Customer Service category: 721 books

Cover of Creare un blog di successo
by Creare Un Blog E Siti Web Wordpress
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2015

Creare un blog di successo un ebook che ti guiderà nella creazione di un blog o sito Web di successo. In questo ebook trovi tutte le informazioni e gli strumenti che ti servono per aprire un blog e portarlo al successo conseguendo risultati concreti per la tua attività online.
Cover of Come Trasformare I Reclami A Tuo Vantaggio
by Tania Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2015

Solo il 4% dei clienti RECLAMA. Il restante 96% tace, ma in compenso... il 91% non ritorna più e diffonde la notizia. Trasforma i RECLAMI A TUO VANTAGGIO e ribalta le percentuali. IN QUESTA GUIDA SCOPRI COME: Distinguere i reclami dalle obiezioni Evitare i 12 classici errori Gestire...
Cover of Mastering Habit - How Successful People Think And Operate
by Adidas Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2019

You will always hear people giving excuses saying that they were not born with the talent necessary to succeed. It is true there are naturally advantaged people in some ways. However, attaining success at something boils down to committing yourself and taking the time to acquire and master skills....
Cover of L'étude de la relation client

L'étude de la relation client

Le marketing scientifique à l'usage des managers

by Jacques Angot, Ruben Chumpitaz, Valérie Swaen
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Quels sont les outils d'évaluation mis à disposition pour étudier la relation entre les clients et l'entreprise ? L'étude de la relation client est un enjeu majeur au sein de toutes les entreprises. Tout professionnel se voit assigner des objectifs de conquête de nouveaux clients, d'augmentation...
Cover of The Antidote to Suffering: How Compassionate Connected Care Can Improve Safety, Quality, and Experience
by Christina Dempsey
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2017

An indispensable guide to reducing the suffering―of patients and caregivers alike―and to improving healthcare delivery for all In our efforts to treat patients, cure illness, and manage institutions, healthcare professionals too often overlook the fundamental purpose everyone in the industry...
Cover of Becoming a Top Telemarketer
by V.T.
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2014

Are you working as a telemarketer, or intend to set up a telemarketing company? Well, you are on the right track. Cold calls, or sales calls are still one of the best ways to get leads, and therefore highlighting the importance or telemarketers. However, in order to be a good one, you need...
Cover of Let Their Mouseclicks Do the Walking

Let Their Mouseclicks Do the Walking

How Consumers Use the Internet to Shop

by Michael R. Solomon
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2010

This Element is an excerpt from The Truth About What Customers Want (9780137142262) by Michael R. Solomon. Available in print and digital formats.   Meet the “cybermediaries”: how consumers find and choose products on the Internet.   With the tremendous number of Web sites available and the huge...
by Robert Stetson
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2013

What is a Busy Kard? It’s the Business card of tomorrow in your wallet today! In this book, I will teach you how to create the BusyKard, Business Card Style Label and pages needed for your business card along with full color photos and embedded audio with video presentations.  I show you...
Cover of Professione Agente di Viaggi
by Beppe Amico
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 26, 2012

Come aprire un'agenzia di viaggi con i consigli dell'esperto. Saggio sul turismo e le agenzie di viaggi in Italia. In un testo agile e sciolto l'autore focalizza la sua attenzione sui temi e le problematiche più diffuse della professione di agente di viaggi. Dopo una descrizione dell'attuale...
Cover of 50 Sfumature di Manager - 50 cose da (NON) fare per far fallire un'azienda
by Gennaro D'ermes
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 7, 2015

I dipendenti dell'azienda quotidianamente lavorano duramente per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi, talvolta in un ambiente “precario”, al fine di sostenere gli interessi del Business e del Manager che, a sua volta, non coglie quasi mai i loro sforzi, anzi, il Manager qui descritto, sarà sempre...
Cover of Marketing di sopravvivenza per attività locali: 10 chiavi pratiche per trovare nuovi clienti e fidelizzarli
by Roberto Pellizzari
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 2, 2016

Come ti sentiresti se il tuo bar, ristorante o negozio fosse sempre pieno di clienti? Immagino tranquillo e con una visione del futuro più ottimistica. Non sempre le cose prendono la piega che immaginiamo e quando iniziano ad andare male reagiamo in due modi: Ci chiudiamo in noi stessi e attendiamo...
Cover of The client always has the right of way

The client always has the right of way

traffic rules for client-oriented thinking and working

by Ammy Kuiper, Heusden-Zolder Elan Languages
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2010

Ask anyone how they deal with clients and they will say: The client is king. But how do you deal with this king in practice? Because, as well as being king, clients always have the right of way. But do you know the Highway Code that relates to clients? Are you actually working in a client-oriented...
Cover of God's Business

God's Business

How to Supercharge Your Faith, Your profit, and Your Client Experience

by Frederick "Coach" West III
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

God’s Business is not another religious book written about business; it is a business book that leverages faith values to help you fulfill the purpose God has for you and your business. The intent is not necessarily to put more God in to your business, but instead to set up your business to have more...
Cover of How to Build Your Business Website without Outsourcing
by Daniel Hall
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast! Christina Hills is today’s special guest. She is the founder of the Creation Workshop website. She teaches non- techy, heart-centered entrepreneurs, authors, experts, and coaches how they can easily create their own websites in WordPress...
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