Christmas category: 982 books

Cover of La merveilleuse nuit de Noël
by Anne Gravier, Adeline Avril
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2011

Un livre ravissant pour raconter l'histoire de Noël aux tout-petits.De l'Annonciation au retour à Nazareth, l'histoire de Noël fidèlement racontée.Un ouvrage adapté aux tout-petits avec des mots simples et des dessins très doux.Idéal pour les 0-3 ans.Découvrez vite toutes les histoires pour les tout-petits chez Mame en version numérique.
Cover of Noël en mille mots
by Louis Boudreau, Eva Comeau, Thérèse Comeau-Haché
Language: French
Release Date: May 18, 2014

Douze auteurs publient dans Noël en mille mots afin de vous parler de cette merveilleuse fête qu'est Noël. Leurs mots simples, leurs paroles enivrantes et leurs mélodies nous donnent des ailes et nous incitent à ouvrir notre coeur aux autres à Noël.Ces contes et récits sont parfois joyeux,...
Cover of Maravilhado
by Freekidstories Publishing
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 9, 2016

Um livro devocional diário para o Natal que é ideal para crianças de 8 a 12 anos. Cada dia inclui uma imagem colorida e devocional breve que ajudará seus filhos a desfrutar aprendendo sobre o verdadeiro significado do Natal. Este livro é criado por, um site dedicado à criação de material para crianças que ensina valores cristãos e morais.
Cover of В ожидании Рождественского чуда - Веселые сказки для детей

В ожидании Рождественского чуда - Веселые сказки для детей

История, в которой переплелись реальность и вымысел

by Валерий Герланец
Language: Russian
Release Date: November 6, 2014

С недавних пор к нам вернулся детский, ещё «дореволюционный», праздник – День святого Николая. По поверьям, бытующим среди христианского населения, 19 декабря...
Cover of !Que maravilla!
by Freekidstories Publishing
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2016

¡Qué maravilla! ayudara a tus hijos enfocar en el verdadero motivo de la Navidad. Incluye 25 lecturas breves acerca de diferente aspectos de la Navidad y también tiene ilustraciones coloridas en cada página. Es ideal para niños entre 8 y 12 años.
Cover of Preghiere di Natale

Preghiere di Natale

con le più belle orazioni e i canti della tradizione natalizia

by Beppe Amico (curatore)
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 18, 2017

Questo piccolo libretto raccoglie le più celebri e conosciute preghiere di Natale della tradizione cattolica e anche alcuni canti famosi che vengono intonati nel periodo natalizio, poco precedente alla solennità della beata nascita di Gesù e nei giorni immediatamente seguenti al 25 dicembre e fino...
Cover of The Purposes of the Incarnation
by G. Campbell Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2018

The title of this meditation marks its limitation, and indicates its scope. Here is no attempt at defense of the statement of the New Testament that "the Word was made flesh." That is taken for granted as true. Moreover, here is no attempt to explain the method of the Holy...
Cover of Advent A to Z

Advent A to Z

Prayerful and Playful Preparations for Families

by Sharon Harding, John Indermark
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2013

Scripture and tradition fill the season of Advent with an abundance of characters, themes, and symbols. Each casts a slightly different perspective on the meaning of Jesus’ birth and God’s promised realm, the two chief components for which this season bids our preparation. Beginning December...
Cover of Advent Meditations With Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2008

During the season of Advent, we anticipate the coming of the Messiah. He who was sent was not a warrior-king, but an outcast who preached an all-inclusive love and who continues to bring God's blessed community to life each day. Saint Pio loved this Messiah and desired to be with him. One might say...
Cover of O Pannenbaum! - Lustige Weihnachtsgeschichten
by Wolfgang Schierlitz
Language: German
Release Date: September 9, 2015

Der Nachfolger von "Pleiten, Pech und Tannen": Wolfgang Schierlitz zeigt uns, wie es rund um Weihnachten zugehen kann: Katastrophen und Pannen, urkomische Missgeschicke und amüsante Zwischenfälle säumen den Weg zum Fest. In seinem unverwechselbaren Stil erzählt er von etwas sonderbaren...
Cover of Presepiando
by Gennaro Matino
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 17, 2017

Uno dei modi più semplici ma allo stesso tempo più accattivanti di raccontare il Natale è il presepe: di fronte ad esso, sempre nei secoli che si sono succeduti, le genti restajeno ‘ncantate a boccapierte, a bocca aperta, come l’intera umanità di fronte alla gioia di un Dio che si fa Bambino...
Cover of La Messa di quest’anno e altre novelle di Natale

La Messa di quest’anno e altre novelle di Natale

Nota di lettura di Massimo Naro

by Massimo Naro, Luigi Pirandello
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2017

Nelle Novelle per un anno, Pirandello propone cinque diversi sguardi sul giorno di Natale. La tensione tra il rigore pauperistico di un parroco e la devozione popolare delle pie donne del paese. Una festa che termina in pianto. La figura di un Gesù furtivo e pallido che erra per vie deserte nella...
Cover of Speak to It!

Speak to It!

An Anthology of Overcoming What Has Come over You!

by Bishop Dr. Barbara Ward Farmer
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

Speak to it, is the first non-musical book of Dr. Barbara Ward Farmer that deals with helping and assuring all readers that silence is not golden when you are sick, beaten, rejected or being denied of the essence and promise of life itself. This book will give the reader a deeper insight on the authority...
Cover of Il Natale

Il Natale

A cura di Mariangela Maraviglia

by Primo Mazzolari
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 20, 2016

In occasione di ciascun Natale la voce del parroco don Primo Mazzolari (1890-1959) si levava non solo nella forma della predicazione orale, propria del suo ministero presbiterale svolto prima a Cicognara e poi a Bozzolo (Mantova), ma pure nella forma scritta, affermatasi ben presto come naturale complemento...
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