Drawing category: 1242 books

Cover of 素描的原點:除了色彩,素描包羅萬象──從光影到透視,畫出靈韻生動的8堂課
by 安德魯‧路米斯 Andrew Loomis
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 28, 2015

Cover of 人體素描聖經:素描就是觀看,畫出傳神寫照的12堂課
by 安德魯‧路米斯 Andrew Loomis
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 29, 2015

對於學習繪畫的人來說, 沒有聽說過安德魯‧路米斯是最無法被原諒的錯誤之一。   你開始學習素描了,同時你開始對人產生新的興趣,   你留意過周遭的人,你開始思索該如何刻劃這些人的細節……   傲慢自大要怎樣以光影與形狀來表現?   什麼樣的線條讓人感到挫折與絕望?   什麼樣的手勢對應什麼樣的情緒?   為何有一些童稚的臉龐討人喜歡?   有些成人的面孔卻是令人心生狐疑無法信賴?     「我全部的繪畫技法和我所畫的超級英雄都應歸功於路米斯的天才著作。」──美國漫畫大師亞力克斯‧羅斯(Alex...
Cover of Programming the Finite Element Method
by I. M. Smith, D. V. Griffiths, L. Margetts
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2013

Many students, engineers, scientists and researchers have benefited from the practical, programming-oriented style of the previous editions of Programming the Finite Element Method, learning how to develop computer programs to solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. This...
Cover of Gli elementi del disegno
by John Ruskin
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 8, 2014

Anche nei periodi di più intensa attività, quando dalla sua penna nascevano opere quali i "Pittori moderni" o "Le pietre di Venezia", John Ruskin dedicava diverse ore al giorno al disegno e alla pittura. Rarissimo esempio di teorico capace di tradurre in pratica artistica i princìpi...
Cover of Clotoidi
by Paolo Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Nel testo viene esposto un programma per il calcolo della clotoide come curva a raggio variabile usata nelle costruzioni stradali e ferroviarie. L'autore, Paolo Rossi da Palmanova, ha trascorso 38 anni come tecnico esclusivamente nella costruzione di autostrade in Italia e all'estero (Arabia Saudita...
Cover of Les pionniers de la Nouvelle peinture en Iran

Les pionniers de la Nouvelle peinture en Iran

Œuvres méconnues, activités novatrices et scandales au tournant des années 1940

by Alice Bombardier
Language: French
Release Date: March 31, 2017

« Nous avons vécu une période particulièrement difficile. Il n’y avait aucune direction connue dans notre travail. Pas à pas, nous avons dépassé l’effroi de l’égarement et découvert le plaisir de domaines nouveaux... Mais les critiques n’étaient pas de notre côté, aucune valeur...
Cover of Mechanical Vibration

Mechanical Vibration

Fundamentals with Solved Examples

by Ivana Kovacic, Dragi Radomirovic
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2017

Mechanical oscillators in Lagrange's formalism – a thorough problem-solved approach This book takes a logically organized, clear and thorough problem-solved approach at instructing the reader in the application of Lagrange's formalism to derive mathematical models for mechanical oscillatory...
Cover of Guerrilla Art Kit
by Keri Smith
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 26, 2013

Después de los destructivosDestroza este diario, Caos y Esto no es un libro, Keri Smith nos propone cambiar el mundo a partir de su Guerrilla Art Kit. Vivimos en la edad de oro de la autoexpresión. A pesar de dedicar mucho más tiempo al mundo virtual, no hemos olvidado la importancia de...
Cover of Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers
by James Doane
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2015

The aim of this book is to motivate students into learning Machine Analysis by reinforcing theory and applications throughout the text. The author uses an enthusiastic ‘hands-on’ approach by including photos of actual mechanisms in place of abstract line illustrations, and directs students towards...
Cover of Haptic Feedback Teleoperation of Optical Tweezers
by Zhenjiang Ni, Ryad Benosman, Céline Pacoret
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2014

The authors of this book provide the first review of haptic optical tweezers, a new technique which brings together force feedback teleoperation and optical tweezers. This technique allows users to explore the microworld by sensing and exerting piconewton-scale forces with trapped microspheres....
Cover of Cada día un dibujo
by Almudena del Mazo Revuelta
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Un reto personal conseguido. Dibujar cada día durante un año mis reflexiones, quizá parecidas a las tuyas. Más de 365 imágenes a todo color, más de 365 historias vividas y narradas. ¿Cómo te llegan ideas cada día?, me preguntan. Todos los días ocurren cosas, contesto. Sólo estuve atenta y lo dibujé.
Cover of CATIA V5 - DMU Kinematics

CATIA V5 - DMU Kinematics

per la progettazione in movimento

by Luca Sclafani
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2017

Il Kinematics appartiene alla famiglia dei Digital Mock-Ups (DMU) e rappresenta l’ambiente del CATIA V5 che consente di simulare la movimentazione di meccanismi, ovvero assiemi di più parti i cui movimenti risultano opportunamente collegati tra loro. Pertanto, l'impiego del Kinematics diventa fondamentale...
Cover of L'Arpa tra Cinquecento e Seicento
by Valentina Rodi
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 16, 2015

Il lavoro di ricerca compiuto in questo manuale, esemplifica la ricchezza culturale compiutasi in uno dei più fervidi periodi della Storia Musicale, nel quale lo strumento in questione: “l’Arpa”, viene analizzato non solo sotto un profilo storico, ma anche sotto quello organologico e infine...
Cover of Faszination Komposition

Faszination Komposition

Grundelemente der Komposition im bildnerischen Bereich Ein Werkbuch 2., unveraenderte Auflage

by Béatrice Cron, Karen Betty Tobias
Language: German
Release Date: March 4, 2016

Dieses Buch führt mit erprobten Methoden und praktischen Übungen in die Welt der Gestaltungs- und Kompositionslehre ein. Der schöpferische Weg, der im malerischen Prozess auf dem Wechselspiel von verschiedenen kognitiven und emotionalen Vorgängen fußt, wird zum Gegenstand der Beobachtung und...
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