Composition category: 2309 books

Cover of Telling Stories

Telling Stories

The Craft of Narrative and the Writing Life

by Lee Martin
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2017

A prolific and award-winning writer, Lee Martin has put pen to paper to offer his wisdom, honed during thirty years of teaching the oh-so-elusive art of writing. Telling Stories is intended for anyone interested in thinking more about the elements of storytelling in short stories, novels, and memoirs....
Cover of Writing a Page-Turner

Writing a Page-Turner

Five Editing Maxims to Make Your Book Irresistible

by Mark J Dawson, Elizabeth Bailey
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2017

Elizabeth Bailey presents the five editing maxims you need to know to create a page-turner: •    Cut to the chase •    Stay in the character’s head •    Leave out the waffle •    Keep it simple...
Cover of 101 Mission Statements from Top Companies

101 Mission Statements from Top Companies

Plus Guidelines for Writing Your Own Mission Statement

by Jeffrey Abrahams
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2013

Ben & Jerry'¬?s has one. So do Tiffany'¬?s and Smucker'¬?s and Microsoft. It doesn'¬?t matter whether you'¬?re a small start-up or one of the biggest players in corporate America. A clear statement of intent not only inspires a sense of overall purpose for a business or nonprofit, it serves as...
Cover of 大師們的寫作課:好文筆是你最強的競爭力
by 舒明月
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 1, 2018

拆解古今中外文學大家的寫作手法,讓你輕鬆讀出好文筆! ◎當當網文學榜No.1 ◎讀者9.4分高分推薦,連續32週高踞Top10 ◎指導上萬人提升寫作力,顛覆傳統,讓寫作更有趣、文章更引人 「以前看到好文筆,只是覺得好,卻說不出個所以然來。看了這本書之後懂了很多,寫文章也能用上了。從小就喜歡張愛玲,卻一直如鏡中花水中月,隔著一層,看書才慢慢了解其中的特點。本書真的太實用了。」──豆瓣讀者 ◎如何成為一個真正會寫的人? 若想練就一手好文筆,埋頭硬寫絕對難以搞定,必須閱讀取法經典作品,在熟稔文學語言後,才有辦法靈活應用,進而提升寫作能力。豆瓣專欄人氣作者舒明月,曾經指導過上萬人提升文字能力,她在本書取法中外文學大家的經典段落,解析大師們的28種寫作技法,從顏色、食物、容貌,到標點符號、景物、萌物等,幫助讀者更得心應手地傳達所感所思,從今以後,再也沒有無法打動的對象。 文字是展現自我的最佳機會,無論是寫出吸睛的遊記、部落格或臉書,在學測或指考中勝出,讓簡報或企畫案直入人心、甚至回覆信件都能為自己加分。在「眼球時代」,各行業都離不開寫作,向大師學習用流暢生動的文筆表達自我,輕鬆駕馭文字,寫出影響力,把自己打造成獨一無二的品牌。 讀者熱烈好評: ◎大人和高年級的孩子都應該看。很好的書,內容都是引自大師們的優秀作品,如果沒有時間領略經典,可以在這裡一睹部分作品的風采,作者更是深入淺出為大家介紹大師們的寫作風格及怎樣寫景敘事。 ◎介紹很多大師寫作的微精之道!文字工作者讀某一字或某一句,有醍醐灌頂之效!只要一兩句能發揮一點作用,對於寫字的人而言就能夠提升品質了。 ◎本書內容讓人感同身受。我是一名高中生,閱讀文章或考試時,時常看了答案依然摸不著頭腦。這本書簡直是我的知音。 ◎觀點鮮明的一本書,作者犀利到位的分析多位作家的寫作特點。斯言如曰,熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟。只有搞懂這些文學巨人的步伐,才能寫出像樣的東西。很感謝作者,對某些文章的解析猶如醍醐灌頂。只要恰當使用一些小技巧,就會給你的寫作帶來驚喜,相信我。 ◎寫作是一種具有殺傷力的夢,這樣就能成真: 顏色─除了灰綠紅藍,我們還能寫出什麼? 花事─化「景語」為「情語」的四步法 【美食】各種普通食物好吃的時刻 【萌物】汪曾祺的「雞教」與楊絳家的貓 【童真】真...
Cover of The Only Business Writing Book You'll Ever Need
by Laura Brown
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2019

A must-have guide for writing at work, with practical applications for getting your point across quickly, coherently, and efficiently. A winning combination of how-to guide and reference work, The Only Business Writing Book You’ll Ever Need addresses a wide-ranging spectrum of business communication...
Cover of A Completely Unauthorized Instafreebie Guidebook

A Completely Unauthorized Instafreebie Guidebook

Really Simple Writing & Publishing

by Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2018

**A writer doesn't have a business without a list. And geting subscribers costs a lot of time and money. ** Except on Instafreebie. This book exists because there are no real books in Instafreebie, or even simple lists of best practices. So I started keeping track of what I did...
Cover of Writing-Publishing Survival Guide

Writing-Publishing Survival Guide

Really Simple Writing & Publishing, #13

by Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2017

Why This - Why Now? My muse made me write this. Just for you. You're welcome. Disclaimer: I've been publishing for over a decade and writing for years before that. Self-publishing was started in self-defense against the constant nagging of that muse mentioned above. Meanwhile,...
Cover of Write Fantastic Non-fiction - and Get It Published

Write Fantastic Non-fiction - and Get It Published

Master the art of journalism, memoir, blogging and writing non-fiction

by Claire Gillman
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2011

""Write Fantastic Non-fiction and get it Published"" is designed specifically for you, if you want to turn your idea into a book. If you're wondering where to start, this book clearly explains how to select a subject, hone your research skills, explore different genres and styles...
Cover of When Good People Write Bad Sentences

When Good People Write Bad Sentences

12 Steps to Better Writing Habits

by Robert W. Harris
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

At last, help for writers who can admit they have a problem. Do you get a lift by dangling a participle? Has your punctuation ever caused difficulties at home or at work? Do you consider yourself just a "social misspeller?" These are just a few of the warning signs that you...
Cover of A Beginners Guide to Writing Fiction
by Nancy Baker
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2013

Fiction means any stories or pieces of literature which have been made up by the author and aren’t true. Here's how to write fiction from start to finish.... Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
Cover of The Truth About Creativity

The Truth About Creativity

Rules are there to be challenged

by Patrick Harris
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2010

The Truth About Creativity provides a practical and example-laden journey through creativity and its talent-releasing benefits for organisations, teams and individuals. Many of the truths are new perspectives on well-known creativity topics and will teach you how to: capture and use half-thoughts...
Cover of The Creative Journal

The Creative Journal

The Art of Finding Yourself: 35th Anniversary Edition

by Lucia Capacchione
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2015

Originally released in 1980, Lucia Capacchione’s The Creative Journal has become a classic in the fields of art therapy, memoir and creative writing, art journaling, and creativity development. Using more than fifty prompts and vibrantly illustrated examples, Capacchione guides readers through drawing...
Cover of Writing to Awaken

Writing to Awaken

A Journey of Truth, Transformation, and Self-Discovery

by Mark Matousek
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2017

Writing to Awaken is an inspirational investigation of the self through expressive writing, guiding you along the path of awakening through radical truth-telling and self-inquiry. With targeted and revelatory questions, you’ll be prompted to explore your own personal narrative—to write honestly...
Cover of Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation
by Steven R. Terrell, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This user-friendly guide helps students get started on--and complete--a successful doctoral dissertation proposal by accessibly explaining the process and breaking it down into manageable steps. Steven R. Terrell demonstrates how to write each chapter of the proposal, including the problem statement,...
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