Conflict Resolution category: 868 books

Cover of Manuale per un fidanzato felice
by Emanuele Renzi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 4, 2014

Timidezza? Incomprensioni? E' arrivato il Manuale che ogni ragazzo aspettava... da morir dal ridere. :D
Cover of Come Riconquistare il tuo EX

Come Riconquistare il tuo EX

Guida operativa per tornare insieme alla persona che ami

by Federica Uggè
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 25, 2014

Se una storia finisce ci sono motivi e motivi. E’ stata colpa tua o colpa sua? Ma questo non importa assolutamente se quello che vuoi è tornare assieme alla persona che ami! Questo libro ti svela tutti i segreti per riconquistare l’Ex. Il concetto di fondo è che nulla è impossibile, è solo...


Cover of Lei


by Gian Piero Rizzo
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 22, 2016

Il Passato che non passa mai Quando si rimane ancorati al passato, ogni luogo diventa una prigione senza via d'uscita e ogni pensiero ha la stessa tossicità di un gas velenoso. Il protagonista, in attesa nella sala d'aspetto di un ospedale, viene continuamente tormentato da flashback che lo portano...
Cover of Free At Last
by Ron Rockey, Nancy Rockey
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2013

People everywhere have questions about why life has dealt them a devastating blow, or why their thoughts and feelings lead them to behaviors which sabotage their joy and distance them from the very relationships they long for.In this book, Ron and Nancy Rockey, who teach from personal experience and...
Cover of The Chief's Guide to The 7 Principles of Organic Loving & Living
by Chief M. Nangoli
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

Relationships, like everything else human beings engage in, need some kind of discipline. the high rate of divorce around the world can only be attributed to the fact that the institution of marriage, has hitherto been conducted without clear guidelines. enter the 7 principles of organic love, as...
Cover of Iets ter grootte van het universum
by Jón Kalman Stefánsson
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 13, 2016

‘Iets ter grootte van het universum’ is een caleidoscopische roman waarin de lezer meegezogen wordt in het rijke universum van Stefánsson, aan de hand van een familiegeschiedenis in het twintigste-eeuwse IJsland. Het relaas van een gespannen relatie tussen vader en zoon en dat van een vrouw die...
Cover of An Everyday Warrior
by Simon Morrell
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2018

In the stunning sequel to From Bullied to Black Belt Simon Morrell tells of even more adversity he has faced in his life, this time almost ending him. Achieving his lifetime ambition of becoming a Black Belt he thought he had faced all his demons and his life was on track. However he found himself...
Cover of The Spanking Fallacy, Moving Beyond the Dark Ages of Childhood Discipline
by Michael J. Marshall, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2018

Dr. Marshall originally wrote Why Spanking Doesn't Work and has expanded his views in this amazing work, The Spanking Fallacy, that includes the latest in research and parenting best practices. First time parents absolutely need this book to understand the far reaching ramifications of taking a hand...
Cover of How to Handle Her Attitude

How to Handle Her Attitude

Managing Adverse Dispositions

by A. I. Abana
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2018

How to Handle Her Attitude Have you ever met a girl, a lady or a woman whose behavior you didn't like? Have you ever wondered why she was behaving the way she did? ... You were experiencing her attitude. How would you like to avoid such adverse female behavior for good? How would you...
Cover of The Dance of Parenting

The Dance of Parenting

Finding Your Inner Choreographer

by Natasha Solovieff
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2017

Through stories and a breakdown of how-tos, The Dance of Parenting will get you thinking about your parenting experience in a new way. It offers simply laid out parenting skills to help you energize and strengthen your parenting dance. It will accompany you as you develop your enlightened, thriving inner choreographer.
Cover of Gelosia: Strategie e Metodi per Sconfiggerla
by Vitiana Paola Montana
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 1, 2016

È quando ci lasciamo travolgere dai dubbi, dalle paure incontrollate e irrazionali che la gelosia emerge nella sua accezione più deleteria, procurandoci sofferenza e mettendo a rischio i nostri rapporti. Il terrore che proietta il sentimento della gelosia è fatto di paura di essere abbandonati,...
Cover of Bambi



by Marjorie Benton Cooke
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2018

"Professor James Parkhurst, I consider you a colossal failure as an educator," said Francesca, his daughter, known to friend and family as Bambina, or Bambi for short. Professor Parkhurst lifted a startled face from his newspaper and surveyed his only child across the breakfast table. "My...
Cover of Le Judo Verbal
by Pierre Dubois
Language: French
Release Date: December 2, 2012

« Le Judo Verbal » Pierre Dubois 1. Les 4 grandes étapes face aux personnes difficiles --- que vous devez connaître et maîtriser ! PAGE 3 2. Comment vous devez toujours réagir face à un chef qui perd son sang-froid et s’en...
Cover of Ouvrir la parole
by Pierre FÉDIDA
Language: French
Release Date: June 19, 2017

L’œuvre de Pierre Fédida interroge les conditions du langage dans la psychanalyse et dans la psychothérapie : comment aider le patient à parler de soi et à trouver sa voie ? Les textes choisis arpentent les différentes étapes, de ses réflexions et de son expérience au sujet de...
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