Eastern category: 10105 books

Cover of The Creed of Buddha

The Creed of Buddha

With Linked Table of Contents

by Edmond Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2016

Philosophy is, in its essence, the quest of reality. In the attempt to determine what is real, one has to choose, in the first instance, between the percipient self and the things that it perceives. This choice may seem to be purely metaphysical, but sooner or later it becomes a moral choice and one...
Cover of Occult Science In India
by Louis Jacolliot
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2012

Occult Science in India By Louis Jacolliot This book was written in the 1860s, when reliable information about Hinduism was just starting to filter back to the west. Jacolliot was searching for the roots of western esoteric traditions in the far East. The high point of this book is the travelogue...
Cover of 2016 Rat Feng Shui Guide & Chinese Zodiac Forecast
by Kuan Loong
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2015

Feng Shui guide and Chinese Zodiac forecast for those born in the year of the Rat for the year of 2016. Get in depth analysis provided by Grand Master Kuan Loong on how you can take on this year and achieve your goals by catering to your strengths and weaknesses for the year. By applying Feng Shui...
Cover of Kali The Mother
by Sister Nivedita
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2012

Kali the Mother by Sister Nivedita "Margaret E. Noble was an Irish woman who was converted to Hinduism by the noted Indian Guru Vivekananda during the Victorian era. Under the name Sister Nivedita she devoted her life to selflessly serving the poor of India, particularly women, in Calcutta,...
Cover of Gerechtigkeit


Relecture einer Sehnsucht

by Hamid Kasiri
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2015

«Lernweg zum Schia-Islam» ist eine mehrbändige Studie, die versucht, in jedem Band einen Glaubenspunkt oder eine theologische Stellungnahme bezüglich theologischer und/oder menschlicher Themen zu behandeln und dadurch den Lesern einen kleinen Überblick über den Schia-Islam anzubieten. Diese...
Cover of Akhenaton, il folle di Dio
by Daniel Meurois
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 15, 2016

Ancora una volta, leggendo negli Annali dell'Akasha, Daniel Meurois rivive un'esistenza precedente. Circa 3500 anni fa egli era un sacerdote-terapeuta del tempio di Aleppo. Venne convocato alla corte di Akhenaton, il leggendario Faraone che si accingeva a restaurare il culto dell'Uno, e cercava per...
Cover of Buddhist Mahayana Texts
by E. B. Cowell, F. Max Müller, J. Takakusu
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2016

Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts Translated by E. B. Cowell, F. Max Müller and J. Takakusu Part I: The Buddha-karita of Asvaghosha THE Sanskrit text of the Buddha-karita was published at the beginning of last year in the 'Anecdota Oxoniensia,' and the following English translation is now...
Cover of The Creed of Buddha
by Edmond Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2015

Philosophy is, in its essence, the quest of reality. In the attempt to determine what is real, one has to choose, in the first instance, between the percipient self and the things that it perceives. This choice may seem to be purely metaphysical, but sooner or later it becomes a moral choice and one...
Cover of Kebra Nagast

Kebra Nagast

La Biblia secreta del Rastafari

by Lorenzo Mazzoni
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 17, 2016

   El Kebra Nagast, antiguo texto etíope, es consi-derado un libro sagrado no sólo en África, por los Cristianos Ortodoxos, sino también por los Rasta-faris del Caribe y de todo el mundo, ya que docu-menta el linaje de los monarcas etíopes, afirman-do que descienden directamente de la...
Cover of Catéchisme bouddhique
by Soubhadra Bhikshou
Language: French
Release Date: March 31, 2017

Extrait :  2. Qu’est-ce qu’un bouddhiste ? C’est un homme qui vénère le Bouddha comme la Lumière du monde, comme le maître et le guide suprême de tous les êtres vivants ;  qui regarde comme vraie la doctrine qu’il a enseignée ; en suit les préceptes et qui a affirmé ses...
Cover of MIND THE GAP: Gurdjieffian Institutes with Ouspensky, Roles, Nicoll, Fenwick
by Jo Nicholls-Parker
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2014

The subject of this thesis is the spiritual practices taught by Gurdjieff (1870-1949) and the legacy of these teachings in the major spiritual groups that have aspired to follow this path. I argue that at the core of these spiirtual techniques are the practices that Gurdjieff referred to as "self-remembering"...
Cover of The Creed of Buddha
by Edmond Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2012

This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive annotation of more than 10.000 words about the history and basics of Buddhism, written by Thomas William Rhys Davids The author of " The Creed of Buddha " can safely say that no better exposition of Buddhism has ever been...
Cover of 2016 Tiger Feng Shui Guide & Chinese Zodiac Forecast
by Kuan Loong
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2015

Feng Shui guide and Chinese Zodiac forecast for those born in the year of the Tiger for the year of 2016. Get in depth analysis provided by Grand Master Kuan Loong on how you can take on this year and achieve your goals by catering to your strengths and weaknesses for the year. By applying Feng Shui...
Cover of 讀老子:筆記62則
by 史作檉
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 10, 2014

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