Development Growth category: 1653 books

Cover of Becoming a 3D CEO: The ultimate guide to unleashing your inner leader
by Luis Alvarez Satorre
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2018

Change is the new normal. Disruption is affecting all our businesses. New leaders are required to deal with the challenges and opportunities of a global digital world. This book is a pragmatic guide based on personal stories and the experiences of a 3D CEO. Learn the core skills to become one of those leaders. Read it, enjoy it, apply it.
Cover of YOU Power! The Dirty Little “Cheat Sheet” for Power Projection & Social Dominance!
by Greg Perry
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2016

Power is a funny thing. Either you have it or you don’t. If you don’t have it your life is less than what it could be. Fortunately for you, attaining power is simple when you know how to focus on just a few simple aspects of gaining it.In YOU POWER!, bestselling author Greg Perry reveals...
Cover of Don't Get A Job, Build A Business

Don't Get A Job, Build A Business

Growing Your Own Business

by Joanne Hession, Joan Baker
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2013

This book is full of the kind of information you need to run a small business successfully - whether you are just starting out, or you have an established business and you want to develop it and ensure its survival. Through a series of 'Killer Questions' the authors highlight all the important things...
Cover of Soul Trader

Soul Trader

Putting the Heart Back into Your Business

by Rasheed Ogunlaru
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2012

If your heart's not in your business, why are you? In the flurry of everyday deadlines, fire fighting and all the pressing demands on our time, it's easy to forget the real reasons we started our own business in the first place. Soul Trader helps you connect with your personal mission, values and...
Cover of Exponentiële organisaties

Exponentiële organisaties

waarom nieuwe organisaties tien keer beter, sneller en goedkoper zijn – en hoe jij dat ook wordt

by Salim Ismail, Yuri van Geest, Michael S. Malone
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 14, 2015

Een must read voor ceo’s, ondernemers en beleidsmakers die niet alleen de noodzaak voor verandering zien, maar ook aan de slag willen.In een tijd waarin ontelbaar veel nieuwe mogelijkheden en kansen zich voordoen, is een nieuw soort business opgestaan: de exponentiële organisatie. Deze bedrijven...
Cover of 第四次工業革命
by 克勞斯.施瓦布Klaus Schwab
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 31, 2017

★本書榮獲亞馬遜網路書店2017最佳商管書TOP20! 第四次工業革命正如海嘯般地席捲全球, 在這個新世界裡,不再是大魚吃小魚, 而是快魚吃慢魚! 未來5年全球15大經濟體, 將因機器人和人工智慧的興起, 導致510萬個工作消失...
Cover of 馬雲:未來已來
by 阿里巴巴集團
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 30, 2017

馬雲親自解讀阿里巴巴的商業邏輯與未來布局 對未來互聯網和電子商務做出大膽預判及展望 人類正從IT(資訊科技)時代走向DT(數據科技)時代 在DT時代,只有讓員工、客戶、合作夥伴、競爭對手比你更強大, 社會才會進步,你才有可能成功 回顧前幾次的技術革命,一次巨大的變革,從開始到完成大約需要五十年。互聯網革命剛剛經歷了前二十年,未來三十年是人類社會翻天覆地的三十年。互聯網技術將全面融入社會各層面,真正蘊含了各種巨大商機,只要懂得利用技術、大數據和創新,人人都有機會。 百分之百「杭州製造」的馬雲,於1999年在家鄉招集了十八羅漢,共同創辦阿里巴巴集團。在眾人質疑、融不到資,後來競爭激烈,再到2014年赴美完成全球最大的IPO,對很多大企業及創業家來說,這正是功成名就的表徵,對馬雲來說,這才是邁向未來的開始,因為阿里巴巴是要做102年的企業。 本書由阿里巴巴集團操刀主編,全面蒐羅馬雲從2015年到2017年在各種場合的精彩談話。馬雲深入闡述對電子商務、DT時代、未來技術,以及社會變革的思考和暢想,詳細解讀阿里巴巴在未來十年、乃至未來三十年的戰略規劃和發展前景,也分享了對女性權益、公益活動、環境保護、農村脫貧、打擊假貨、教育等社會熱議的觀點及行動。除了對阿里巴巴集團的展望,本書還收錄了馬雲和世界知名領導人物的對話,包括美國前總統歐巴馬、加拿大總理杜魯多、臉書創辦人祖克柏等。 IT時代把人類變成機器,DT時代把機器變成智慧人,這象徵著我們進入一個新型的時代。很多人對於快速變化的世界,有著極大的焦慮感和茫然。馬雲說:「現在是世界變化最快的時候,也是一個最好的時代,因為我們從來沒有遇過現在這般機會。每一代人有每一代的職責,有每一代的機遇。This...
Cover of Steps
by Patricia Vaccarino
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2012

Steps is more than an ordinary business book. It encompasses the concept of business+dance=brand philosophy, yet the term branding is rarely mentioned. I am suggesting that you should not even consider building a brand unless you are willing to do hard work the same way a dancer learns technique,...
Cover of Summary of Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is Shipping American Jobs Overseas - Lou Dobbs
by Capitol Reader
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2013

This ebook consists of a summary of the ideas, viewpoints and facts presented by Lou Dobbs in his book “Exporting America: why Corporate Greed Is Shipping American Jobs Overseas”. This summary offers a concise overview of the entire book in less than 30 minutes reading time. However this work does...
Cover of Lean Business Planning

Lean Business Planning

Get What You Want From Your Business

by Tim Berry
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2015

Lean business planning simple but powerful way to get what you want from your business. Get focused, grow faster, and adjust to change. A lean business plan is an easy and practical way to align strategy, tactics, milestones, assumptions, and essential cash flow without the fuss of a full business...
Cover of Retail Shrink 101

Retail Shrink 101

Theft Prevention

by Joel Santana
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2013

This incredible and dynamic book gives Retailers the big picture concerning shrink. Never before has a writer vividly described shrink with a clear and precise problem and solution concept. Understanding how shrink is created is only a third of the solution. Putting a plan in place to prevent shrink...
Cover of Beyond the Chicken Dance

Beyond the Chicken Dance

An Enlightened Approach to Building Better Business Alliances

by Charles H. Newman
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2009

SO YOU THINK YOU WANT AN ALLIANCE PARTNER? To succeed in the business world today sometimes takes human, technical or financial resources outside the scope of your reach. You may be trying to access new technology. You may be trying to leverage your own technology or know-how. You may be trying to...
Cover of Summary: Hoover's Vision - Gary Hoover
by BusinessNews Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

This work offers a summary of the book “HOOVER’S VISION: Original Thinking For Business Success” by GARY HOOVER.Gary Hoover – himself a successful businessman as well as an in-demand speaker – suggests that success doesn’t come by trying to imitate the business models of today’s leading...
Cover of Summary: Honda Motor - Tetsuo Sakiya
by BusinessNews Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

This work offers a summary of the book “HONDA MOTOR: The Men, the Management, the Machines” by Tetsuo Sakiya.Tetsuo Sakiya explains the business strategies and culture of Honda, and suggests why they are successful, especially in comparison to the Western model (where car companies are struggling)....
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