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2018

Showing how we do one task is the best way to transmit that skill and watching others do it is the best way to acquire and revisit that information. That is the reason why we are starting to see video tutorial everywhere. A few years ago, creating video tutorials required the help of experts...
Cover of Post-TV


Piracy, Cord-Cutting, and the Future of Television

by Michael Strangelove
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2015

In the late 2000s, television no longer referred to an object to be watched; it had transformed into content to be streamed, downloaded, and shared. Tens of millions of viewers have “cut the cord,” abandoned cable television, tuned into online services like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, and also...
Cover of The Kim Kardashian Principle

The Kim Kardashian Principle

Why Shameless Sells (and How to Do It Right)

by Jeetendr Sehdev
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2017

In the instant New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller, Jeetendr Sehdev inspires people everywhere to learn from the way celebrities engage their fan bases. In the space of five years, Jeetendr Sehdev has shaken up the world of entertainment by revealing how social...
Cover of The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth

The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth

Discover Why And How You Can Make the Money, Make the Rules.

by Thrivelearning Institute Library
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2013

Those who really desire to attain independence, have only to set their minds upon it, and adopt the proper means, as they do in regard to any other object which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily done. But however easy it may be found to make money, I have no doubt many of my hearers...
Cover of 訂閱經濟:如何用最強商業模式,開啟全新服務商機


Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future - and What to Do About It

by 左軒霆 Tien Tzuo, 蓋比.偉瑟特 Gabe Weisert
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 3, 2019

百年一遇的商業大變革,萬物皆可訂閱的時代已經來臨。 史丹佛最新熱門課程、全球最大訂閱管理平台執行長 教你掌握下個十年最重要商業趨勢—— 萬物被連結,數據被秒解,競爭關鍵在服務。 最潮也最強的新商業模式,企業必懂、消費者必看! 生活大小事,只要固定支付一筆費用就能享用? 當訂閱經濟遇上新科技與消費觀念改變,變化出史上最潮也最強的商業創新。 ‧亞馬遜市值破兆,Prime超過1億的付費訂戶是助攻主力。 ‧汽車隨你開、火車與飛機隨你搭,給訂戶自由,也給公司帶來穩定現金流。 ‧芬達樂器不只賣吉他,還推線上教學,培養訂戶變樂手,成功黏住顧客。 ‧Netflix最在意的對手不是迪士尼、亞馬遜,而是如何精進它的訂閱服務。 不只是影音、知識、軟體等內容產品可以被訂閱,現在連機械、地板(透過感測器創造數位分身)等工業產品,刮鬍刀、尿布、化妝品等日用品都可以被訂閱。過去六年,訂閱制企業營收成長是標普500企業的八倍多。 沉寂已久的實體世界已經開始甦醒。訂閱模式不只是收費形式轉變,經營與工作思維也將徹底翻轉,從產品導向的一次買斷,變成與訂戶建立持續服務的長期關係,這才是數位轉型的全貌。 由銷售產品轉向追求顧客成功,訂閱制3大特色一次解讀: 1.與傳統租賃不同:強調即時將產品或服務升級到最新版本,透過不斷分析資料,改善用戶體驗,提供更彈性的隨訂或隨停方案。 2.比傳統會員制更有彈性:客戶可以定期檢視與企業之間的關係,促使企業持續改善、提供更好的服務。 3.比共享經濟範圍更廣:萬事萬物都有機會從買斷改成訂閱,產品可能是實體資產,也可能是內容、軟體或服務。 第一本教你從頭打造訂閱制事業的書,從產品開發、行銷到財務策略,組織內所做的每件事與每個人都將被改變,企業必懂、消費者必看! 各界一致推薦 HomeKeeper訂悅家執行長王秋鎮、KKBOX總裁...
Cover of 大破壞:Facebook、Google、Amazon制霸,如何引爆全球失衡


Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democra

by 喬納森‧塔普林(Jonathan Taplin)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 19, 2018

「快速行動,打破陳規」是臉書的宗旨,「不作惡」是谷歌的警句。亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯則說:「每個人都應該有追求幸福的權利,我認為這種中心思想就是自由。」數位革命的興起,是為未來社會帶來進步與幸福的福祉,還是人類文明與民主的浩劫? 葛萊美獎得主羅珊‧凱許、T‧彭恩‧本內特:人類的生存正面臨威脅。 華特‧艾薩克森(《賈伯斯傳》)作者:激進的自由放任主義意識形態和許多矽谷創業家的壟斷性貪婪,協助摧毀了音樂家的生計,並且正在扼殺網際網路初始的公社理想。 數位科技與網際網路的進步,助長了三大網路巨擘的權力,使它們發展成力量足以與世界抗衡的數位怪獸。這些巨大並持續快速發展的組織,究竟是為人類社會帶來進步與幸福的數位革命家,還是帶來毀滅與災難的掠奪者? 《大破壞:Facebook、Google、Amazon制霸,如何引爆全球失衡》作者塔普林提出一個簡潔有力的歷史觀,解釋了網路生活如何依照這些公司創立者的價值觀被塑造,包括彼得‧提爾(Peter...
Cover of The Intermediate Authorpreneur

The Intermediate Authorpreneur

The What, Why, Where, When, Who & How Book Promotion Series

by Sarah Jane Butfield
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Adding to the Authorpreneur Toolkit Find out how to get your writing business started in easy to follow, simple steps which breaks down the fears and myths of social media and networking for aspiring and new authors. It's not rocket science and anyone can do it! Get started today and feel free...
Cover of how to build your online business
by ZhuoYi Li
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2012

This ebook makes no promises of how you can make thousands of dollars a month by working just 2 hours a week. This ebook contains real information, resources and tips to help you get more sales and increase your online income.This is just a sample of what you can learn from this ebook:How to...
Cover of Online MLM Blueprint
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2017

Discover How You Can Successfully Build a Highly Profitable Online Network Marketing Business And Ace It Like A Pro! What are the secrets to building an ultra-successful network marketing business? If you were to ask 30 top distributors and industry leaders, you'd get 30 different answers with...
Cover of Internet Marketing For Business People
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2017

This book is really for anyone who wants to learn more about internet marketing and how to make money from the web. There is a huge potential that the internet represents when it comes to earning money. This is not just an option for those  tech-savvy entrepreneurs; this is something that anyone...
Cover of Getting Started Online Fast
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2017

Online sales are booming and are expected to reach $327 billion in 2016 with professionals predicting more rapid growth with each passing year... The Key to Starting and Succeeding in Your Online Business is Knowing How Not to Fail! Are you looking for a way to make more money, but don't want...
Cover of Passive Recurring Income with Shopify
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2016

How About Making MORE Money With Shopify Every Month? Making a living as a blogger is a dream shared by many - and it's easy to see why it has such appeal. As a full time blogger, you can make a full time living writing about any subject in the word, which will normally mean you're writing about something...
Cover of Insider Secrets For A Successful Membership Website
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Who Else Wants to Discover How to Build a Successful Membership Site That Practically Runs on Autopilot While Sending HUGE Profits Pouring into Your Bank Account? What do palm reading, pet grooming, senior travel and sports cars all have in common? They are all subjects that have membership...
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