Communism Socialism category: 1567 books

Cover of 主宰中國的太子黨


Les fils de princes: Une génération au pouvoir en Chine

by 杜明(Jean-Luc Domenach)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 3, 2018

官僚特權一直是中國的基本問題 普通人各有各的平凡,而天下的特權階層都是相似的:靠爸靠母、靠出身。 你以為這些三天兩頭撞爛超跑的王子、公主只是天生命好, 殊不知他們是承繼先人權力的特權血脈。 1912年末代皇帝溥儀宣布退位後,中國不再有皇帝,然而卻有另一個新興貴族階層依附著中國共產黨壯大起來,直至今日仍居要位。 要了解這個權貴階層是怎麼形成的?為什麼到了今天還盤據在中國經濟、政治的山巔?我們要回頭看看國共內戰時期。肅清共產黨的措施和戰時的紛亂,讓許多共產黨員為保護子女安危,將他們送至蘇聯或託付給親戚、朋友。 這批離開父母、受盡磨難的孩子們,便是赤色王朝的第一代接班人。他們是延續權力的血脈,也是未來太子黨的雛形。後來,黨日趨重視這些革命要員與先烈的後人,這些紅二代、三代享有教育、事業上的優勢,如此一來當他們的父母凋萎,其手握的要權便有了移轉的對象。 這些承繼前代權勢的太子黨成員,挾優於一般老百姓的教育環境、經濟條件、政治威權,逐漸發展成新中國的新貴族階層。他們擔任各機關要員、血脈遍布政商界,是煽動文化大革命的重要推力,也是長期殘酷政爭角鬥場上的熟面孔,發展至今,甚至出現了一批習慣坐擁財富的人,以炫富的形象為世人周知。 在傳統帝制終結的現在,中國儼然有另一套父母之業子女承的世襲系統,有另一種以黨為中心的「帝制」在延續著掌權家族的命脈。無論是太子黨、官二代、富二代,甚至是皇二代,他們的高低優劣皆需看出身、看政治血統、看前一代人掌握了多少權力,而正是這些赤色王朝成員,統馭現今的中國。 ※...
Cover of Remember These Things
by Paul Harvey
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2016

This book records strains and stresses, doubts and uncertainties such as were never known, on such a scale, since men first trod the surface of the earth. The author of REMEMBER THESE THINGS, Paul Harvey, literally “grew up” with radio and matured in the atmosphere of television. He has...
Cover of Who Really Rules America

Who Really Rules America

'Hawks' and 'Doves' Have One Master...

by Richard Pelton
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2017

Never has capital in the united States beeen so concentrated.  Today in the hands of an extremely small number of finaciers run the threads of the entire imperialist economy.  From the corner gas station to a copper mine in Chile extends an empire controlled by a handful of closely allied...
Cover of Merleau-Ponty and Marxism

Merleau-Ponty and Marxism

From Terror to Reform

by Barry Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1979

Influenced by Kojève's interpretation of Hegel as well as his direct political experience of the second world war, Maurice Merleau-Ponty abandoned the religious and philosophical position he had assumed in the 1930s and turned to Marxism. This is the first critical study of the French philosopher's...
Cover of Rebuilding the Left
by Marta Harnecker
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2013

What future is there for the left, faced with the challenges of the twenty-first century? Based on a lifetime's experience in politics, Marta Harnecker addresses the crisis facing the left today. At its heart, this book is a critique of social democratic realpolitik. Harnecker reminds us that, contrary...
Cover of Reclaiming Latin America

Reclaiming Latin America

Experiments in Radical Social Democracy

by Ernesto Vivares, Francisco Dominguez, John Crabtree
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2013

Reclaiming Latin America is a one-stop guide to the revival of social democratic and socialist politics across the region. At the end of the Cold War, and through decades of neoliberal domination and the 'Washington Consensus' it seemed that the left could do nothing but beat a ragged retreat in Latin...
Cover of China and the New Maoists
by Kerry Brown, Simone van Nieuwenhuizen
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2016

Forty years after his death, Mao remains a totemic, if divisive, figure in contemporary China. Though he retains an immense symbolic importance within China’s national mythology, the rise of a capitalist economy has seen the ruling class become increasingly ambivalent towards him. And while he continues...
Cover of China's Peaceful Rise in a Global Context

China's Peaceful Rise in a Global Context

A Domestic Aspect of China's Road Map to Democratization

by Jinghao Zhou
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2010

China's rise has become inevitable, but there is no agreement about whether China will rise peacefully or pose a threat to the United States. The author asserts that both theories of 'China threat' and 'peaceful rise' failed to address China's central domestic problem. Thus, both theories are not...
Cover of Deception, Disinformation, and Strategic Communications: How One Interagency Group Made a Major Difference - Cold War, COINTELPRO, CHAOS, Reagan, Soviet Active Measures, KGB, Gorbachev
by Progressive Management
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2013

This study explains how one part-time interagency committee established in the 1980s to counter Soviet disinformation effectively accomplished its mission. Interagency committees are commonly criticized as ineffective, but the Active Measures Working Group is a notable exception. The group successfully...
Cover of Like A Summer With A Thousand Julys
by Dave Wise, Stuart Wise
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2015

Now into their late 60's, and still working the buildings with the same London gang they’ve been with since the late 70's, key King Mob faces Dave and Stuart Wise have never stopped writing and agitating, and this, a companion volume to last years' warmly received 'King Mob: A Critical Hidden History',...
Cover of Escape From Camp Evil
by Adrian Keller
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2016

Escape from Camp Evil is the heart-wrenching account of a thirteen-year-old boy who endured torture and privation at the hands of a cruel and pernicious thug-state. Indeed, the similar ages of the protagonists and the miseries they endured compel the consideration of parallels with Anne Frank’s...
Cover of Struggle over Identity

Struggle over Identity

The Official and the Alternative “Belarusianness”

by Nelly Bekus
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2013

Rejecting the cliché about “weak identity and underdeveloped nationalism,” Bekus argues for the co-existence of two parallel concepts of Belarusianness—the official and the alternative one—which mirrors the current state of the Belarusian people more accurately and allows for a different...
Cover of T-54/55


The Soviet Army's Cold War Main Battle Tank

by Anthony Tucker-Jones
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2017

The Soviet T-54/55 is probably the best-known tank of the Cold War, and it was produced in greater numbers that any other tank in history. It first went into service just after the Second World War and over 70,000 were made, and its design was so successful that it even outlasted its successor the...
Cover of Poets of the Chinese Revolution
by Chen Duxiu, Chen Yi, Mao Tse-Tung
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2019

How poetry and revolution meshed in Red China The Chinese Revolution, which fought its way to power seventy years ago, was a complex and protracted event in which groups and individuals with different hopes and expectations for the Revolution competed, although in the end Mao came to rule over...
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