Compulsive Behaviour category: 422 books

Cover of Las voces de la locura
by José María Álvarez, Fernando Colina
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 19, 2016

Este libro habla de un largo trabajo, de intereses compartidos y de dos estilos diferentes. Después de varias décadas de colaboración, llama la atención que sigamos dando vueltas a las mismas cuestiones sobre la condición humana y la psicopatología. Una de ellas, las relaciones del lenguaje...
Cover of Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success
by James Allen
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2019

This is one of James Allen's (author of As a Man Thinketh) final works. It covers living in happiness and gaining success. It was published in 1913 after his death. This small and attractive work contains many beautiful and choice thoughts upon the principles and methods of right living to ensure...
Cover of Schluss mit dem Suff

Schluss mit dem Suff

Wege aus der Alkoholsucht

by Jochen Krinsken
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2015

Alkoholmissbrauch ist zu einer regelrechten Volkskrankheit, oder besser gesagt zu einer Volkssucht geworden. Viele Betroffene sind mit ihrem Suff allein und finden kaum Hilfe. Ärzte wirken oft überfordert, zumal dann, wenn sich Hilfsbedürftige nicht offenbaren. Wie soll ein Hausarzt...
Cover of Vaincre ses Phobies
by Guy Deloeuvre
Language: French
Release Date: August 27, 2018

Tout le monde connait l'histoire de Batman, un héros de fiction qui lutte pour la justice et l'intégrité. Pour quelle raison est-il devenu Batman ? Il voulait affronter sa peur des chauvesouris en transformant cette peur intense en une source de force incroyable. Même les personnes les plus courageuses...
Cover of Push for Freedom Amazing Grace
by C. Rae Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2018

In life, we often find ourselves entangled and caught up in ways that compromise a standard for living a life of love and trust. Our moral code becomes corrupt, leaving a trail of mistakes and sinful living that we just don't know how to get out of. We question whether we can ever be forgiven, once...
Cover of Psychotherapy for Neuropsychological Challenges
by A. S. Aniskiewicz
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2010

This book is a unique and timely addition to the literature for it provides approaches for dealing with the cognitive and emotional consequences of common neurological diseases. There is growing awareness of the impact that psychological factors and the treatment of those factors have on the disease...
Cover of Living With Autism
by Dr Sung Min, Lena Heng
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

How do you identify autism in a child and how can you deal with it? What impact does it have on the child and the family?
Cover of Pure


Now a major Channel 4 series

by Rose Bretécher
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2016

*Pure *has been adapted into a six-part comedy-drama series for Channel 4, to be broadcast at the end of February 2019. All six episodes will be available through All 4 from the date of transmission. The series was produced by Drama Republic, the company behind major TV programmes such...
Cover of Umberto Galimberti Eugenio Borgna Un luminare miope
by Vincenzo Altieri
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 7, 2017

Il saggio Umberto Galimberti Eugenio Borgna Un luminare miope comprova che Psichiatria e fenomenologiadi U. Galimberti è una frode, perché fabbricato a plagi, manipolazioni cervellotiche, abiette parafrasi, e adornato di brillanti perle asinine. Il libro-frode di Galimberti uscì nel 1979, e allora...
Cover of Gestalttherapie
by Achim Votsmeier-Röhr, Rosemarie Wulf
Language: German
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Die Gestalttherapie ist ein humanistisches Psychotherapieverfahren. Der Begriff "Gestalt" steht für Ganzheit und dafür, wie sich ganzheitliches Erleben und Verhalten organisiert. Störung und Krankheit werden als Verlust von Ganzheit angesehen. Die Gestalttherapie ist prozess- und erfahrungsorientiert....
Cover of Multifaceted Approach to Digital Addiction and Its Treatment
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2019

With the internet, smartphones, and video games easily available to increasing portions of society, researchers are becoming concerned with the potential side effects and consequences of their prevalence in people’s daily lives. Many individuals are losing control of their internet use, using it...
Cover of Ich mag mich irren

Ich mag mich irren

Mein Leben zwischen Wahn und Wirklichkeit

by Felix Longolius
Language: German
Release Date: October 26, 2017

Irgendwann verliert Felix Longolius den Sinn für die Realität. Die Irrtümer schleichen sich erst langsam in sein Leben, dann reißen sie ihn mit, und er gerät in einen Strudel von Vorstellungen, die mit seiner Außenwelt nicht mehr übereinstimmen. Er meint, telepathisch mit Geheimdiensten und...
Cover of Hoardiculture


Behind Closed Doors

by Carol O'Neil, Mark Clarke
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2018

In today's society, problems with extreme clutter are commonly referred to as 'hoarding' and are perceived to be self-inflicted and easy to correct - "just get rid of it!" As you will rad in this book, the problem is much more complex and prevalent. the name for the book, "Hoardiculture",...
Cover of Living with Discipline Issues
by Dr Parvathy Pathy, Poh Chai Hong
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

How do you tread the fine line between discipline and abuse? How does the family cope when a child has behavioral problems?
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