Church State category: 1367 books

Cover of Listening, Religion, and Democracy in Contemporary Boston
by William W. Young III
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2018

This book is a study of religious practices of listening in the Boston area. Through ethnographic study of a variety of religious communities, with an extensive focus on Quaker listening, it argues that religious practice shapes our habits of listening by creating a plurality of regimes of listening...
Cover of Revue des Deux Mondes décembre 2018 janvier 2019
by Jean-Luc Macia, Bertrand Raison, Richard Millet
Language: French
Release Date: November 27, 2018

Grand entretien – Bat Ye’or : « Le djihad contre les juifs est aussi une guerre contre l’Europe » Depuis cinquante ans, Bat Ye’or travaille sur le statut du dhimmi, c’est-à-dire du non- musulman en terre d’islam. D’après la doxa, les chrétiens auraient longtemps bénéficié d’une...
Cover of Revue des Deux Mondes février 2017
by Olivier Cariguel, Charles Ficat, Thomas Gomart
Language: French
Release Date: January 19, 2017

Dossier : De quoi Fillon est-il le nom ? → François Fillon, l’homme des trois droites par Franz-Olivier Giesbert Franz-Olivier Giesbert retrace le parcours politique de François Fillon, homme à la fois libéral et conservateur. Il synthétise pour lui les trois droites : légitimiste,...
Cover of De l'esclavage moderne

De l'esclavage moderne

suivi de Lamennais et sa philosophie de Louis Binaut

by Louis Binaut, Félicité Robert de Lamennais
Language: French
Release Date: January 27, 2019

♦ Cet ebook bénéficie d’une mise en page esthétique optimisée pour la lecture numérique. ♦ « Le capitaliste et le prolétaire sont donc entre eux, de fait, à peu près dans les mêmes relations que le maître et l'esclave des sociétés antiques : aussi le mot même est-il resté...
Cover of La scuola della disobbedienza
by don Lorenzo Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 23, 2011

Una scuola austera come la nostra, che non conosce ricreazione né vacanze, ha tanto tempo a disposizione per pensare e studiare. Ha perciò il diritto e il dovere di dire le cose che altri non dice. È l’unica ricreazione che concedo ai miei ragazzi. Don Lorenzo Milani
Cover of Wenn ihr umkehrt, wird euch geholfen

Wenn ihr umkehrt, wird euch geholfen

oder: Anmerkungen zur globalen Finanzmarkt- und Wirtschaftskriese

by Wolfgang Huber
Language: German
Release Date: March 11, 2010

Die Erfolgsstory der Globalisierung weist Risse auf. Hunderte von Millionen Menschen leiden unter absoluter Armut. Unerträglich viele verlieren ihr Leben. Unverantwortliches wirtschaftliches und politisches Handeln erschüttert die Mauern des Weltwirtschaftssystems in ihrer Stabilität. Zyniker behaupten,...
Cover of Fantasie für den Frieden

Fantasie für den Frieden

oder: Selig sind, die Frieden stiften

by Margot Käßmann
Language: German
Release Date: March 11, 2010

Die Neujahrspredigt von Margot Käßmann sorgt noch immer für Furore. Die Predigt und die anschließende Debatte um den Afghanisthaneinsatz sind Ausgangspunkt dafür, dass Margot Käßmann in der Reihe edition chrismonmobil ein ausführliches und begründetes Bekenntnis für den Frieden abgibt. Ein...
Cover of Von Krieg zu Frieden

Von Krieg zu Frieden

Kapital und Christentum (Bd. 3)

by Eugen Drewermann
Language: German
Release Date: October 30, 2017

Mit dieser Trilogie bietet Eugen Drewermann eine umfassende Analyse der Entstehung und der Wirksamkeit des kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystems. Band 3 stellt die bedrängende Frage unserer Zeit: Warum Krieg? Und wie ihn überwinden? – Der ständige Einsatz von Gewalt gegen Natur und Mensch kann...
Cover of Religion and Civil Society in the Arab World

Religion and Civil Society in the Arab World

In the Vortex of Globalization and Tradition

Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2018

This book examines the links between civil society, religion and politics in the Middle East and North Africa region. The chapters in the volume explore the role of religion in shaping and changing the public sphere in regions that are developing and/or in conflict. They also discuss how these relations...
Cover of Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants on Befriending Emirs
by ?Abd al-Wahhab ibn Ahmad ibn ?Ali al-Sha?rani
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2017

This mirror for princes sheds light on the relationship between spiritual and political authority in early modern Egypt This guide to political behavior and expediency offers advice to Sufi shaykhs, or spiritual guides, on how to interact and negotiate with powerful secular officials, judges, and treasurers,...
Cover of Islam et politique

Islam et politique

Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2016

L'islam, on l'a dit souvent, est tout ensemble religion et communauté (.). Les prières prescrites, l'aumône légale, le jeûne du mois de ramaḍān, le pèlerinage à La Mekke sont des obligations individuelles, mais qui revêtent une valeur sociale (.). Elles sont les temps forts d'un « vouloir...
Cover of Pace e giustizia sociale
by Karl Barth
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2014

Nel secondo dopoguerra, Karl Barth precisa la sua riflessione sull’impegno politico dei cristiani, e ribadisce la necessità di preservare la purezza del messaggio evangelico da ogni contaminazione con qualsiasi forma di causa politica che, per sua natura, non può che essere provvisoria. Di fronte...
Cover of Islam and Good Governance

Islam and Good Governance

A Political Philosophy of Ihsan

by M. A. Muqtedar Khan
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2019

This book advances an Islamic political philosophy based on the concept of Ihsan, which means to do beautiful things. The author moves beyond the dominant model of Islamic governance advanced by modern day Islamists. The political philosophy of Ihsan privileges process over structure, deeds over identity,...
Cover of Boko Haram
by Brandon Kendhammer, Carmen McCain
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2018

From its small-time origins in the early 2000s to its transformation into one of the world’s most-recognized terrorist groups, this remarkable short book tells the story of Boko Haram’s bloody, decade-long war in northeastern Nigeria. Going beyond the headlines, including the group’s 2014 abduction...
First 85 86 87 88 89 90 9192 93 94 95 96 97 Last
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