Cosmology category: 730 books

Cover of We hebben geen idee?!

We hebben geen idee?!

de grootste mysteries in het universum voor zover we nu weten

by Daniel Whiteson, Daniel Cham
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 9, 2017

  Wat we nog niet weten van het universum   In We hebben geen idee?! behandelen Whiteson en Cham op humoristische wijze alle grote wetenschappelijke vragen waarvan je zou verwachten dat we ze nu onderhand wel beantwoord hebben, maar waar we eigenlijk niets vanaf weten. Ze leggen...
Cover of Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context

Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context

Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context

Language: English
Release Date: January 27, 2012

NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT--OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price During the last 50 years, coincident with the Space Age, cosmic evolution has been recognized as the master narrative of the universe, history writ large. Cosmic evolution includes physical,...
Cover of Cosmos, Gods and Madmen

Cosmos, Gods and Madmen

Frameworks in the Anthropologies of Medicine

Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2016

The social anthropology of sickness and health has always been concerned with religious cosmologies: how societies make sense of such issues as prediction and control of misfortune and fate; the malevolence of others; the benevolence (or otherwise) of the mystical world; local understanding and explanations...
Cover of The Cosmic Egg
by Fritz Blackburn
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2016

What existed before the “Big Bang?” What purpose has the universe? What form? And—what will the universe become at the end of all evolution? These questions can all be answered in terms of the mechanics of form! This theory of everything makes form itself quantifiable and explains the larger...
Cover of Universal


Una guida al cosmo

by Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2017

Proviamo a immaginare di tornare indietro al tempo in cui, prima del Big Bang, l'intero universo era compresso in una regione più piccola di un atomo. Ora, come mostrano Cox e Forshaw, possiamo andare oltre: possiamo comprendere. Nei secoli, il bisogno umano di scoprire ha dischiuso un'incredibile...
Cover of Het veld

Het veld

De zoektocht naar de geheime kracht van het universum

by Lynne McTaggart
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 3, 2013

Wetenschapsjournaliste Lynne McTaggart beschrijft het verhaal van een groep wetenschappers die per ongeluk het Zero Point Field (nulpuntveld) ontdekten, een oceaan van microscopische vibraties die alles met alles in het universum blijken te verbinden als een soort onzichtbaar netwerk. Het Veld gaat...
Cover of Universe Vs Human Being

Universe Vs Human Being

(Too - Hot, Too - Cold, Unified Spin Theory)

by Ranga Rao P Vadlamudi
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2015

In this book there is one discovery aspect That is SPIN FORCE. It explains the reason is for natural calamities like earth quake, cyclones, tsunamis and tornadoes. CLIMATE - How to protect preserve and conserve to extend and save the existence of LIFE FORM on this planet MOTHER EARTH No...
Cover of The Bright Universe
by Anthony William Green
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2019

Inspired by NASA’s publication of data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP); revealing unexpected amounts of dark energy and dark mass in the universe. The Bright Universe paints a picture of the universe built from dark matter and dark energy it describes the expanding parts of...
Cover of Extensions of f(R) Gravity

Extensions of f(R) Gravity

Curvature-Matter Couplings and Hybrid Metric-Palatini Theory

by Tiberiu Harko, Francisco S. N. Lobo
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

Recent cosmological observations have posed a challenge for traditional theories of gravity: what is the force driving the accelerated expansion of the universe? What if dark energy or dark matter do not exist and what we observe is a modification of the gravitational interaction that dominates the...
Cover of Black Hole Information and Thermodynamics
by Dieter Lüst, Ward Vleeshouwers
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2019

Based on Prof. Lüst's Masters course at the University of Munich, this book begins with a short introduction to general relativity. It then presents black hole solutions, and discusses Penrose diagrams, black hole thermodynamics and entropy, the Unruh effect, Hawking radiation, the black hole information...
Cover of Le Meteoriti Italiane - Storia delle meteoriti italiane cadute nei secoli
by Matteo Chinellato
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 26, 2015

Sin dai primordi dell’umanità, le cosiddette “pietre cadute dal cielo” hanno costituito per chi le ha osservate un mistero affascinante. In alcuni antichi scritti cinesi, greci e romani si descrive spesso il fantastico spettacolo della pioggia di sassi scagliati sulla Terra dagli dèi del fulmine...
Cover of Haben Schwarze Löcher keine Haare?
by Stephen Hawking
Language: German
Release Date: December 16, 2016

Das Geheimnis der Schwarzen Löcher Sie sind eines der größten Rätsel im Universum: Schwarze Löcher, kollabierte Sterne, deren Anziehungskraft so groß ist, dass sie alles in sich hineinziehen, was in ihren Einflussbereich gelangt. Stephen Hawking hat sich ein Leben lang mit ihnen beschäftigt....
Cover of Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels

Struktur des Kosmos: Versuch von der Verfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des ganzen Weltgebäudes, nach Newtonischen Grundsätzen abgehandelt

by Immanuel Kant
Language: German
Release Date: October 3, 2016

Dieses eBook: "Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Nach Kants Vorstellung ist unser Sonnensystem eine Miniaturausgabe der beobachtbaren Fixsternsysteme, wie zum...
Cover of Sieben kurze Lektionen über Physik
by Carlo Rovelli
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2015

Hundert schmale Seiten reichen, um die Physik der Moderne zu erklären Wo kommen wir her? Was können wir wissen? Seit ihren umwälzenden Entdeckungen im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert spüren Physiker den Kräften und Teilchen nach, die die Welt im Innersten und Äußersten zusammenhalten. Für jedermann...
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